Under this chaotic disaster, the people rescued by the ground mobile force and the black lion army's mecha force were sent to the concentration point.

They could not get any news from the scene, and could only feel the intensity of the battle not far away through the deafening sound of shells and the sharp chirping of insects and beasts.

But not long after, the communication line of the empire was repaired by Fan Shen, the vice president of the research institute.

According to Shengdi's order, the academicians of the research institute projected the live broadcast of the scene into the mid-air of the main star of the empire.

A huge light screen suddenly appeared in the midair of the main star of the empire, and everyone looked up at the projected scene in the light screen in a daze.

Only then did people realize that the cruelty of the battle ahead was already beyond their imagination, and the wreckage almost piled up into mountains couldn't tell whether it was aliens or humans.

Every mecha warrior is incomplete, but they still continue to fight. ....

The tide-like bugs drilled out of the ground continuously, and their bodies became harder after devouring the corpses of the same kind that had already been defeated.

Looking at the projected images, everyone fell silent.

The residents on the main planet have lived on this planet for generations. They have only seen the Zerg on the news, and have never had close contact with this bloodthirsty creature.

This personal experience made them feel an inexplicable fear, fearing that they could not see the future.

Then the next scene was even more terrifying. The aliens paused for a few seconds as if they had stopped suddenly.

Then began to frantically attack the living ones of the same kind and devour them.

While devouring the same kind of aliens, the body changes. People who are familiar with this feature shout out parasitic beasts in horror.

It was only then that everyone discovered that these aliens had also integrated the notorious biological genes in the universe.

When the mech warrior's attack hit the changing alien, there was no reaction at all.

Through the light screen, everyone at the scene could feel the sense of powerlessness and deep disappointment in the Mech Warrior.

But when the captain of the mecha troop announced that he would start the self-destruct procedure, all the people watching the battle were deeply shocked.

Unable to say any words to describe their heavy heart, they can only hold the most important person around them tightly in their arms.

I deeply pray for these imperial heroes, hoping that a miracle will descend to save the empire.

Perhaps everyone's prayers had an effect, and at this moment a huge turning point appeared on the battlefield.

In front of the black mecha, a golden mecha appeared in midair with a strange brilliance like a **** descending.

The golden fuselage seems to radiate light, which makes people feel very familiar.

When the first person called out the name of the God of War, the people at the scene erupted.

Is that God of War?

The legendary golden mech that single-handedly entered the Zerg home planet - God of War!

The people standing under the light screen became excited from silence, no matter they were old or young, everyone had heard the legend about God of War.

They thought it was just the result of the legend being deified.

Didn't expect it to be true.

God of War didn't come alone this time, the same golden vortex appeared behind him.

Metallic robots emerged from the vortex one after another, neatly lined up behind God of War.

When everyone heard the order from God of War, the robots swarmed up and started attacking.

People began to cheer for the battle robots and the arrival of God of War.

They saw the hope of life, and also saw the hope of the empire!

At this time, the black-haired young man who was sitting in the cockpit of the golden mecha watched the battle situation in front of him with a little nervousness.

Wen Ye found that the robots in the Domain of Thousand Stars are very powerful, and the metallic shells on them are not just good-looking.

Not only is the corrosive liquid of the aliens unable to have any effect on the robot's shell, but it takes a lot of effort for their sharp claws to penetrate into the robot's shell.

"The material on the machine is good." Wen Ye said with a feeling.

"Master, this is a special product of the Realm of Thousand Stars, synchronous metal." The artificial intelligence said flatly without any ups and downs.

According to the explanation of the artificial intelligence in the mecha, this metal is a very special metal.

Metal is very hard when used as armor, and it can be used as a weapon to change shape at will.

There is a kind of intelligent recognition energy in this metal, so it has these two different functions.

"Yes, at that time, we can blacken some of this metal for the empire." Wen Ye felt that this method was very reliable.

If Moss heard this sentence, he would probably be so angry that he vomited blood.


Moss would probably want his daughter to stuff this grandson back into his stomach for this kind of guy who eats inside and outside, with his elbows turned outward.

The battle outside was very fierce. Without the participation of the golden mech, the attrition rate of the robot was quite high.

Seeing this situation, the black-haired young man couldn't help but want to raise his foot and get involved.

As a result, just as this idea rose from his mind, the face of his Majesty appeared on his screen.

"Come back." After Xu Shen received the signal, he gave the other party the command to come back.

"But the battle here is not over yet." Wen Ye said looking at the scene in front of him.

"The worm king was killed by you just now, and now the new worm king has not been born, and the ones outside are not going to be successful." Xu Shen said with a slight frown.

"Why don't I stay here and come back after cleaning up." The black-haired young man still wanted to insist.

"I've sent all the legions and mecha troops in to clean up." Xu Shen's expression was already very unhappy, and his voice became low, "Come back quickly before you recover from your injuries."

"But... okay." Wen Ye couldn't help but wanted to refute, but after seeing the other party's concerned expression, he still gave up his idea.

When the golden mech saw follow-up troops coming in to clean up the scene, it turned around and flew towards the palace.

When Wen Ye saw the tall figure waiting at the entrance of the main hall, the corners of his mouth curled up slightly.

Parking the mecha outside the main hall, the black-haired young man frowned slightly, and he covered his chest and panted slightly.

I didn't pay attention just now, but now I relax and feel the pain in the wound.

"Wen Ye." A familiar voice came from below.

The black-haired young man looked down, Xu Shen had already arrived at the foot of the mecha and was waiting for him.

The arc of the hook on the corner of his mouth became bigger, and after opening the cockpit, he saw the person standing below and jumped down.

When Xu Shen hugged the familiar body that fell into his arms, there was a faint warmth in Tao Hua's eyes.

When he smelled the **** smell on the opponent's body, Xu Shen asked a little nervously, "Is your wound healed?"

"It's okay." Wen Ye said unnaturally.

He wanted to leave the other party's arms, but he didn't expect the other party to tear off his clothes directly.

"Hello!" The black-haired young man was a little dissatisfied, so please don't chatter in public.

"There's a bit of blood oozing." Xu Shen looked at the bandage on the opponent's chest with distress.

He remembered that he briefly bandaged the other party before, but now he was in a state of bleeding again.

Originally, after beheading the Zerg King, he didn't intend to release Wen Ye to wipe out the chaos outside.

After all the troops are brought back, they should be able to deal with those bugs, but it's just a matter of time-consuming.

Thinking of this, Xu Shen said in a dissatisfied tone, "You shouldn't have gone out."

"If I don't go out, more people will die." Wen Ye waved his hand and said nonchalantly.

Xu Shen just pursed his lips tightly and didn't answer the other party's words.

In his opinion, no matter whose life it is, he can't compare with Wen Ye, and he doesn't want the other party to get hurt because of this kind of thing.

The cause of these things is all because of the experiment of the lunatic, but it is impossible for the lunatic alone to make such a big fuss.

The communication problems of the empire were also caused by human factors, and these were caused by Xue Xue, that is, Lan Xiuyan.

Thinking of the darkening in Xu Shen's eyes, "Xue Xue is not dead yet."

"He hasn't died after being treated like that?" Wen Ye looked at Xu Shen in surprise.

If he remembered correctly, Xue Xue was crushed by the insect king just now, so he was not killed.

Xu Shen nodded, turned around in the posture of hugging the other party, and wanted to go indoors.

Seeing that the other party used such a shameful posture in public, Wen Ye blushed slightly, "Put me down!"

"Your wound is bleeding."

The pheromone on the black-haired young man's body changed slightly in an instant. He approached Xu Shen's ear and said, "Don't force me to use pheromone to suppress you."

These words successfully threatened Sheng Emperor of the empire, and his footsteps stopped.

Wen Ye jumped off the opponent, turned around and walked towards the main hall, "Where is Xue Xue now?"

"It's in the main hall." Xu Shen followed the opponent's pace.

When Wen Ye entered the main hall, he found Xue Xue locked next to the pillar.

The slender boy has regained his human appearance, but his stomach is as big as ten months pregnant.

The other party was staring viciously at the black-haired young man who came in, his eyes were full of malice.

"What's the matter with his stomach?" Wen Ye asked Xu Shen suspiciously.

The academician of the research institute wearing a white coat standing beside the pillar said after seeing His Majesty's signal eyes, "The worm eggs in this Omega's body have been fertilized, and now he may give birth to a new generation of worm kings at any time."

"Insemination?" The word surprised Wenye.

But guessing from beginning to end, he probably knew what was going on.

It should be that the lunatic used something in exchange to transplant unfertilized eggs into Xue Xue's body.

And because of the blasting laboratory and Xue Xue's mood swings, the sleeping insect king was alarmed.

So in the scene I saw just now, it was really the insect king who was invading Xue Xue.

Thinking of this, Wen Ye looked at the other party full of pity.

No matter how Xue Xue is also the protagonist of this book, he will end up like this.

Feeling the pity in Wen Ye's eyes, Xue Xue became excited, "Put your eyes away! I don't need your pity."

"Xue Xue, you..." Wen Ye didn't know what to say to the other party.

No matter what you say at this time, the other party may not necessarily listen to it, but will feel ridiculed.

Xu Shen stood aside and pursed his lips slightly, he couldn't tolerate others treating Wen Ye like this.

He looked at his so-called partner with cold eyes, "Xue Xue, you lost."

"Brother Shen, I lost?" Xue Xue looked back at the former Crown Prince, his voice trembling slightly.

The whole person showed a delicate and pitiful feeling.

However, this title, which I hadn't heard for a long time, caused a slight fluctuation in the hearts of other people present.

Rather than saying that the fluctuations in Xu Shen's heart were big, it was better to say that the fluctuations in Wen Ye's heart were big.

This address reminded Wen Ye of Xu Shen's original fate, and the black-haired youth's eyes became sharper instead.

"Brother Shen, why did you choose him as Alpha?" Xue Xue continued to ask the other party, "What's so good about him? He can't continue your bloodline."

This sentence angered Xu Shen, Wen Ye was his most important person, and those irrelevant people could not help slandering him.

But before he could speak, he saw the black-haired young man grabbing Xue Xue's collar angrily.

Wen Ye's voice was full of coldness, "Is it right for Xu Shen to choose you? Let you destroy the empire, let you kill him on the planet Lutsu and replace him with a substitute?"

"Xu Shen should be the real emperor, the empire should not be destroyed by people like you."

After hearing Wen Ye's words, Xue Xue's body trembled slightly, his eyes and expression became distorted,

"It's all because of you! If it wasn't for you, I would be accepting worship from the public with Leng Feng."

"I will unify the empire and the alliance, and I will become the master of this galaxy!"

Xue Xue's words shocked Wen Ye, why did the other party know about the Unified Alliance and the Empire.

This is a plot that has not been changed by myself.

He already had doubts about Xue Xue's resurrection, but now these words make Wen Ye feel that there is a big net behind the other party that is slowly closing.

"What do you know?" Wen Ye pulled Xue Xue up and asked in a cold voice.

Xue Xue's voice became sharper, "You are not from this world, you are the variable, it would be best without you."

Xue Xue's sharp voice resounded around the hall, causing some strange echoes. ....

Following the other party's words, a familiar black vortex appeared in midair.

A weak meow came from the black vortex, and this familiar sound made Wen Ye's face change drastically.

When the little figure fell out of the vortex, it was caught by Wen Ye, who had been prepared for a long time.

"Huan Ming? What's the matter with you?" Wen Ye asked nervously while hugging the kitten in his arms.

"Wen Ye, let's go." The kitten is a little weak, but there are no wounds on his body, but his mental state is not very good.

Before the black-haired youth understood the meaning of the other party's words, a tall figure emerged from the black vortex.

A slightly familiar voice came out, "It seems that Gu King was born."

The kitten bared its teeth and meowed at the whirlpool, and even the fur on its body exploded.

The figure in the vortex became brighter and brighter, and the outline became more and more clearly visible.

When he appeared in front of Wen Ye and the others, Wen Ye looked at the other party with some doubts, "Shelley?"

The man with different pupils smiled slightly, his expression was quite pleasant, "Long time no see, but I prefer you to call me Law."

"Aren't you Shelley?" Wen Ye asked warily, hugging the furry kitten in his arms even tighter, "What did you do to Huan Ming?"

The man looked at the kitten in Wen Ye's arms, his eyes changed slightly, "I just locked his strength, I didn't expect him to run out."

Then the man with different pupils turned his attention to Wen Ye, "My Gu King has finally been developed."

"Gu King? Me?" Wen Ye was slightly surprised, isn't the Gu King Xu Shen or Leng Feng?

Why does this guy say that he is the Gu King?

Shelley saw the other party's doubts, and said emotionally, "Now the strongest person is you, and you are the real Gu king."

"I was the one who pulled you into this world at the beginning. There is no such person in this world. This is a big process. It took a lot of energy for me to have such a person in everyone's memory." Shelley continued. .

"There is obviously this person in the book I read." Wen Ye stared at the other party and said.

"That book? It's just a prop to lure you in." Shelley snorted.

"Why are you doing this?" the black-haired young man looked at the other side vigilantly and asked.

At this time, the kitten in his arms gently pulled Wen Ye, and said weakly, "He is the dark side stripped from the laws of the world. Wen Ye, he will use your power to swallow the real laws of the world, and then become the new law."

"Little cat is really smart, as expected it is the person I have my eyes on." Shelley smiled slightly, "Since the Gu king has been cultivated, after devouring you, I will become the real law."

The author has something to say: Shelley is a big boss who has integrated the dark side of the world's laws. He has integrated the dark side since he was a child, and he looks beautiful but... the number one acting contestant

In fact, he said before that Wen Ye was perfect, which means Gu King.

What's more, he just locked up the kitten, because the kitten saw that something was wrong with him, and he didn't abuse the kitten.

The finale is coming tomorrow~~Ahhh~

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-07-07 14:35:10~2020-07-08 17:41:46~

Thanks to the little angels of the irrigation nutrient solution: 8 bottles of no love; 5 bottles of Did you see my little vest; 3 bottles of Fusheng; 2 bottles of [Cauliflower]; 1 bottle of Lan_ and Zhan Xuyang;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!