Standing in the cold pool, Xu Shen fought against the constantly colliding airflow in his body. This airflow rushes from the heart to the limbs and finally flows back to the heart, causing intense pain.

At first, he felt that he couldn't absorb these energies at all, he could only feel that the air current made his emotions reach the peak of rage after the body collision caused severe pain and Wen Ye escaped.

But later he discovered that some kind of force coming in from the outside was slowly helping him absorb the energy that was flowing around. Some corners of the body that were damaged due to secondary differentiation absorbed energy and gradually burned the whole body.

And the body has some strange sensations accompanied by this heat, which makes Xu Shen have a strange impulse towards the young people on the shore. He licks the sharpened canine teeth and at the same time the tobacco-flavored pheromones around him It also became more intense.

The tobacco-flavored pheromone swept directly to the shore with a feeling that even Xu Shen couldn't control. This kind of pheromone was released invisibly during the energy conversion in the body.

Wen Ye was directly suppressed to the ground by this oncoming pheromone, but this feeling was different from the pheromone released by Xu Shen in normal times. In places Wen Ye couldn't see, he could see the pheromone being suppressed by some kind of force. He controlled the surroundings around him and wanted to directly penetrate into Wen Ye's body with a hint of tentativeness.

When the kitten was playing with small insects on the grass next to it, it suddenly felt a surge of spiritual power. It stopped playing and turned to look thoughtfully at the pool behind it.

As the pet of the mother of the planet Mutsu, the kitten has extraordinary spiritual power. This can be seen from its ability to create illusions and Wen Ye’s direct communication with consciousness. This sweeping spiritual power is not strong. On the contrary, it feels like it has just sprouted.

But just eating the red fruit can trigger this unexpected harvest, and the potential of the person in the pool is beyond the cat's expectations.

Catman's eyes can see the tentacles of spiritual power in the air reaching out to Wen Ye on the shore and surrounding it. Wen Ye is directly suppressed by this pheromone containing spiritual power and kneels down on one knee. It can be seen that this pheromone is not simply releasing a suppression signal.

I said let you eat some fruit to improve your qualifications. The little cat man wagged his tail and swayed back to Wen Ye, who was kneeling on one knee, his tone was full of concern.

"Use, no need." Wen Ye knelt on one knee and supported his body with his arms. He could clearly feel that the opponent's level was indeed improving through this pheromone suppression.

I think you have to eat some, or you will regret it later. The kitten man is biting a green fruit and putting it in front of Wen Ye.

"Hehe, no need." Wen Ye was very resolute and didn't want to touch anything on this planet. Who knows if this kitten is full of **** or not.

Don't blame me for not reminding you before when you get **** and cried. Kitten's kindness was not rewarded, just by looking at the pheromones around him who wanted to rush into the opponent's body, he could guess how possessive the person in the pool was.

At this time, Xu Shen's work had come to an end, he opened his eyes and looked forward, not yet fully focused, and then took back the pheromones that were flying around him.

Seeing this, the cat cat jumped directly onto the ice layer on the cold pool and hopped twice. After cracks appeared in the ice layer, it melted little by little and disappeared.

After no pheromone suppression, Wen Ye stood up and looked towards the pool. He directly untied his cloak and jumped into the cold pool to hold the person who was about to fall because of the disappearance of the ice. There was not a trace of coolness on the opponent's body in the pool water.

"Will you have a fever?" Wen Ye touched Xu Shen's forehead and felt the same astonishing heat.

After being transformed by Hongguo, the kitten will still have a fever. After walking around the two of them, the kitten tentatively tried to get closer to find the spiritual power that Xu Shen had taken back, but the spiritual power had disappeared, and what he had seen and heard before It's like a cat's hallucination. It should be you who are worried about fever.

Wen Ye ignored the cat who didn't know what happened, and took Xu Shen directly into the tent to tidy up and rest.

Looking at the other party's wet body and the clean and tidy cushions and bedding beside him, "Can I move?"

Xu Shen raised his eyelids and looked at the other party, but he didn't respond. Now he feels that all his strength has been drained, so how can he do other things?

"Then let me help you." Wen Ye directly touched the zipper on the other's chest,

With the sound of the zipper being unzipped, the clothes attached to the body slowly fell off, revealing the other party's fair and strong body, Wen Ye felt that this body seemed a little different from the one he saw on the warship a month ago.

"It seems that there is something different." Wen Ye said and started to test it directly, but when he looked up, he met the deep peach eyes of the other party. There was a nameless flame in those eyes, and Wen Ye looked deep in his heart. There was a sudden sense of crisis.

Thinking of the scene of being pressed against the water wall in the cold pool just now and being handed up and down by the other party, Wen Ye's face turned dark. Although he knew it was because the other party ate the fruit, he always felt that there was a moment when he met the other party's gaze. The illusion of being hunted.

So Wen Ye obediently stopped being a monster, helped someone change their clothes, took out a nutrient solution and put it in the other party's mouth to signal the other party to drink it.

It's just that when his fingers rubbed against the other's lips, he remembered his coquettish operation of feeding the red fruit, and Wen Ye turned his face a little uncomfortable.

After dealing with Xu Shen's affairs, Wen Ye also changed a set of clothes for himself, and when he was about to change, he met His Highness the Crown Prince's gaze.

"Can you turn around?" Wen Ye always felt that something was wrong when he looked at the opponent's gaze, especially after being released from the opponent's hand just now, he couldn't pretend that nothing happened.

After Xu Shen heard this, his eyes became more complicated, his lips moved and he said, "I didn't expect Wen Ye to be shy."

The embarrassing news of your sister was directly provoked by this sentence, so that he lifted the hem of his clothes and took off his shirt directly, revealing the blue and red marks all over the neck and collarbone in front of the two of them.

A dark shadow and an inexplicable sense of satisfaction slowly flashed in the depths of Xu Shen's eyes. He subconsciously wanted to reach out to touch the other party, but found that he could not lift his arm yet.

Wen Ye changed his clothes and sat on the sleeping mat opposite, he thought about it and explained to the other party, "I found this red fruit at the altar of the Mina people, and I heard that it is some kind of sacred object they guard. "

"It's not a red fruit, it's a Pandora fruit." Xu Shen's voice was low and slightly hoarse. After drinking the concentrated nutrient solution, he recovered some strength. "The legendary holy fruit."

Xu Shen only knew what he ate looked like when the kitten was holding the blue fruit in its mouth just now. The kitten was holding a green fruit that was not yet ripe, and according to Wen Ye, the red fruit should be ripe Pandora fruit.

This kind of fruit is not a special product of this planet, but a product of another ancient planet, but why it appears here may have something to do with the so-called Mina altar.

Legend has it that after eating the fruit of Pandora, you will see the scenery of heaven.

What is heaven? He only feels the depression that is suppressed and cannot be stretched, and the feeling of ice and fire, coupled with the feeling that the energy in the body is overloaded and cannot be absorbed is even more unbearable.

"You've recovered." Wen Ye approached the other party and touched his forehead and face, feeling that the temperature should be normal now and there should be no problem.

Xu Shen's eyes fell on the small self-inflicted wounds on the opponent's lips, and his eyes overflowed with satisfaction. These were all caused by Wen Ye himself, "Why?"

"Ah, I didn't think that you were not in good health, and you had secondary differentiation sequelae, so I gave you the red fruit." Hearing what the other party said, Wen Ye thought it was asking why he gave the red fruit directly to himself.

"Why do you say that?" Xu Shen's voice carried a hint of anticipation that he couldn't even detect.

As soon as Wen Ye heard this, he almost jumped up, every time he was unlucky, he had to pay the price for his tricks, "Uh, it just happened that there was nothing else, and I just happened to be in the susceptible period, so"

Even Wen Ye himself couldn't convince himself of this explanation, it sounded awkward and seemed like he was shirking responsibility.

"You messed up your relatives during your susceptible period." Xu Shen pushed the other party to a dead end step by step.

Wen Ye pressed his temple directly, and felt powerless for the first time in his life, "Well, if you think my susceptible period is like that, then it's like that."

"Then you can just stay by my side during the susceptible period." Xu Shen said with a chuckle, with a faint satisfaction on his expression.

The atmosphere between the two was surrounded by a slight sense of ambiguity. No one spoke first. The last interrupted this peaceful communication was Xu Shen's terminal. When a certain communication invitation was connected automatically, His Royal Highness reacted very quickly and directly. Hang up.

Wen Ye narrowed his eyes and looked at the other party, "Who?"

Xu Shen turned his gaze to the side, "Uh, I'm hanging up."

Wen Ye directly leaned over to support the opponent's mat, and wrapped his other hand around His Royal Highness's hair and said, "I suddenly have an idea, go out and hunt the red team tomorrow."

Xu Shen only felt numbness around the pinnae, and the swelling of the glands under the ears was very uncomfortable. His physical strength has not yet fully recovered, and he always felt that the message just now and the state of Wen Ye gave him a certain sense of crisis. .

"Why are you refunding?" Wen Ye looked at the other party with a little dissatisfaction.

"Go tomorrow." Xu Shen knew what Wen Ye meant, the hunting red group was hunting Xue Xue's group, if they got the points they would go back to the military academy, and the problems that should be solved could be solved together.

"Go to sleep." Satisfied with the other party's answer, Wen Ye let go of his hands and fell asleep in his sleeping bag.

After Xu Shen said good night to the other party, the other party slowly and steadily breathed, Xu Shen also fell asleep quickly because he had experienced too much all day today and expended too much energy.

It's just that the scenery he sees in his dreams after falling asleep always makes him feel that he can't control himself, which is a feeling that he is not used to.

When Xu Shen woke up the next morning, he felt as if something was pressing on his body. This kind of familiar feeling has been common since this time. When he opened his eyes, it was indeed so. Wen Ye rolled out of the sleeping bag. He got out and squeezed to his side, lying down and sleeping like an octopus.

As for Wen Ye's sleeping position, Xu Shen felt that he was almost used to it. After falling off the upper bunk without waking up, he would not be surprised to see anything strange again.

Xu Shen directly moved the quilt to the other party, in case the other party catches a cold when the time comes.

After a while, Wen Ye also opened his sleepy eyes, looking ahead without focus.

Since Xu Shen rested in the same room with Wen Ye, he found that Wen Ye's dazed state when he just woke up was very interesting, it was a completely different state from usual.

Every time Wen Ye would take a few seconds to know where he was and what he was doing.

"Morning." Xu Shen greeted with a curved mouth.

"Morning." Wen Ye yawned and glanced at his position, "I'm rolling over again."

Xu Shen smiled slightly and didn't say anything, and then the two of them packed up their things and prepared to go out. The kitten is a nocturnal animal, and he didn't know where he went all night and hasn't come back yet.

After breakfast, Wen Ye folded his arms and looked at Xu Shen, Xu Shen felt terrified, "What's wrong?"

"Open the terminal and send a message to Xue Xue asking where he is." A malicious smile flashed on the corner of Wen Ye's mouth, "I want to see if you can clean up Leng Feng."

Xu Shen knew what Wen Ye was thinking when Wen Ye said yesterday that he was hunting the red group, so now he sent a message to Xue Xue very consciously, and the other party replied with a coordinate address a little away from here after a while.

Wen Ye and the little cat man walked behind, the little cat man grabbed Wen Ye's trouser legs and asked to sit on each other's shoulders, and heard Wen Ye's ears that it was a cat who didn't need to use his legs

Even in the face of the death stares thrown back by Xu Shen in the front row from time to time, relying on Wen Ye's presence, he squatted on Wen Ye's shoulders all the way to ignore them.

The kitten is complaining directly in his heart, bah, he has already suppressed it, and finally let the other party run away, he is not afraid of you if he is weak

Wen Ye, are we going to pinch the green tea whore? The little cat man secretly asked in Wen Ye's ear.

The kitten's ability to transform is based on the memory of the original owner. At the altar, Wenye and the others fell into a fantasy and was searched by the kitten. Although they can only search the memory of the most important person on the other side, the kitten also never Wen Ye found some interesting places in his memory.

For example, the one named Leng Feng, such as the one named Xue Xue.

"What green tea whore?" Wen Ye looked helplessly at the kitten.

The kitten cat nodded soberly, and asked again, Xue Xue, you are pretending to be a white lotus, and you are still entangled with your boyfriend.

"It's not a boyfriend anymore." Wen Ye pressed the center of his eyebrows directly, "Where did you learn these words?"

These days, I learned from searching for that handsome guy with blue eyes. You don’t know that the kitten with a lot of information on his side clicked twice.

Searching for memories that day was really like watching a movie. Wenye’s was a sci-fi movie, while Blue Eyes’ was a **** love action movie.

It's just that the only pity is the one wearing glasses, whose mental power is so strong that he can't invade the memory of the other party at all, but even so, he can see that the other party has a role in the blue-eyed movie.

Thinking that Wen Ye was not talking about her boyfriend, Xiaomao said directly with an expression that you treat me like an idiot, "It's not my boyfriend, you took the initiative to kiss him so intensely, and in the end you almost didn't do it."

"Being your sister is just a friend." Wen Ye's voice suddenly attracted Gao, who was walking in front of Xu Shen, to look back at him, Wen Ye suddenly grabbed the kitten's mouth, Xu Shen frowned and turned his head to the side keep walking.

After being let go by the other party, the kitten continued to say, "For my friend, I broke into the altar of the Mina people, for my friend's sake, I went to the fantasy world, and for my friend, I also gave him all the good things that can improve my qualifications. I also want to be this kind of friend."

"Shut up." Wen Ye was disturbed by what a kitten said, he felt his heart beating wildly all the time