Although it is not the coldest time of winter yet, when there is snow in the winter night, the outdoor temperature is still unbearable.

In the area where people were active in the imperial palace, the snow was cleaned very clean, only a thin layer of snow on the garden land and the eaves could be seen.

However, in the sparsely populated part of the palace, the ground is covered with thick snow.

In this area, a slender figure can be seen shuttling through the garden, stopping from time to time to check the surroundings.

He walked in a hurry, as if rushing to an important appointment, but he looked around with a guilty conscience.

After this person left for a while, two other figures appeared in the same position.

The slender black-haired young man walked forward with a sullen expression on his face, and the corners of the mouth of the man in the long cloak who followed him slightly curled up.

"Wen Ye, do you want to wear a coat?" Xu Shen took off his cloak after feeling the temperature outside.

I don't know if it's because of the camouflaged figure, but I always think the black-haired young man with one foot deep and one foot shallow in the snow looks very cute.

But if Wen Ye knew that his current appearance should be described as cute, he would probably be furious again.

Xu Shen walked over and wrapped the man in a cloak, and asked in a low voice, "Still angry?"

After Wen Ye heard the other party's words, he especially wanted to bite Xu Shen.

This guy obviously asked the question knowingly, a man would be very depressed if he was hit.

Not to mention that he actually said that his staying power is only five minutes?

It is tolerable or unbearable!

"And I'm right, I did in five minutes..."

"Shut up!" Wen Ye interrupted the other party, unable to stand the other party's flaunting tone.

"Actually, if I go into battle in person and use something somewhere, I don't think you can last five minutes."

A hoarse and bewitching voice sounded beside Wen Ye's ears.

"You!" Wen Ye's face turned red, not because of embarrassment, but because of Xu Shen's anger.

It is already impossible to describe the other party in words, and I blame myself for why I found such a guy as a partner.

And because the two of them were dawdling, the snow grew bigger and almost covered Lan Xiuyan's footprints.

This is a good move, even people may be lost.

The more Wen Ye thought about it, the more angry he became, he couldn't help but said to Xu Shen: "Lan Xiuyan is gone now too."

"Him?" Xu Shen took out the terminal from his wristband, "I put a tracker on him while eating."

The terminal projected a miniature map in front of the two of them, and the red dot displayed on it was not far ahead.

"Why didn't you tell me you have a tracker just now?" Wen Ye was a little crazy, this guy obviously arranged it and didn't tell himself.

"So you weren't completely satisfied just now." Xu Shen deliberately pretended to be suddenly enlightened, "Why don't you continue now? It just so happens that I haven't resolved it yet."

"You can get lost." Wen Ye ignored the other party and chased him in the direction indicated by the tracker.

Xu Shen smiled softly, and followed behind the black-haired young man.

"By the way, did Lan Xiuyan doubt your identity?" Wen Ye asked as he walked.

According to common sense, Xu Shen is different from that double, and Lan Xiuyan is Xue Xue, so he should be aware of the difference.

"What I got back this morning was that I had some contact with him just before dinner." Xu Shen thought for a while and continued, "There is something wrong with his mental state."

"Something's wrong?"

"Yes." Xu Shen touched his chin and said, "He seems to be absent-minded about other things, even when talking to me."

"What's the matter with his belly?" Wen Ye said thinking of seeing a slightly bulging belly.

"It should be the substitute's child."

"When you come back later, your son will be there." The black-haired young man said with a smirk, his eyes flickering with ridicule.

As a result, as soon as he finished speaking, the other party held his hand and kissed him gently, and a deep voice sounded, "The raw materials for making your son are all in your body."

"You!" Wen Ye was stabbed by this sentence, he shook off the opponent's hand and said, "Fuck!"

After speaking, he turned around and walked forward, Xu Shen looked at the back of the other party and chased after him with a smile.

The two of them followed the signal of the tracker further and further away, and the more remote, the less populated.

Wen Ye still remembered that when he came to the palace last time, there were not as few people as there are now. This strange phenomenon made him feel a little strange.

He asked curiously: "Why are there so few people here? I remember that there were not so few people five years ago."

"That's because I don't have a concubine." When Xu Shen said this, there was a hint of flattery. "After every generation of emperors succeeds to the throne, they will fill the harem to make

It is the tradition of the empire that the royal bloodline continues. "

"Of course my father is romantic by nature. In his harem there are not only Omega, but also Beta."

Because the previous generation of emperors was romantic, the number of Omega concubines in the harem was almost three digits, so many palaces were built for the concubines to live in.

As for the emperor of this generation, he didn't even have a concubine in his harem, and the palaces built before were almost empty.

Not only is the palace empty, but because the number of masters has decreased, the number of servants in the entire palace has also dropped sharply.

So in the whole palace, except for the place where Emperor Sheng lived, it was deserted and deserted.

Wen Ye looked at each other curiously, this was the first time Xu Shen mentioned his father.

His impression of the previous generation of kings is that they are romantic in folklore.

"What kind of person is your father?"

"I don't have much impression of him." Xu Shen shrugged and said indifferently, "After all, his endorsement in my heart is the so-called reward in my mother's mouth."


"When I was a child, I was used by my father as an examiner for rewards." Xu Shen said indifferently, "But I am an Omega, and no matter how good my father is, he will not look at me more."

Wen Ye heard this, raised his hand and touched Xu Shen's face, "But you are not an Omega."...

"Well, it was my mother's father who changed his physique with medication." Xu Shen answered, and then he thought of something, "If I were an Omega, would you choose me?"

This sentence stunned Wen Ye, if Xu Shen is an Omega, then he is also a cool-looking Omega with white skin and beautiful appearance.

This look doesn't seem to be in line with my own aesthetics.

But if you really say it, will it be more serious if your Majesty's vinegar tank is overturned.

"Uh, probably too." Wen Ye replied hesitantly.

"Wen Ye, I know all your tricks when you lie." Xu Shen snorted, and then said, "I know which type you like."

Xu Shen didn't say the rest, he always knew what kind of type Wen Ye liked.

Back then when he was in the military academy, the other party's admiring eyes would fall on Leng Feng.

Xu Shen also knew that the appearance like Leng Feng was the type Wen Ye liked, so why was he so angry when Leng Feng kicked him out of the room.

At that time, I didn't understand it, but now I recall it as some kind of paranoid attachment to Wen Ye.

But so what? Now Wen Ye is his own.

Xu Shen held the other party's hand and said, "The other buildings in my palace will always be deserted, because I only want you alone."

"Then should I praise you?" Wen Ye looked at Xu Shen's appearance, the corners of his mouth slightly curled up.

At this time, they also caught up with Lan Xiuyan, and the figure in a beige fur cloak swayed twice at the gate of a certain palace before entering.

When Wen Ye and the two arrived at the palace, Wen Ye asked in a low voice, "Where is this place?"

"It seems to be the abandoned Xiu Palace."

"Xiu Palace?"

"Well, it is the first residence chosen by the emperor to enter the palace after coming in like you." Xu Shen looked inside, "Go in."

In order to avoid leaving footprints, the two used shoe covers made of a special material to cover their shoes.

The black-haired young man glanced at the palace wall, took a few steps back and jumped up to grab the edge of the wall, then quickly turned over and climbed up to straddle the wall.

"Come up." Wen Ye stretched out his hand to Xu Shen, signaling to pull him up.

Xu Shen looked at the young man who had almost merged into the darkness, and saw that the other party's eyes were bright, which was particularly obvious in the darkness.

The corner of the man's mouth hooked up slightly, he grabbed the opponent's hand and stepped on the corner of the wall and jumped up.

When he jumped up to the wall, he didn't take away his strength, but used his strength to hug the young man, and smashed into the snow on the other side of the palace wall together while the other party exclaimed softly.

"Did you do it on purpose?" Wen Ye struggled to get out of the snowdrift.

He seriously suspected that Xu Shen deliberately tore him off the wall together.

Although the snow was thick and there was no pain from the fall, the weightlessness of falling was still unbearable.

"I'm not as athletic as you, and it's normal to make some small mistakes," Xu Shen said, stealing a kiss on the other's lips, and then got up.

He didn't say that it was because he saw the young man sitting on the top of the wall, his shining eyes made him want to press him down.

If it wasn't for the wrong place, the two of them might have rolled together by now.

After all, I have been abstinent for so many days.

All the furniture in this show palace is in a dilapidated state, and it is covered with spider webs.

Following the footprints left in the snow, the two came all the way to the show.

backyard of the palace.

Seeing Lan Xiuyan standing in front of a well, Wen Ye and Xu Shen made a shush gesture, grabbed each other and hid behind a big tree together.

He wanted to check the situation through Xu Shen's shoulder, but found that he was pretending to be too short, and Xu Shen blocked his sight.

"Change position." Wen Ye said to the other party with his mouth.

Through the tree trunk, Wen Ye saw Lan Xiuyan standing in front of the mouth of the well, then squatted down and touched the edge of the well a few times.

At this time, the mouth of the well suddenly collapsed, revealing a staircase-like entrance.

Wen Ye didn't expect that there would be such an institution in the backyard of the palace, he looked back at Xu Shen and said with his mouth, "Did this exist before?"

Xu Shen nodded, there are tunnels in the palace for escape.

He didn't expect that the other party actually used the original things in the palace to transform.

"This is authentic, it already exists." Xu Shen said close to the black-haired young man's ear.

The warm breath sprayed to the ears and the side of the neck, causing some numbness on Wen Ye's body.

Only then did he realize that Xu Shen was sticking to his back, and the two of them fit tightly together.

Wen Ye cursed inwardly, His Majesty still wants to take advantage at such a time?

Pushing the opponent away with his elbow, Wen Ye continued to observe Lan Xiuyan.

Lan Xiuyan looked up and looked around, then walked down the stairs.

When he went down, the entrance did not disappear immediately, but waited for a few seconds before closing again.

"Is this the madman's research institute?" Wen Ye looked at Xu Shen suspiciously.

"It's possible." Xu Shen felt that the possibility was relatively high. He looked at the snow at the mouth of the well, "They may have used the secret passages that existed in the palace to transform them."

"But why would they know?" Wen Ye was a little surprised.

After hearing Wen Ye's question, Xu Shen frowned and said, "There may be an insider, I want to check the news from my mother's father."

Xu Shen always felt that with his mother-in-law's character, he would not stay on that planet so honestly.


At that time, the preparations five years ago were not perfect, and some members of the Xu family escaped from control.

In the past five years, although some forces have been eliminated, Xu Sui still fled outside the Xu family.

Thinking of this, Xu Shen punched the tree trunk angrily.

"What's wrong?"

"There are still members of the Xu family fleeing outside, do you still remember that Xu Sui?" Xu Shen said and looked at Wen Ye.

"That pervert?" Wen Ye was startled, he didn't expect that guy to still be outside.

"Yes, he escaped back then." Xu Shen said here, with a little irritability.

Maybe I should clean up these people first, and then bring Wen Ye back.

"It's okay, it's not like we can't beat them now." Wen Ye patted Xu Shen on the shoulder, comforted him and continued, "Let's go and have a look."

Because of the snow, you can see where Lan Xiuyan just hit.

"According to the order of the depth of the snow, the password should be three digits, one digit and zero digit from left to right." Xu Shen squatted down and looked at it and said.

After he finished speaking, he saw Wen Ye stretching out his hand to press it, and quickly grabbed the other's hand, "What do you want?"

"Go down and kill that guy."

"Do you know what's in his research institute? Is there a mechanism?" Xu Shen said disapprovingly.


These few words from the other party completely stopped Wen Ye.

His eyes changed slightly, but his voice was still persistent, "Should we just let him go like this?"

"Go back and find Bai Ce and the others." Xu Shen was rational at this time, "Bai Ce escaped from the lunatic's laboratory before, and he has more experience. And let's not startle the enemy."

After listening to Xu Shen's words, Wen Ye was touched, he thought for a while and then nodded.

In the dark and opaque tunnel of the palace, Lan Xiuyan walked along the dark tunnel for a while with the help of the light from the terminal.

The walls of this tunnel are all wet, as if there is some kind of mucus, which is very disgusting.

He didn't dare to touch those walls with his hands, but he also knew what they were.

But just because he knew what it was, Lan Xiuyan's face became even more serious.

After walking out of this tunnel, he breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the clean and tidy electric door appearing in front of him.

"Tiancheng." Lan Xiuyan looked up at the surveillance head above the door, and said with a frown, "Open the door."

The monitoring head turned on a green light, and then the electronic door opened automatically, revealing the white room and the charging station inside.

Metallic machine.

A middle-aged man of average appearance appeared in front of Lan Xiuyan, "Why are you here?"

"You promised that if I find someone from the Xue family, I will transfer the monster in my stomach to him." Lan Xiuyan's eyes were full of gloom.

"Of course, but after you draw it out, this weapon will no longer be under your control." Tiancheng said nonchalantly.

"You are a lunatic." When Lan Xiuyan heard the weapon, his eyes became even crazier.

"Many people call me that." Tiancheng didn't care, and then said, "You didn't catch the person I wanted."

Hearing this sentence, Lan Xiuyan's eyes became vicious, and he gritted his teeth and said, "You think I don't want to catch him?"

"What's the use of saying this?" Tiancheng snorted, "You clearly knew that I was studying his genes, and you knew that he had a child, but you didn't get it back for me."

Lan Xiuyan's eyes became vicious after hearing what the other party said, "He is clearly an Alpha, why would he have a child?"

"Maybe there is a mutation in the gene, but the information I have obtained at this stage shows that there is no fertility similar to Omega." Tiancheng touched his chin and continued, "When I transformed that guy No. 1, I have also considered this issue.”

"Number one?"

"That's right, it's a pity that he ran away and blew up my laboratory. Otherwise, I don't know what kind of perfect weapon we can create by combining No. 1 and Wenye Gene." Tiancheng said here, with fanaticism in his eyes .

"If I bring that child back to you, what good will I do?" Lan Xiuyan looked at the other party and asked.

"Then I will assign you the right to operate the A-grade eggs." Tiancheng thought for a while and said.

"A-grade eggs?" Lan Xiuyan looked at the other party in surprise, "How many eggs did you bury underground?"

"Hehe, guess what." Tiancheng's eyes flashed with a kind of crazy light.

The author has something to say: Little Theater:

Author: In fact, the type Wen Ye likes is the kind that is full of masculinity and can fight hard. You can see that this type obviously means that Wen Ye is the one who is oppressed.

Wen Ye: Hehe, Leng Feng is not being suppressed.

Author: Do you think you can handle the cold front?

Wen Ye: It is also possible.

Xu Shen: Hehe, are you itchy?

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-07-01 15:52:28~2020-07-02 13:58:04~

Thanks to the little angels who irrigate the nutrient solution: 30 bottles of big chicken drumsticks per mouthful; 2 bottles of wine, vegetables and rice ∴; 1 bottle of Zhan Xuyang and Buyu;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!