Ten days had passed since I separated from my wife Misae.

I was having dinner with the twins when I came home from my new job.

“The movers are coming tomorrow.”


Both of them tilted their heads.

” Ah, I understand. You’re going to move that idiot wife’s stuff out, right?”

Misae had agreed to divorce me.

However, she is now penniless and wants me to give her some furniture.

“There’s that too.”

“‘……Sensei, what do you mean ‘too’?”

“Take what you need for Misae and bring the rest to the new house.”

“”N-new house. ……?!””

Akari and Nanako peeled their eyes open and shouted.

“O-Okarin, a new house? Did you buy …… a house?

“No, I rented a house.”

I had another bowl of soup (Vichyssoise, a cold potage soup).

Akari came back with more soup.

“Sensei, why are you renting a …… house?”

“The reasons are …… well, many.”

Of course, there’s also the simple reason that this place is too small for the three of us to live in.

One of the main reasons is that Misae knows about this place.

She knows where we live.

That means she could be coming here to beg for money.

If I’m here, I’ll fight her off.

But I’m working during the day. And the twins are on summer break.

I don’t want Misae to come and harm them while I’m gone.

“I figured it out. Okarin’s concern.”

The blond-haired gal sister, Akari, looked as if she understood immediately.

“…… Concern?”

” In other words, that idiot wife knows about this place, right?  You don’t want her coming in here and forcing herself on us, do you?”

“…… Sensei. Thank you for …… for us.”

Over and over again, the older sister, Nanako, bowed her head.

I sighed and poked Akari in the forehead.

“You’re too perceptive.”

“Was I wrong?”

“No, it’s always been a virtue of yours to be so thoughtful.”

“Nihi ♡ right?”

“Don’t get carried away. Even if you’re aware of it, don’t say anything about it if you really care.

Akari puffs up her cheeks.

“But then Okarin’s kindness won’t be conveyed to my sister, right?”

“Kindness is not something you can express and claim.”

They look at each other and smile quietly.

“…… I’m so glad I came here.”

“Me too. I don’t have to be scared every day, and I can sleep peacefully and soundly. …… Ah, …… yes. No more of that.”

Akari is always cheerful, but sometimes her smile is shaded.

I can feel the trouble in the family here and there.

But I don’t want to force my way into it.

I don’t want to go to the trouble of touching a wound that doesn’t want to be touched.

Besides, if I wanted to say ……, these kids would say it themselves.

“Thank you for respecting us … Sensei”

Nanako bows neatly with a sigh.

“I’m just doing what I have to do to take care of you. Don’t bother thanking me.”

“Mmm~…… Nfufufu♡”

Akari smiles a squishy, debauched smile.

“What is it?”

“Nothing…..I’m happy every day. ……Akarin was feeling it.”

Well, whatever it is.

“The company is coming tomorrow, so you should pack your things. I’m going to go buy some big furniture after the move is over.”

“Oh, I see. That’s why I’ve been putting off shopping, because we have to move first.”

“…… I see. As expected, Sensei, you have a very good sense of organization”

It was a day off from work.

In the morning, the movers came.

I had packed all of Misae’s personal belongings in cardboard boxes.

Clothes, cosmetics, etc.

“We wanted to help too. But Okarin is doing all the work.

Akari said with dissatisfaction.

“Idiot. It’s my responsibility to take care of this.”

“‘……, can’t you let us take some of the load?”

Nanako asks fearfully.

“No, you can’t. It’s not something that a child should be carrying around. You guys can live your lives without worrying about it.”

I pet Nanako’s black hair.

She had a pout on her lips.

I know what she means, and I’m not so stupid as to not understand her concern.

But this is not a problem that she should be involved in, not like this.

The furniture, including the ones I no longer needed, was sent to Misea parents’ house.

“Okarin, what a waste! That bed is a very expensive piece of furniture.

“…… How dare you make Sensei buy all that expensive furniture and then claim it as your own?”

“She’s so arrogant, isn’t she?”

“I don’t care. I don’t need that big bed anymore.”

I signed the contract and paid the mover.

The mover bowed and left.

“Now, let’s go to the new house.”

“Oooou! ….But where is it……?”

“It’s nearby. It’s only about a 20-minute drive.”

I got out of the apartment with the rest of my luggage.

I’ve already given away all the expensive furniture to Misae and hired another mover for the appliances, so all I have left is my stuff.

I headed for the parking lot.

“Okarin, you even have your own car?”

It’s a four-seater regular car.

“Is that so surprising?”

“No. ……You’re 29 years old and live in the city. You don’t need a car. ……I mean….”

“Well, the train will do the job, but …… Misae said she wanted to use it for shopping.”

“…… What do you want to use for shopping? You never cooked dinner for him.”

“She must have been using it to go on a date with her cheating boyfriend. I’m so angry.”

“That’s enough. That was a long time ago. Come on, get in the car.”

I sat in the driver’s seat.

“I’ll be in the back, so you can be in the passenger seat!”

“Fu ……!? Fueeee…….! O-okay~…….”

Kaa…..Nanako blushed and slumped.

“What are you embarrassed about? Hmm? Sister ……? Hmm~?”

Akari giggled and poked her sister’s cheek with her finger.

“B-Because …… Sensei and …… drive side by side, it’s …… like a date. ……”

“Wawa? How can that be? If you’re blushing like that, you’re going to be so embarrassed you’re going to collapse during the real thing.”

” Uh ……Akari why don’t you sit here?”

“U……Eh, ah…..No, well….I cant~”

Akari says, turning away, her face flushed.

She whistles, even though she is not whistling.

“You’re embarrassed to sit in the passenger seat, too.”

“Haa?  I can handle it?”

“…… Then get in. I’ll be back.”

Her sister tries to put Akari in the passenger seat with a squeezing motion.

“Hiii…! Stop it!”

“…… why don’t you both get in the back?”

“”Ah, I see.””

They sit down in the back.

“Don’t forget your seatbelts.”

“Even though we’re not in the passenger seat? Akari-chan has big boobs, so the seatbelt is too tight.”

Akari grabs her breasts with both hands and crushes them to emphasize her chest.

I look at her and sigh.

“I know it’s painful. I understand your distress, but you have to wear a seatbelt in the back seat now. And what if you hit your head on the brakes? Just put it on.”

“Fufu, this man is not affected with sex appeal ……, Akari-chan’s boobs are crying. The boys in my class are staring at them.”

“…… but that makes you feel at home, right?”

“Hmm. That’s right. I don’t like it when my classmates look at my breasts every time they see me and give me weird looks. They look like kids.”

But, said Akari.

“Okarin’s got a lot of reserve, and he’s not too pushy, so I think he’s the best ……!”


I start the car and head for my new house.

“Look, look, look, Okarin, it’s a π slash! Look, look, look, my sister’s tits are popping and popping and popping with the seatbelt.”

“Mou! Akari. Don’t do anything to distract him while he’s driving!”

“It’s all right. Look, he’s not even looking back.”

“Ugh …… that’s so …… sad ……”

Soon we arrived at our new house.

I parked my car in the parking space next to the building.

“Whoa! It’s so nice! A two-story single-family house! It’s so cool of you to rent a house in Tokyo!”

Akari looked up at the rented house and said excitedly.

“U-uhm, …… are you sure about this? Is it really okay to rent a …… expensive place like this?”

“Idiot. Why do you care about this, Nanako?”

I patted Nanako’s head lazily.

“This place is close to the new publishing house, and for an old place, it’s newly remodeled and livable. I only rented it for my own convenience. You don’t have to worry about it.”

“And it’s still a bike ride away from our school, too.”

“Eh? R-really?”

“Yes, or rather, it’s closer to our school. Okarin-chan, you’re renting the house out of consideration for us.”

…… Really, she’s so quick to reveal this to her sister.

“…… Thank you, Sensei.”

“We used to hate the trains.”

I can tell by looking at them that Akari and Nanako have bodies that are attractive to men.

They might be sexually harassed by the lowly men on the train.

From here, they can get to the school by bike or on foot.

“Thank you for taking such good care of us……”

“I’m the one who’s taking care of you. It’s only fair.”


“Mou…..Okarin is the best, you know that!”

Akari hugs me back with a thump.

I feel a softness and a definite tension in my back.

I untie Akari’s hand.

“You’re not in elementary school anymore, Akari, so don’t hug me like that.”

“No, I don’t want to.”

“That’s something you should do when you have a boyfriend.”

“Then it’s okay to call me Okarin ♡ because I’m your lover.”

I really wish she’d be a little more aware of the fact that I’m the opposite sex.

Her senses will always be stuck in grade school. …… Yare Yare.