The night I quit my job.

I was having a late supper at home with my twin JKs.

I took a sip of beef stew …….

” Delicious …….”


The one looking at me with a smiling face is my sister Akari, a blonde gal.

The beef tasted far better than anything from the restaurant.

The beef falls apart with just a little bite.

The soup was thick, yet not too rich.

“Why is it so good?”

“That’s because I put a lot of …… love into it for Okarin.

“Love ……”

I don’t know how serious this girl is about this.

When I was a college student, I used to teach these guys at a tutoring school.

They were in elementary school at the time.

Akari had been telling me how much she liked me ever since then.

I think it’s the same kind of thing.

“Ah! That face ……, you think I’m joking. I’m serious. I’ve been cooking and studying hard just to become Okarin’s wife! What do you think!”

When she stretched her chest, her large breasts swayed.

Even though her body has grown, her words and actions are still those of an elementary school student.

Nostalgic …….

“Ah…..Okarin Are you looking at us from the point of view of a student? …… We’ve got a long way to go. Good luck, sister!”

“Whew ……? Mogu mogu ……?”

…… On the other hand, Nanako , the older sister, a beautiful, neat, black-haired girl……

Her cheeks puffed out like a squirrel as she munched on her rice.

“Hahahaha …… hmmm …… haha ……. Um, I’m sorry, what is it?”

“Sis …… bad girl ……”

“Eh?Eh? W-What’s …… wrong , Akari?”

Nanako is the same as she was in elementary school.

She’s a big sister, but she’s usually pouty. …… Fufu. ……

“Look, because of sister, Okarin is looking at us like he is our guardian. Haa, sister is no good.”

“Uu…..I’m sorry, …….”

“I’ll forgive you. You’re my sister, you’re special.”

“Well, thanks…..?”

Hehe, she smiled when the younger sister laughed at her.

They have always been close huh.

“By the way, Okarin, about the future…”

Akari poured out another bowl of beef stew and handed it to her sister.

“What are you going to do now? That stupid wife of yours?”

“Oh, I’m leaving her, of course.”


Goo……! Akari struck a gut pose.

But I didn’t expect Nanako to do the same.

“I want to write and submit the divorce papers as soon as possible. I’ve sent a number of messages to my wife since this morning, asking her to meet me …… and talk to me once.”

” …… Did you get any replies?”

“They’re all read-through.”

“…… I hate her. She cheated on you!”

“It’s true. I can’t believe it. I don’t think she’s finished as a wife, but as a human being. You’re right to break up with her!”

Kee, Akari gives a thumbs up.

And for some reason, Nanako also gives a thumbs up. Why?

“…… What are you going to do about alimony and stuff? I think you deserve it since you were cheated on.”

” I don’t care about that. I’m not going to ask for alimony, because financial relationships are complicated and prolonged.”

I just want to get rid of her as soon as possible.

“Well, Okarin works for a big company, so you don’t need a lot of money for alimony, right?”

“I resigned.”

“Fuaa ……?~ No, resigned!?”

“I got a new job right away.”

“What do you mean?”

I’ll explained what happened this morning.

I told them how I got fired this morning, but a friend of mine got me a new job at a new company.

“I have a lot of money to spare. The salary won’t be as good as the old one, but I’ll still be able to get a good amount of money at the new company.”

I’ve already discussed the conditions of my new job with Agematsu, the editor-in-chief of my new company.

“Don’t worry, Okarin. This very young bride 2, will support the family finances!”

“No, that’s not necessary. No need. What’s No. 2? Who’s No. 1?”

“…… I am …… young wife number one! I’ll do my best to save that …… money. Also, I’m a …… night owl,…….”

Nanako’s face turned bright red and she slumped.

” Next, let’s talk about you girls.”

“About us? Marriage date?”

“Idiot. I’m talking about the future. What are you…. girls gonna do?”

These kids have run away from home.

I don’t know what happened to them, but something happened to them.

Children, away from their parents, moving into someone else’s home.

And on top of that, I was the opposite sex and older than them.

It’s not like I’m going to do something as barbaric as that unless there’s something wrong with me.

“…… What are our plans?”

“Yeah. I want to hear your intentions.”

“You’re not going to tell me to get out?”

“Of course not. If you want to stay here, you can stay here.”


“Yeah. But…… I’d like to confirm your intentions as that’s the most important thing.”

Nanako pondered for a while, and then muttered to herself.

“I don’t want to go back to …… home.”

Her sister said.

…… I guess the home environment is not going well.

Nanako’s body is trembling.

It could be fear, or it could be some other …… emotion.

Her sister Akari silently held Nanako’s body and patted her head.

“I’m sorry, Okarin. I can’t tell you the details, but we don’t want to stay at home. We don’t have any relatives nearby, and the only person we can rely on is …… only Okarin.”

“……, please. Just leave it here, please.”

her sister bowed her head.

Akari also put on a serious face and bowed her head.


High school girls living in the same house. This is something that would make me look like a criminal. If word got out that I have started living with a young girl right after my wife left me, the public would have a hard time believing me. There would be strange rumors from the neighbors as well.

But …… still …….

I wanted to reach out to these girls who had nowhere else to go. My wife cheated on me, and I was hurt, and I was probably really depressed, but ……. These girls helped me heal. They cooked for me. Can I leave these kind children alone? No, definitely not.

“I understand your intentions. Let’s live together.”


Both of their eyes widened.

…… If I look closely, I can see that they’ re shaking. Akari and Nanako also.

They were worried. Thinking they’d be rejected.

“Are you sure……?”

Nanako asked fearfully.

“…… We’re underage. If we live together, you will have to bear the financial burden.”

“Idiot. I’m not in need of money to worry about my children.”

She’s really a caring demon, this girl.

I patted Nanako on the head.

“Don’t worry about living expenses at all. We can go shopping for the necessities on our next vacation.”

” Really? Are you sure?”

Akari’s face became radiant.

” ……, I’m sorry ……. Only to just to cause trouble, ……”

“I don’t think you’re bothering me at all. Don’t misunderstand that. You should be like Akari and take it easy.”

“O-Okarin, you’re awful. I’m gonna kiss you.”

“No, why”

Nanako giggled at our exchange.

Thank goodness, she seems to have relaxed her shoulders.

“I’m glad. Now we can start living together with Okarin without any worries!”

“Wait, wait. What are you guys going to do about school?”

“Okarin? Everyone’s having exams right now.”

It’s early July.

I see, it’s right after the final exams.

“Summer vacation is coming soon, so we won’t have to worry about school for a while!”

“…… The high school we go to is a short train ride from here. We have some time before school starts and we’ll be fine.”

“What about school fees?”

“…… That’s not a problem either.”

…… You left your parents, but tuition is not a problem. ……?

This must be a very complicated family situation.

“All right. I won’t pry any deeper.”

“Thank you…….”

Thus, I ended up living with the twins.

Then, a few days later, one day.

I got a message on my phone.

“It’s from Misae…….”

I finally got a reaction from my wife.

The message read as follows.

“I was wrong. Please let me apologize to you in person. I want to start all over again with you.”

I finally got in touch with her.

Now we can talk about divorce.

“Get back together? Of course, I decline.”