Chapter 63 - Chapter 63: Chapter 61: Instant Death Halo_3

Chapter 63: Chapter 61: Instant Death Halo_3

Translator: 549690339

Perhaps the most valuable thing is the box itself. It is technically a spatial item, but no matter how valuable, it cannot be worth 1,500 demon crystals. However, the issue is that without this box, could I call myself…a goblin merchant?

Silver Coin hesitated and agonized for quite some time until he timidly said, “It’s possible, but for an extra charge.”

Lisa smirked and pulled out another bottle of essence liquid, shoving it into Silver Coin’s hands. A dangerous light flickered in her eyes, “The bottle of essence is a deposit. You are supposed to return it after you fetch the box. If you want to add a charge, then we’re buying it, and the box belongs to us. How’s that?”

Now it’s Lan’s turn to hug Lisa. She knew this woman’s temperament all too well. Discuss anything, but mention extra charges, and she could explode. If she beats Silver Coin to a pulp, all our plans will go down the drain.

Silver Coin nodded, clutching the bottle of essence. With a flick of his wrist, the grocery box, which he claimed to never seperate from, was transferred to Lisa’s hands.

He huddled nervously into the small teleportation array. After a flash of white light, Silver Coin disappeared.

After his figure vanished, Lan spat and angrily said, “That damn goblin, always looking for money. Can he be trusted? If he doesn’t come back, we won’t be able to build the Major Teleportation Circle.”

Building a Major Teleportation Circle capable of transporting live human beings has always been a dream of Ice City. The small teleportation array they currently had was only just big enough for someone as petite as Silver Coin, which is extremely inconvenient.

To build a Major Teleportation Circle, they needed some key materials that were not available in this plane, and those materials were controlled. They couldn’t buy them through regular channels.

Now that they had connections with Silver Coin and the Silver Light Mercantile Company, their chances of obtaining the essential materials were significantly higher.

It wasn’t just the materials for the teleportation circle, but also plenty of food. Ice City’s farming fields had all been burnt. Feeding the remaining people would be a challenging task.

While Silver Coin was part of the Saint’s Edge Army, the Silver Light Mercantile Company was not. Silver Coin was just one of the partners.

In a mercantile company like this, a vice president equals to an independent trading caravan with a high degree of autonomy. Silver Coin had his own manpower and business, and he only reported to Leonardo and the Quartermaster. The other members of the Saint’s Edge Army didn’t even know about him.

Now that Leonardo was dead, the Saint’s Edge Army would likely turn into a mess. It’s doubtful that anyone would think of a goblin before a new Holy Knight takes charge.

As long as they appease the Quartermaster, by the time a report of a ‘risky adventure into enemy territory to gather intel, being captured by the enemy and bribing the guards to escape, and returning with essential information’ appears on the Cardinal Bishop’s desk.

Silver Coin, returning to the human’s world with this plan, sneaked into the Quartermaster’s private residence under the cover of darkness. Just as he knocked on the door lightly, the door swung open, and a black hand reached out and dragged him in.

In the room, he saw three shadow-like figures. One of them was holding the Quartermaster and breathed out Soul Flames onto the Quartermaster’s face, sucking it in.

“Bla…Black Warrior! Don’t, don’t search my soul, I’ll tell you everything.” Silver Coin was frightened out of his wits and confessed before the Black Warrior could even speak.

The Black Warrior holding Silver Coin snorted, twisted his hand, and snapped Silver Coin’s neck. He leaned in close, extracting the soul and mining the memory.

After a long, long time, a slit opened between the Black Warrior’s eyes, murmuring, “Farming Skeleton? Holy Woman? Sword Saint? Angel? Strange combination, interesting abyss… Lord Bishop should be interested.”

The voice grew quieter and quieter, as their shadows faded until they eventually disappeared into thin air, leaving only two corpses behind.

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