The strange flames ignited the night, and the blood dyed the usually bustling streets dark red.

In the most noisy square on weekdays on the main star of the empire, the shivering local residents hugged their children and huddled together, not daring to make any noise.

Great fear swept over them.

They didn't know why the aliens who had killed so vigorously before would suddenly gather them in this square.

This kind of gathering makes the residents feel like they are hoarded food and hostages for negotiation.

At the exit of the square, there are a few aliens with a height of several people guarding them, and the other insects are unknown.

The young children were huddled in the arms of their parents, and their mouths were tightly covered by the adults for fear of making noises and attracting the attention of the aliens.

There were even several children who had been smothered and fainted.

But adults have been unable to pay attention to the child's situation, their eyes are fixed on the bugs wandering around the exit.

Holding the people in my arms tighter, the unpredictable future and darkness shrouded people.

What is more terrifying than killing is this feeling of the unknown.

At the same time, in the outer space of the atmosphere of the Daman planet, a fierce quarrel took place in the conference hall of the Anbu battleship.

Anbu is actually the Black Lion Legion of the royal family. Although the reserve force is not as large as that of the regular legion, it can still respond quickly to emergencies.

The Black Lions had been keeping in touch with Shengdi for the past few days, but there was a sudden interruption tonight.

After a two-hour break, there was a state of extreme anxiety among the top officers of the regiment.

As the deputy head of the legion, Carey advocated taking the initiative to go to the sky above the palace to check the situation, but the head of the legion did not agree with his point of view.

The head of the legion is a middle-aged man who has been loyal to the royal family since his ancestors. His thinking is relatively stubborn and pedantic.

In the eyes of the legion commander, military orders are above everything else, and the Black Lion Legion, as the Anbu, cannot act privately without a higher order.

That's why after Xu Shen disappeared, Anbu couldn't take the initiative to attack even though he knew something was wrong.

On weekdays, Carey has already had conflicts with the head of the legion, let alone at this special time.

So the two quarreled directly in front of other officers during the meeting.

However, the stalemate atmosphere in the legion was interrupted by the real-time live broadcast projection on the ground repaired by the technicians. The hellish scene made the people at the scene chill from the bottom of their bones.

"Sir, the mech troops request to be dispatched." Kaili, whose face became more and more grim, asked the army commander for orders to go to battle.

Since General Xu Shen's reorganization of the army, the mecha troops are only available in the Black Lion Army directly under him, and other legions are not equipped with this kind of combat power.

And according to the real-time picture just now, ordinary soldiers of aliens with that kind of combat power can't solve it.

But even so, the old-fashioned and corrupt army commander still has some concerns, "Kerry, but there is no military order issued yet."

"Military order?" Carey, who asked for orders from the regiment commander, burst into flames from his heart, "The duty of a soldier is to protect civilians. Now the homeland we guard is being violated wantonly, and the people are being slaughtered by monsters. You told me to ask for a military order." Can we move out?"

"Kayli, pay attention to your attitude." The commander of the legion was reprimanded by the other party in public, and his attitude became uncomfortable. "Sending troops without permission will be reported to the military court."

"Press me with this kind of thing?" Carey snorted, then tore off his epaulets and threw them on the table, "I swore when I was in the military academy that the purpose of my life was to protect the people of the empire. I am ordered to come back, and I will obediently go to the military court."

The man with blue eyes turned and walked out, he said to the intercom,

"A soldier of the Black Lion Legion's Mech Troop, I am the deputy head of the Black Lion Legion and the captain of the Mecha Troop, Kaili."

"Unidentified creatures attacked civilians on the Daman planet, and now the communication with Shengdi has been interrupted. I am going to drive the armor to the main planet without a military order."

"If you are willing to join me, then come with me, and I will take all the charges in the military court."

A mecha with dark red stripes appeared in the darkness. It paused in the air for a few seconds before heading towards the main planet.

Then behind it, more than a dozen mechas also appeared, following its trajectory and driving past.

The same situation also happened in the third legion stationed in the military area of ​​the main planet.

After Xu Shen reorganized the three major legions of the empire, he handed over the command of the third legion, which was directly under the royal family's management and was responsible for the safety of the main planet, to Leithert.

But Leisert's external identity is still Li Zhuang's eldest son's adjutant, so on the surface, Leisert is the commander of the third army, but in fact Li Zhuang or Wen Ye is the master of this army.

Lessert has just sent the commander of the Third Corps

All powers were returned to General Li Zhuang who had returned to the army.

For some emergencies encountered during the war, Li Zhuang has always firmly believed that: the general is out, and the king's fate is not tolerated.

Therefore, when the scouts discovered the chaos in the main planet's palace area, they immediately dispatched troops, and the soldiers used small and medium-sized aircraft to transport them to the area where the violence occurred in batches.

The chaos on Daman, the main star of the empire, was slightly brought under control after the addition of the Third Legion.

It's just that even with the joining of the army, the monsters on the scene still haven't received the strongest blow.

The soldiers could only rely on previous experience to attack the abdomen of the alien monsters, but they found that the abdomen was not their weakness.

The monster's shell was as hard as a bug, and its IQ was as high as that of a human being, which made the soldiers who had experienced many battles suffer a lot.

Several men in military uniforms at the command post at the rear of the legion looked at the map solemnly, while the one standing at the front was a blond boy with blue eyes.

Whether it was the military cap or the epaulets of the blond boy, the different symbols on them showed his identity.

He is the deputy commander of the Third Army of the Empire, and Wenye's adjutant, Laisert.

Laisert looked at the image projected on the screen with a solemn face, "Is the report from the research institute out?"

"Not yet, the corpse of the alien was just delivered in less than two hours." An officer beside him shook his head and said.

"How is the transfer of civilians going?"


"Mainly trapped in the square outside the palace." The officer projected another scene, "Aliens seem to be organized, gathering people together, and now they have stopped killing."

When Laisert heard this, his face became more serious, "There should be something controlling behind this."

Li Zhuang raised his head and asked, "How is the situation in the palace?"

According to the on-site investigation report, the places where the bugs appeared were all in the residential areas near the palace.

This has to make people suspect that everything spread out from the palace.

"Because of the collapse of the palace, it is still impossible to send troops in." Laisert zoomed in on a location on the map, "The entrance and exit are all sealed."

"Then send mecha fighters in."

"Now there are no mech fighters in all the legions." Leathert said here with a sigh, "Since the last rebellion, all the mechs have been taken back to the Black Lion Legion."

"Black Lion Legion?"

"Yes, the legion directly under His Majesty's management." Leathert thought for a while and continued, "The Black Lion Legion should send mecha fighters to protect the safety of the palace. Our main battle location is still outside the palace."

As they spoke, the two moved their eyes to the location of the palace on the map, and their hearts tightened silently.

The non-commissioned officer who suddenly ran in at the door and crawled, he said in a panic, "Aliens have begun to devour the civilians in the square."

"What did you say?" The expressions of Li Zhuang and Laisert changed completely.

"And they started killing each other, but they became stronger after devouring the corpses of their own kind," the soldier added.

Leicester's face became even more gloomy, "The devouring genes of the alien beasts, they are welcoming the king of the aliens."


"I've heard people from the research institute say that new species will be produced when devoured to a certain extent." Lesert raised his head and said with firm eyes, "We can't be stalemate with them, and take the initiative to attack."

"But we don't have enough firepower."

"There's no way, we have to stop those aliens." Li Zhuang also agreed with Lessert's opinion, "At least save the civilians, there are still many children inside."

In the banquet hall of the palace, guests from various galaxies fled screaming.

They never expected that Lan Xiuyan, who was the half host of this banquet, would suddenly become alienated.

The slender boy no longer has the appearance of a human being, and his body is covered with some strange and hard carapaces.

His voice that was so sharp that it broke the glass, and his eyes with double pupils made the people present daunting.

Not to mention that Lan Xiuyan's alienated feet suddenly split open and a lot of aliens crawled out.

All kinds of aliens are big and small. The big ones are as tall as a person, and the sickle claws can pierce the bodies of several people.

But it doesn't mean that the small ones are not scary. The small bugs are as small as cockroaches and don't seem to have any lethality.

But after a certain attendant was covered by this kind of bug, all he ate was bones in a few seconds.

This situation made the people present feel deep fear.

The scene was almost in chaos, and the guards guarded the guests who had no fighting power behind them.

But the weapons in their hands are very simple, and it is almost impossible to cause large-scale damage to those aliens.

The handsome emperor is seeing the black hair

When the young man wanted to rush forward, he pulled him back, "What are you doing?"

"Kill him." Wen Ye looked at Xu Shen inexplicably.

After Leng Feng took Bai Ce away, Wen Ye drew out his bayonet and prepared to capture the thief and the king first.

He didn't quite understand why the other party pulled him back.

Lan Xiuyan's state is no longer human, so getting rid of him first should solve these bugs.

"You promised me." Xu Shen said in a stern voice, "Go back immediately if the situation changes."

"Fuck! Are you talking to me about this at this time?" After Wen Ye heard Xu Shen's words, he wished he could kick his majesty to the ground.

"Wen Ye, something is wrong here, you should leave immediately."

"Leave? Leave you here alone?" The black-haired young man snorted, then smiled at Xu Shen, "Look at how I deal with this monster."

After Wen Ye pressed the button on his wrist, black energy matter covered him.

The young man in armor took a slight step back, stepped on the wall with his strength, turned over and rushed into the insect swarm, and swiftly chopped off the largest insect beside Lan Xiuyan with a knife.

The corners of Wen Ye's mouth under the mask curled up slightly, thinking to himself that these aliens are not so scary.

The blade slashed towards Lan Xiuyan with such force, and the opponent screamed and took a few steps back, but still did not dodge the blade.

Blue blood dripped down, declaring that the boy in front of him was no longer human from the inside out.

"You, you deserve to die." Xue Xue, who had been completely alienated, stared at the person in front of her and said hoarsely.

The black-haired young man frowned slightly, pulled out the laser whip and swung it towards Xue Xue's calf.

Pulling back hard, the opponent fell down in response.

Wen Ye didn't expect that the alienated Xue Xue would have such low combat power, and was easily dragged to the ground by himself.

"How come you are still so weak after alienation." Wen Ye looked at the other party with some doubts and said.

Xue Xue was so angry at the other party's words that her eyes turned red, and her body trembled slightly.

At the same time, as if sensing Xue Xue's emotions, a pair of scarlet beast eyes lit up deep underground.

As if the pause button had been pressed, the aliens at the scene all stopped and turned towards Xue Xue.

Wen Ye suddenly felt a sense of crisis from deep in his heart, and when he looked up at Xu Shen, his pupils tightened sharply.

"Be careful!"

With this exclamation, Xu Shen watched the black-haired young man throw himself down, and a sharp tingling sensation came from his shoulder.

A gigantic bug king burst out of the ground, its sharp claws penetrated the left chest of the black-haired youth and the right shoulder of the person under him.

The insect king shook his head, and after flicking the two people on the sharp claws to the side, he crawled towards Lan Xiuyan. ....

Lan Xiuyan's scream sounded at the scene, as if his body was being torn apart.

But the people present looked at the scene in front of them, and felt that Lan Xiuyan was almost torn apart by the insect king.

Wen Ye, who was thrown aside, covered the wound on his chest and stared blankly at Xue Xue, who was pressed down by the King of Worms.

Sure enough, that guy Tiancheng is a lunatic, he actually transformed Xue Xue into a breeding tool for bugs.

It's just that Wen Ye doesn't care too much about other people now, the blood dripped from the wound on his chest, seeping into the wound of the person under him little by little.

"Wen Ye!" Xu Shen's voice trembled slightly, he didn't dare to touch the other party's wound.

"Cough..." Wen Ye spat out a mouthful of blood.

For the first time, Shengdi of the empire felt fear, he felt cold from head to toe.

He felt that he and Ao Yin should have trapped Wen Ye in the dreamland together.

Until the other party is willing to leave this world, instead of watching the other party bleed in front of oneself.

"I, I'm fine..." Wen Ye said softly, not fluently.

Seeing Xu Shen's nervous attitude, he comforted the other party, "It didn't pierce the heart, it just happened to pass."

Wen Ye felt that he was relatively lucky, and this time he deviated slightly from his heart, otherwise he would really confess here.

"You'll be fine." Xu Shen's voice was still trembling, but his mood seemed to be slightly relaxed.

He wiped away the blood on the other side's mouth with his hands, but he didn't think that the more he wiped, the more nervous he felt.

"Don't be nervous." The black-haired young man smiled, "Planet Mutsu has a strong healing ability, and it will be fine in a few minutes."

Wen Ye really didn't lie to the other party in this sentence, as long as it is not a fatal injury repair ability, he can recover within a few minutes.

It's just that after seeing the dying Xue Xue being tossed by the insect king, he turned his attention to himself.

It was as if something in the blood had attracted the monster's attention.

"Go!" Wen Ye hurriedly said to Xu Shen after seeing the insect king's compound eyes facing him.

It's just that the two were one step too late after all, and were trapped in a corner of the palace.

The insect king screamed excitedly, and it felt a big tonic in front of it.

If he can eat this tonic, then he can at least advance to several levels.

Xu Shen embraced the person in his arms, and took several steps back, the size of the insect king in front of him was much stronger than before.

The servants beside him were dead or wounded.

Thinking of this, Xu Shen's eyes seemed to have made an important decision, he gently kissed the hair of the person in his arms, "Wen Ye, will you go back only after I die?"

"What did you say!" Wen Ye grabbed the other party's skirt, and even the wound was painful when he was agitated.

Peach Blossom with a mole of tears looked at the black-haired young man, eyes full of affection. ....

After seeing the meaning in the other person's eyes, Wen Ye became even more nervous, "I tell you, if you dare to abandon me, I'll find a few **** men and let them **** me."

Xu Shen didn't answer, but just smiled lightly.

One by one, he separated Wen Ye's fingers that were holding onto his skirt, and finally kissed the other's fingers lightly.

"I love you."

The author has something to say: Little Theater:

Author: Wen Ye, why didn't you say that you found several men to have **** with them? Why do you want others to come to you? You really got it!

Wen Ye: It’s not a matter of indiscretion…

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-07-05 18:14:46~2020-07-06 15:26:47~

Thanks to the little angels of irrigation nutrient solution: 2 bottles of Lan_; 1 bottle of Zhan Xuyang;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!