Upon arriving in Korea, Geon Hyeong, who had just completed the examination by the prosecutor’s office, immediately headed to the Goryo C&T office where Director Oh was located.

To end their bad working relationship, Geon Hyeong had to travel from the eastern to western United States for four days. Just as he was about to reap the fruits of his labor, news of Jung Won for the first time made Geon Hyeong doubt his actions.

“She really wants to end her relationship with me? Isn’t it just a joke?”

“Well, did Jung Won tell you that she was leaving?”


The last time they met, they talked about the farm. However, he didn’t expect that her dream would come true so soon, without any notice. Jung Won didn’t even say anything to Geon Hyeong.

“Do you know where she went?”

“Where did she go?”

“To the botanical garden led by Jae Hyun.”


Geon Hyeong couldn’t believe the news. His face immediately looked tense with jealousy and disappointment.

He suddenly felt angry. He felt disbelief when he heard that she went to another man, even though he only left her for one week.

“You didn’t know at all?”


That woman only said she wanted to realize her dream of gardening, not that she was going to Jae Hyun. What happened to Jung Won during that week?

While Geon Hyeong was still busy thinking about that, their car finally arrived at the front door of Goryo C&T’s office. He forgot about his hurt heart for a moment and went forward to settle his work affairs and his feud so far.

When Geon Hyeong entered the meeting room, Director Oh who had been waiting for him immediately lowered his folded legs and smiled to greet him. His face still looked bright and relaxed. However, Geon Hyeong knew how worried and tense that person was behind his calm face.

After learning that Geon Hyeong visited his coworker’s company in Washington in America where his mother used to live, and San Diego where his mother got married, Director Oh must have felt anxious and uneasy. Worried that Geon Hyeong would find traces of his past actions.

However, in contrast to Director Oh’s cheerful face, Jae Hyun’s mother’s face looked confident and brave.

“It looks like I’ll also have to talk to Mom for a while.”

“Don’t you dare threaten me by bringing up Jae Hyun.”

“Do you really think I don’t know about Jae Hyun?”

As usual, Geon Hyeong confronted Mrs. Oh and immediately asked without preamble. That’s right. It was impossible for Geon Hyeong not to know that if Jae Hyun, who was much more innocent than Geon Hyeong, knew.

“But, why are you silent?”

“It’s none of your business.”

Geon Hyeong did not tell her how Jae Hyun saved him from the darkness of the basement when he was a child. Mrs. Oh’s face glanced at him curiously, but Geon Hyeong had no intention of telling Mrs. Oh.

She then smiled bitterly as if she had just remembered that this child was like that.

“Alright. Then, is there anything else you want to say besides Jae Hyun’s business?”

“I will leave my mother’s case alone and not touch it again. But, I won’t forgive if you guys make the woman who is my lover get hurt just a little bit. Because I won’t let it happen again this time.”

“Who are you threatening now? Who are you being patient with? I really don’t want to hear your mother’s name again.”

At that moment, Geon Hyeong realized that Mrs. Oh would not forgive her husband’s other woman. Therefore, he would not allow any interference, negotiation, or even a brief meeting.

Geon Hyeong then looked at Director Oh who was standing right next to Mrs. Oh. Huh, so that’s what it looked like. Geon Hyeong finally found a puzzle piece that he never knew before.

“So, this is Director Oh’s doing?”

“What do you mean, why would I bother a woman like that?”

“You must have investigated everything about the woman I’m going to marry, right?”

Director Oh would obviously be surprised to find out the address of Jung Won’s house, who hasn’t moved in decades. Then, he must have felt anxious.  His anxiety must have gotten even worse when he saw the ring Jung Won wore at Shin Hee’s wedding.

If one gave a ring as a sign of marriage, one could give a ring as a sign of separation. That’s why he sent people to break into Jung Won’s house and made Jung Won feel worried.

Of course, Director Oh always felt uneasy about Jung Won who was related to Geon Hyeong’s past. That’s why he welcomed Jung Won with open arms at first, and after that he thought of her as a thorn in his side.

“It’s still not enough to just kidnap my mom.”

“I don’t know about that.”

Mrs. Oh, who didn’t know anything about it, now looked at her brother’s old face. But Director Oh ignored his sister.

“It seems like you don’t remember because it happened so long ago. Fortunately, I’ve been looking into this. My mother was kidnapped before she came to Korea.”

“Oh, who kidnapped her? The marriage wasn’t allowed in the first place. The late Kim was set to marry my sister.”

However, for such a playboy, a political marriage was definitely not something he wanted and the man who suddenly fell in love immediately bought a ring and married the woman.

Giving up the chance to inherit the Goryo Group for an actress like that would have been foolish.

“How did you deceive my father? And, how did you threaten my mother?”

“I didn’t need to threaten her. Your mother is so innocent, while your father can’t trust his own woman either.”

His father thought that she left him for money. While his mother thought that he was just using her. Geon Hyeong nodded slowly at the explanation that was exactly what he expected.

Playing with each other’s trust. Perhaps it was the easiest way for people who were young and in love.

“Your mother must never appear in this family again. That pathetic woman.”

Even after Geon Hyeong’s mother retired, she still received job offers from various TV stations. However, her mother’s return to the entertainment world always ended in dangerous scandals and accidents with no clear cause.

At that time, not many people knew that the Goryo Group was behind it all. A few months later, his mother met another man and moved in with him, and just when Director Oh thought it was all over, Daisy suddenly reappeared with her son.

However, before he could do anything, she left the child with President Kim and left after receiving some money. Then, exactly a year later, she died in an accident.

“That’s not something you should say.”

A fire seemed to burn in Geon Hyeong’s eyes who was furious and angry.

The man who used to be his mother’s best friend and manager was very surprised when Geon Hyeong met him in Washington. At that moment, he realized that both he and the man had been living with Daisy’s name in their hearts for almost 20 years.

The man didn’t know many things. However, there was one thing he still remembered clearly. The kidnapping and the threats. Then, the completely unexpected liver cancer.

In the midst of a situation where she herself was unsure of her survival, of course his mother was worried about her son’s fate. Then, as Jung Won said, maybe his mother wanted to give her son a good future.

The money she received from the Goryo Group family was immediately donated to a charity organization. Hearing that story, Geon Hyeong could not help but admit that everything he knew about his mother so far was not true.

Director Oh looked at Geon Hyeong with a cold face.

“Pathetic. What else can we do? Who kidnapped her? Do you have any evidence?”

“I can’t find fault with you legally. I tried, but this incident happened too long ago. However, it’s a different story when it comes to Electronic Goryo.”

“What do you mean?”

“Embezzlement. Illegal stock trading. Treason. Other than that, I can still find other charges. I don’t even need to say it, I think Director Oh already knows.”

“Embezzlement? Oppa, what is this?”

Mrs. Oh immediately stood up and exclaimed in surprise, but the two men didn’t even glance at her. Jason, who had been standing where he was, sighed and approached the staggering Mrs. Oh and invited her to sit down. The look in her eyes that looked at her own brother and Geon Hyeong really looked surprised and panicked.

“Even so, I will give you some time. For Jae Hyun’s sake. From the shares of Goryo C&T that you have, maybe the amount of embezzled money can be recouped. Then, for this director position, please submit a letter of resignation. As for the other matters, I can leave it at that as long as you don’t touch Jung Won in the slightest.”

“Who says I’m going to sell shares like that?”

“You have to sell them. Because if you don’t, you might as well find a good lawyer today.”

Hearing that blatant threat, Director Oh looked at him angrily. Meanwhile, Geon Hyeong remained calm and looked at him with an icy gaze, without changing his facial expression in the slightest.

“One thing I can promise, you’ll definitely wish that Jung Won doesn’t get hurt in the slightest, even by accident. Because if that happens, I’ll use all my skills and never forgive you.”

Geon Hyeong didn’t care about Director Oh’s increasingly pale face, and turned his gaze to Mrs. Oh who had been looking at him blankly. Both of them were people who could not feel sympathy or pity for each other.

“You know what? I also wanted to own this company for the same reason as you. Because I wanted to divide and fragment the company.”

“You, don’t you…”

Hearing Geon Hyeong’s calm voice, Mrs. Oh looked at Geon Hyeong while unable to hide her trembling voice.

“Yes. I was going to break it into pieces and transfer it into someone else’s hands. Do you think I’m comfortable in this position?”

“You still think that way?”

“No, I don’t. I now have people I’m responsible for, even though it’s quite difficult for me.”

Geon Hyeong looked straight at the worried-looking Mrs. Oh with an expressionless face.

“I used to think that maybe the company should have fallen into your hands from the beginning. That way, I wouldn’t have to deal with you anymore.”

“I still can’t forgive your father, your mother, and my brother for making things this way.”

“Me too. I have no intention of forgiving you and your brother.”

Now he knew the truth. Geon Hyeong now did not want to mix up his past and his future.

He will not compromise anymore.