Chapter 265 Of course you want to get rich

Chef's craftsmanship is really good, the ingredients are handled well, the craftsmanship is top-notch, and the finished product is so delicious that Qin Lele almost meows.

After eating the main meal, there is dessert after the meal, which is a small square of shredded coconut made by myself. It looks ordinary at first glance, but it tastes better than other people's.

In addition to coconut flakes, there are many other desserts, each of which is delicious.

In the end, Qin Lele ate so much that her belly bulged, she refused to leave the table, and muttered to the chef to continue cooking.

She dared to eat it, but the chef didn't dare to cook it, so she was embarrassed to find an agent.

Everyone took turns persuading, and the agent even asked the waiter to clean up the table, and it ended directly.

Turning her head to look again, Qin Lele hugged the legs of the table and glared at them angrily.

"Lele still wants to eat, Lele is the boss!"

Those who are not used to it use force directly, and those who are used to it, if they want to achieve their own goals, they just act coquettishly or playfully.

"If you don't do it, Lele won't leave!"

Qin Lele was dizzy with anger.

"Lele has not opened yet, so that other people can't taste the delicious food here."

The agent had to remind her, "Boss, this is your shop, don't you make money?"

"The last thing Lele lacks is money!"

Proxy: “…”

Gao Kai glanced at the other party sympathetically.

They are also beating workers, so why make things difficult for others.

Gao Kai was also worried about Qin Lele, so he moved out of the mountain of Ye Ru.

In the entire Qin family, the person Qin Lele treats most carefully is the frail Ye Ru.

In Qin Lele's eyes, Ma Ma is just a small flower, afraid of the wind and rain, but very gentle and beautiful, the best Ma Ma in the world.

The high drive succeeded, but it also paid a price.

"Hmph, Gao Shushu, you have to be careful with your hair!"

the next day.

Gao Kai woke up, suddenly felt a chill in his head, immediately widened his eyes, stretched out his hand, and stroked a lot of hair.


He rushed to the bathroom, looked at the camera, and screamed again.

"Ah! My hair!"

He was bald, without a single hair, which had fallen out quite completely.

When people reach middle age, most of them will experience a baldness crisis.

Gao Kai was also worried about his hairline, but he didn't expect that he would become so completely bald overnight.

The whole person is not well.

When he came to the Qin family to report, he shocked a group of people again.

A similar scene also happened in the Fang family.

When he woke up, his yellow hair was gone, and Fang Xiao was not well.

He almost immediately recalled what Qin Lele said.

"Okay, see if I don't teach you a lesson!"

When Fang Xiao was inquiring about Qin Lele's identity, Qin Lele was mentioned by Qin Ping.

The chubby little hands and feet swayed in the air several times before the chubby face met Qin Ping's serious face.

The little hand subconsciously patted Qin Ping's face.

Qin Ping: "..."

The passing servant immediately lowered his head and ran away quickly.

Qin Lele withdrew his hand slowly, looked at Qin Ping again, and was stunned.

"Ah, Lele seems to have accidentally used too much force."

Qin Ping had two red handprints on his face. They were small, chubby, symmetrical, and very pretty.

"I'm sorry, Big Gorg."

The little meaty hand immediately stretched out to rub and rub, almost rubbing Qin Ping's temper away.

The few sane things made him ask about the business.

"Did you shave Gao Kai's hair?"

The guilty little eyes fluttered.

"Big Ge Ge, Lele can't understand what you are talking about."

Qin Ping pinched her cheek, it felt good, so he squeezed it a few more times.

"You can't lie to me."

Qin Lele simply covered her small mouth, revealed her big eyes, and looked at Qin Ping innocently.

Qin Ping was about to laugh angrily.

"Gao Kai hasn't done anything. It would be too much to shave his hair. You have always been very measured in doing things."

Although Gao Kai belatedly remembered what Qin Lele said, he didn't intend to pursue this matter, but occasionally grieved about his hair that was gone forever.

It doesn't matter if you are bald, the terrible thing is that you will be bald all your life.

Qin Ping's face became colder and colder.

Qin Lele reluctantly let go.

"Maybe he is destined to be bald. Lele sees that most people lose their hair and it won't grow back."

“I can still tell the difference between natural shedding and being shaved.”

Qin Ping quickly deduced, "Did you ask the little paper man to make it?"

Having been with his sister for so long, he also figured out a rule.

If a person really does too much evil, he will be contaminated with a lot of qi, and this qi will gradually change the person's aura. This person will also become very unlucky, and eventually even have an accident.

A person who did no evil but suddenly lost his hair must be Qin Lele's hands and feet.

Big hands stretched out in front of Qin Lele.

"take it out."


"paper man."

Qin Lele shook her head.

"No, Lele doesn't have any little paper figurines anymore."

She also seriously took out her pocket and opened the small bag.

"No, Lele really doesn't have little paper figurines."

Qin Ping couldn't find any evidence, and his sister looked at him pitifully, but finally nothing happened.

When Qin Ping went to work, Qin Lele slowly went to find Gao Kai.

Among the crowd, the bald head is the most conspicuous.

Today's Gaokai is a beautiful landscape of the Qin family. Whenever the servants are free, they will come to watch. They have a good relationship with him, and they will pat that bald head like a watermelon.

"Listen to the sound, it must be familiar."

After discovering Qin Lele, everyone quickly dispersed.

Gao Kai: "Miss, what's wrong with you?"

"Gao Shushu, I'm sorry."

Qin Lele fumbled in her small bag, took out a small porcelain bottle, stood on tiptoe, and handed it to Gao Kai.

"You take it back and apply it on your head, once a day, and the hair will grow back in three days."

This is also a disguised admission that the other party's baldness has something to do with him.

Gao Kai breathed a sigh of relief, and almost cried with joy.

"So I'm not really bald! Great! Great!"

Gao Kai jumped up excitedly.

Qin Lele asked the system in a low voice.

"Little Tongtong, has Gao Shushu been hit? Is baldness really that scary?"

【God-mathematical system: Many people are experiencing a baldness crisis, no matter men, women or children. 】

The system even gave Qin Lele a list of data, and listed in detail the expenditure of different groups of people on the treatment of hair loss.

Qin Lele: "A lot of money."

Currency symbols began to dance in the big eyes.

"Then Lele's potion, wouldn't it be able to make a lot of money?"

Qin Lele immediately turned into a little money fan, and stopped losing her temper, and ran to Gao Kai's side.

"Gao Shushu, don't grow your hair first, okay? Lele wants to invite you to be a product spokesperson~"

Open high: "..."

After getting a general understanding of Qin Lele's arrangement, Gao Kai was stunned.

"Gao Shushu, don't you want it? Lele's price is really high."

High, it is too high!

Gao Kai has never seen so much money in his life.

"Yes! I do!"

Kaigao shed tears of happiness.

"With this money, it doesn't matter if I'm bald all my life!"

If he had known that he could be the spokesperson if his head was shaved, he would have stretched his head over.

Shave as you like! you are welcome!

Bald VS getting rich, of course he chooses getting rich!

(end of this chapter)