Xu Shen felt an inexplicable feeling of panic in his heart when he said that he was hunting the red team this morning, and this feeling gradually deepened and became more and more difficult.

This feeling reached its peak when he saw the dead body of the strange beast in the woods, Xu Shen rushed directly to the corpse of the strange beast to check the situation.

The alien beast was directly blasted to death from the mouth by the palm cannon. From the condition of the fatal injury and the distance of the palm cannon, it can be deduced that the alien beast was killed at close range.

According to the wound and other information, it can be deduced that Wenye has met a strange beast. Xu Shen clenched the laser gun in his hand and stood up, looking at the footprints on the ground and the scratches on the surrounding trees. These traces continued all the way to the snow mountain. there.

He gritted his teeth, turned around and walked in the opposite direction, and tried to connect to Wen Ye's information through the earphone connected to the terminal in a short distance, but the signal was always interrupted.

Xu Shen really wanted to rush to Wen Ye's side regardless of everything, but he knew that even if he found Wen Ye at this stage, the two of them would be swallowed by this strange beast together.

As His Royal Highness the Crown Prince of the Empire, keeping calm under any circumstances is the most basic character, and he was trained by his mother-in-law since childhood not to put himself in danger that he does not know.

The rationality in his brain was fighting against some kind of impulse. Even if he forced himself to remain calm, he couldn't stop the slightly trembling hands holding the laser gun.

Previously, Xu Shen obtained the basic situation of these strange beasts from the mouth of the ambush. According to what the other party said, there is some kind of instrument in the place where the strange beasts are held to suppress the evolution of the strange beasts.

That's right, this kind of beast is not an ordinary beast, but an evolved version after testing.

According to the set of information, if the alien beast starts to devour the same kind, then it will undergo the final evolution of the perfect body. At this time, it may be the alien beast that cannot be completely eliminated even by suppressing the instrument.

Xu Shen can only completely suppress his inner impulse now, even if he knows that Wen Ye may have encountered danger, he can only temporarily look for the so-called suppressing instrument first, and then look for Wen Ye's trace .

The mad beast in your heart is yelling at you if you don't go, you will see Wen Ye's mutilated body lying in the snow, and those eyes with aura can no longer be opened.

Rationality says that Wen Ye is strong enough, he can hold on until you find the instrument, otherwise you will die in the mouth of the strange beast together as two of you in the past.

As the two thoughts kept fighting in his mind, Xu Shen finally found a few large containers in the woods ahead, and when he rushed to the containers to check the situation, he found that the boxes were all empty.

There were five containers in total, and the sizes of the containers were different. These indicated that besides the slaughtered one, there were four wandering outside, and according to Xu Shen's inspection, the one that was killed had not yet started to evolve.

According to the information obtained earlier, Xu Shen found a rectangular black instrument in the largest container, which was filled with a liquid emitting purple light.

At this time, Xu Shen heard the roar of a strange beast from behind, and he dodged directly to avoid the attack of the strange beast.

The appearance of the alien beast in front of him directly made Xu Shen's pupils shrink. This was not the traditional image of an alien beast at all. The carapaceous appearance and multiple pupils on the head showed that this so-called alien beast was transformed from the Zerg race.

According to Xu Shen's knowledge, it is absolutely impossible for Zerg to be parasitized by alien species. If this kind of laboratory-born monster combines the combat power of Zerg and the devouring ability of alien beasts, Xu Shen clenched the weapon in his hand and his eyes sank.

Point the gun at the opponent's abdomen before the beast rushed over. If this is just Zerg evolution, then the abdomen should be its weakness.

With a few gunshots, the worm-shaped beast was directly impacted by the nuclear energy bomb and took several steps back, and fell to the ground after being blasted with a fist-sized blood hole in its abdomen, and green blood spread on the ground.

Xu Shen clenched the laser gun with a white mark. If two worm-shaped beasts died here, it meant that there were at least three more wandering outside.

Insect-type beasts will evolve further. If Wenye meets several insect-type beasts at the same time, given his understanding of this kind of beasts and Wenye's own combat power, he will inevitably be injured

Xu Shen's rationality was completely suppressed by impulse after he found the instrument. He even opened the armor that he hadn't opened when he was fighting the Star Thief before. He didn't care about the limited energy of the armor at all. Wen Ye can be found quickly.

At this time, there was a piercing sound of electric current coming from the earphones, and finally the green light turned on. Xu Shen was overjoyed, "It's connected."

At this time, there was a clear panting sound from the other side of the earphone, and it sounded like the other party was panting next to his ear.

Xu Shen directly suppressed an untimely impulse in his heart, and said a little impatiently, "Wen Ye, report your location."

The young man on the opposite side seemed to be stunned, and then came over with a low hoarse voice mixed with panting, "Brother Xu family, don't be so loud, I was injured just now and still hurt."

Xu Shen hadn't recovered from the other party's brother Xu's voice when he got a piece of news that made his whole heart sink. Wen Ye was injured.

When Xu Shen yelled this sentence, he didn't even notice the panic in his voice, "Open your location"

Wen Ye's voice paused and said nonchalantly, "The positioning was broken during the battle." Immediately afterwards, the other party suddenly coughed twice, and those two coughs seemed to cough up his lungs Come out feeling.

Before Wen Ye finished speaking, Xu Shen heard a trace of chaotic commotion on Wen Ye's side, "What's wrong with you?"

At this time, the signal came and went, and the voice from the opposite side came intermittently. Xu Shen only heard the four words Xu Family Brother, and then the signal disappeared completely.

There was a sense of panic that he would lose the other party, and Xu Shen fell into a kind of magic barrier. He urged himself to run forward like lightning. At this time, he didn't realize that his speed had exceeded the standard of ordinary people. .

In the distance, a man and a beast gradually appeared in front of Xu Shen, but there was no clean spot all over the young man's body in front of him. The broken armor remnants were scattered on the white snow, stained with red and green blood stains.

Even when Wen Ye raised his head, Xu Shen's heart ached as if he was being clenched by the hideous wound on his face.

Seeing the hill-like strange beast pounced towards Wen Ye, Xu Shen rushed over to block the opponent without even thinking, tearing pain came from his back.

Next to his ears was the roar of the person he had always cared about.

"Xu Shen"

The time is pushed forward by half an hour.

At the foot of the snow-capped mountain, the ground is covered with a thick layer of pure white snow, which can bury a person's knee deeply and cannot be pulled out when stepped on.

Wen Ye dodged a frontal blow from the alien beast in front of him. The sharp claws of the alien beast grazed his shoulder and tore the armor apart, and fragments of metal parts on the armor were scattered in the white snow.

Wen Ye was already able to determine what the creature in front of him was. Before, he saw the creature evolve a sharp tail whip and hit his chest, leaving a long scratch on the armor.

There were three alien beasts at the scene, counting the one he killed just now, there are so many alien monsters on the same planet

This frequency of appearance made Wen Ye feel that something was very wrong, and he searched the roadside traces all the way and found no trace of Xu Shen, all these signs made him feel a little uneasy and weird.

At this time, the strange beast suddenly jumped up and rushed towards Wen Ye, intending to throw it to the ground. Claws grazed his head as he leaped over him and ripped his helmet to the ground.

Wen Ye only felt his eyes turn red, and the machete he held tightly in his hand pierced into the abdomen of the beast and cut it open, and the green blood spurting from the abdomen of the beast directly drenched Wen Ye's face.

"Kill one." Wen Ye covered his right eye, which was still in severe pain. Just now, the strange beast almost caught his eye blind and left a tear on the eyelid.

The green blood mixed with Wen Ye's own blood dyed Wen Ye's face into an abusive beauty. Wen Ye wiped his eyes with the back of his hand and said excitedly with a trace of aroused fighting spirit, "Master, I It’s all disfigured, if I don’t peel off all your skins today, I won’t be named Wen.”

The remaining two strange beasts stared at the person in front of them covetously, Wen Ye felt that the strangest thing was why these strange beasts stared at him so hard

As soon as he entered the snow mountain area, he realized that something was wrong. If he hadn't reacted quickly enough, he might have already been the food of these strange beasts.

At this time, the largest alien beast opened its mouth full of fangs and bit it directly. Wen Ye directly blocked the blow with a machete, but was still affected by the opponent's collision and took two steps back. Before he breathed a sigh of relief, he found that Cracks appeared on the blade of the machete I was holding in my hand, and the cracks tended to widen further

After a bang, the machete, which was equally astonishingly thick and hard, was bitten off alive by this strange beast

"Damn..." Wen Ye quickly took a step back to avoid the sharp bite when the opponent bit off the machete.

The strange beast swung its head and threw the shattered machete onto the snow not far away, and led the other strange beast to approach Wen Ye in a manner of surrounding the hunting circle.

Wen Ye brushed out his double bayonets from the armor, and when the largest one rushed over, he dodged sideways and stabbed the bayonets in his hands into the opponent's neck, then grabbed the body of the beast and stepped on it and stabbed it into the flesh The bayonet jumped onto the body of the beast.

After being stabbed by the bayonet, the strange beast shook its huge body angrily, trying to throw the person on it off, roaring wildly while shaking its body frantically.

At this time, the strange beast next to him directly attacked Wen Ye who was crawling on the strange beast. After Wen Ye avoided the opponent's **** mouth, the strange beast bit his companion's shoulder by mistake.

The bitten beast screamed in pain, and directly took a bite at the beast that bit him, and the two beasts got entangled and started fighting.

"I x" Wen Ye was about to leave the battlefield quickly after being thrown off, but two strange beasts blocked his way from time to time when they were fighting.

The strength of the two fighting beasts is obviously very different. The larger one is the one that evolved a tail whip and injured Wenye. After tearing off a piece of meat, the other beast lost its breath and stopped struggling in less than a minute. The evolved beast left the corpse of the same kind and walked towards Wenye.

Wen Ye took two steps back, thinking that there was only the last one left, and he would be relieved by killing the other party.

The strange beast roared at Wen Ye with its mouth open, its limbs secretly accumulating strength on the ground, trying to annihilate the prey in front of it in one fell swoop, but the other party had caused too much damage to itself before, and the four pairs of eyes on the head of the strange beast tightly focused on the opponent. locked.

Wen Ye touched the few weapons he had left, and there was the last laser bomb in it. If he didn't use this bomb well, he would have to use cold weapons to fight the strange beast in front of him.

At this time, the strange beast suddenly rushed towards Wen Ye, and Wen Ye dodged directly to avoid the opponent's first attack. The bayonet left on the strange beast before was still hanging on it, so he directly grasped the bayonet with his body weight. After pulling it down hard, the beast let out a frenzied roar.

"I'll give you a good meal." Wen Ye threw the laser bomb from the strange beast's mouth after speaking.

There was only a bang, and a hole was blasted in the head of the strange beast, and its huge body fell to the ground with a bang.

After tidying up all the three strange beasts, Wen Ye directly strangled the half that was left and stood in the snow.

The bright red blood flowed down his face all the way, dripping in the snow on the ground like flowers bursting out one by one.

"I didn't expect to meet strange beasts on the planet where the actual combat exercise was performed." There was a trace of exhaustion in Wen Ye's panting voice, and he felt that his physical strength was a little weak after forcibly cleaning up the three strange beasts.

At this time, there was a piercing sound of electric current in the earphones, and after connecting to His Royal Highness's communication, Wen Ye's eyes lit up when he heard the voice coming from the earphones.

Judging from the voice of the other party, there was nothing dangerous about His Royal Highness the Crown Prince. Before Wen Ye could tease the other party in the earphones, the sudden sense of crisis made him quickly turn over and escape the attack.

After seeing the evolved beast climbed up again, Wen Ye directly told His Royal Highness that work was about to start and cut off the communication.

He looked solemnly at the strange beast in front of him. The vertical pupil of the strange beast glanced at him, then turned his head and walked to the stump of the creature on the ground.

Wen Ye discovered that this strange beast was actually eating the corpses of its own kind

He backed up slowly, and while backing up, Wen Ye found that the wound of this strange beast was healing slowly

Retreating to a certain range, Wen Ye looked at the surrounding scene and turned around to leave quickly.

But from behind came the footsteps of the alien beast rushing wildly, and from the corner of Wen Ye's eyes, he saw that the alien beast that was chasing up was twice as big as before, and green slime evolved from all over his body, and the slime fell A puff of smoke burned directly on the ground.

The slime is corrosive

Seeing that just running for his life was not a solution to his current situation, Wen Ye pulled out the half-broken knife and turned around to face the strange beast.

Just as the mountain-like body of the strange beast slammed into Wen Ye in front, a figure suddenly jumped out from the side to block it

Wen Ye's pupils shrank suddenly

"Xu Shen"

Xu Shen held Wen Ye tightly to his chest, the other party's cry and the expression on his face made him feel a little satisfied, "You are worried about me"

"Why are you rushing out?" Wen Ye was really going to explode with anger, he directly dragged His Royal Highness a little back to avoid the second attack of the alien beast, but he was also injured and had to bear another one There is simply no way the human weight can move faster.

"Okay, now the two of us can die together at the mouth of the strange beast." Wen Yeping felt a feeling of panic for the first time.

"That's not bad." Xu Shen chuckled lightly, looked back at the worm-shaped beast behind him, then held Wen Ye's hand tightly and said, "This beast devoured several of its kind."

"Two." Wen Ye glanced at the strange beast behind him, and was deeply stabbed by that disgusting mucus-like appearance.

Xu Shen turned his head and took a closer look at the strange beast behind him. He could see that this strange beast was different from the one he had killed before. The six front legs were as sharp as sickles, and their bodies were covered with corrosive mucus and their bodies. The carapace solidified into a metallic texture.

According to the general Zerg attacking the compound eyes on the opponent's abdomen, it is impossible to succeed.

Xu Shen shifted his gaze to the eyes of the worm-shaped beast. There are several pairs of compound eyes on the head of this beast. Will the compound eyes on the head be fatal?

"Wen Ye, I have an instrument here that can slow down the speed of the beast." Xu Shen directly took out a physical booster from the armor and injected it into his neck, "I'm going to attack its head head-on, you put the instrument Check its speed from behind."

"I'm going to attack." Wen Ye rejected Xu Shen's proposal. This strange beast is powerful enough to fight. Even if His Royal Highness is tempered by Hongguo, it will only improve his physique. His combat experience and skills cannot face this strange beast at all. .

"I still have a weapon, so I'll go." At this time Xu Shen stretched out his hand to hold Wen Ye's chin, and said with a hint of threat in his eyes, "If you don't listen to me, I'll directly suppress the pheromones and do it alone."

After Wen Ye heard this, he was about to explode, "What the **** are you doing besides pheromone suppression?"

"What else?" Xu Shen chuckled as if thinking of something, "What else can you try next time?"

After speaking, he directly pecked Wen Ye's forehead, then put the instrument into the opponent's hand, pushed Wen Ye away and rushed towards the worm-shaped beast behind him.

Before Wen Ye recovered from the kiss on the other's forehead, he saw Xu Shen rushing towards the worm-shaped beast.

The roar of alien beasts and the explosion of bombs came from behind. In this sound, Wen Ye could only feel the unbearable panic deep in his heart. If something happens to His Royal Highness,

As soon as Wen Ye thought of this, he felt that he could not accept the possibility that His Highness the Crown Prince would have an accident.

Wen Ye bit his lip and turned around to lurk behind the strange beast. If the instrument in his hand was useful, it could solve the current downwind situation.

As time passed, the instrument that Xu Shen handed over to the other party had some effect. Even if it slowed down a few steps, it would bring some chances of victory to His Royal Highness who was fighting head-on.

The body of the worm-shaped beast fell to the ground with a sharp explosion, and the blood-stained face of His Royal Highness appeared in front of Wen Ye, which made him deeply relieved.

Xu Shen dragged his feet and exhausted all his strength to take two steps forward, then his whole body was exhausted and he fell directly on Wen Ye who had rushed over.

"How?" After Wen Ye caught the opponent's body, he found that his hands were also covered with the opponent's blood.

Xu Shen smelled the faint smell of red wine, and the familiar smell calmed down his beating heart slowly, "It's resolved."

After hearing this sentence, Wen Ye felt the opponent's body sink, and Wen Ye's heart sank following the opponent's situation.

Looking at Xu Shen who was in a coma, Wen Ye relied on his last bit of strength to drag him out of the snow, leaving a long trail on the snow.

At this time, the planet Mutsu began to snow, and the snowflakes all over the sky fell on Wen Ye and Xu Shen, and the two of them looked particularly embarrassed in the snow.

I don't know how long it took, Wen Ye finally brought people directly to the green plant area, where the temperature is much warmer than the snow mountain area.

After Wen Ye put away the armor on Xu Shen's body, the wounds on Xu Shen's body were exposed, which made Wen Ye's whole heart agitated.

The scratch wound on Xu Shen's back was the deepest, and black blood was bleeding out, while other places had some small wounds, although they were not fatal, they looked hideous against the white skin.

Wen Ye felt his heart throbbing from time to time, and this throbbing feeling made him feel very strange.

Why are you in such a mess? A kitten on the tree jumped directly in front of the two of them.

"Little cat man" Wen Ye grabbed the little cat man by the back of the neck and dragged it over, "Is there any way?"

The cat cat stood next to Xu Shen and looked at the wound on his back. Where did you mess with this creature? Fortunately, he was tempered by the red fruit before, otherwise he would have died of poison a long time ago.

"This **** terminal can't connect to the information." Wen Ye irritatedly threw the terminal in his hand directly to the ground.

There is one thing that might be good for him. The kitten cat scratched his neck with his paw.

Wen Ye's eyes widened suddenly, and he raised the kitten and asked, "What?"

Mandala. The kitten man licked his paw and said.

Wen Ye's eyes flickered. Isn't the mandala flower the same aphrodisiac and paralyzing flower that he saw in the tutoring before? "Don't fool me, I know the effect of the mandala flower."

As I said before, the plants on this planet are actually some panaceas, but the side effects caused by your constitution are different. The cat cat looked at Wenye with disapproval, and the flower core and petals of mandala flowers are good medicines when used alone. Besides, after he has been tempered by the red fruit, even if you stuff him in a whole now, he will be fine. There won't be that side effect.

"How to save?" Wen Ye lowered his head and realized that Xu Shen had started to fall into a coma. It seemed that the kitten was not lying.

I just brought one with me. The kitten mandarin took out a flower with red petals, blue flower core and flower stems connected to the flower stem directly from the grass next to it.

The flower core is soaked and crushed with nutrient solution and fed, and the other parts are crushed together with star-shaped herbs and applied. The kitten cat directly placed the flowers next to Wen Ye.

The kitten turned around to look at the two of them, clicked his tongue twice, then turned and left.

Wen Ye separated the petals and flower cores directly according to the requirements of the kitten. The flower cores were soaked in nutrient solution, while the petals were mashed and mixed with herbs.

He untied the clothes on Xu Shen's body, and applied the treated herbal medicine directly to the wound on the opponent's back. Perhaps it was because of the improvement of the prince's palace quality, the wound could no longer see blood seep out.

It is a small problem to feed the remaining flower cores to the other party. Looking at His Highness the Crown Prince who keeps his lips tightly shut even when he is asleep, Wen Yexin said that the first time was raw and the second time was ripe. Anyway, he had already fed the red fruit mouth to mouth the night before. .

Wen Ye directly poured the nutrient solution into his mouth, inserted his index finger directly into His Royal Highness's tightly closed lips to pry them open, then bent down to seal the other's lips, and gently pried the nutrient solution with his tongue. The liquid went straight through.

After feeding the liquid medicine, Wen Ye did not leave. He felt that the place where his tongue rubbed had a familiar faint smell of tobacco, and even the lips touched were thin. This smell led Wen Ye to go deeper Go for the taste of it.

Unknowingly, time was slowly passing by, at this time His Royal Highness the Crown Prince suddenly let out a muffled snort, and Wen Ye suddenly woke up in a start and left the other party.

The previous two times could be regarded as the influence of the susceptible period or my insanity, so what should I say this time when I am in a sane state?

"What the **** am I doing?" Wen Ye, who realized what he had just done, directly covered his forehead.