It’s been a while since I started living with the twin JKs.

Late July. Morning.

I was in the bathroom getting ready.

“…… Ah, Sensei.”

A beautiful girl with black hair, Nanako , the older twin sister, came into the bathroom.

She seemed to have woken up from sleep, and was wearing a cute pair of light pajamas.

“Nanako. Good morning.”

When I greeted her, Nanako smiled softly, looking really happy.

“Good morning, ……. It’s like ……Fufufu. It feels like we are a newlywed couple.”

Nanako is 17 years old. She is a high school student.

She is in a position where I am temporarily protecting her.

“Tell that to the guy you care about.”

For a change, Nanako’s lips pucker up in a sullen manner.

And then a small murmur.

“…… therefore that is what I’m trying to say, but ……”

“Aren’t there any boys in your class that you’re interested in ……?”


“…… Oh, I see.”

Funsu, Nanako sniffs.

“Sensei, I’m completely devoted to you. I don’t have a crush on any boy. I’ve never even been in a relationship.”

“Well, that’s surprising. You’re a popular girl right?”

“…… Well, maybe a little. But I’ve turned them all down! There’s another guy I’m interested in, and h-he’s really close!”

She looks me straight in the eye and says, her face turning red.

…… me, do you mean me?

If so……I can’ t take this girl’s love for me as it is.

Inexplicably, Nanako tends to keep her childhood longings intact.

It’s not uncommon to mistake the trust you felt in older men as a child for fondness.

But …… it is like Measles.

Everyone goes through this at one time or another…… and as you grow as a person, you forget about it.

But …… it’s like the [Measles].

…….In short

“Yeah. Good thing the guy you like is out there.”

I patted Nanako on the head and walked out.

I pretend to be oblivious to her thoughts.

I’m only in the position of protecting her on behalf of her parents.

Treat her as a guardian.

“…… Sensei, you’re so kind.”

Nanako was smiling, even though the thought had gone through her mind.

“….. Akari told me that Okaya-san treats us as our guardian. She said it was because you were concerned about us.”

“……For crying out loud. Totally, that girl is so quick to say.”

Her sister, Akari, is a very perceptive girl.

However, she should refrain from telling her sister everything.

“Please tell her when she get home from part-time work.”

“Oh, I see. Akari …… is working part-time.”

Her twin sister, Akari, had been working part-time for a long time.

They had taken a break due to the mess of living together, but restarted in earnest in the summer.

“You’re going to work now, right, Sensei?”

“Yes, I have a meeting with Rushia at a cafe in front of the station at 1:00 p.m.

“The café in front of the station. ……”

“? What’s up?

“Oh, no. It’s nothing. Akari told me not to tell you where she work. …… Ah eh, uhm, …….”

Awawawa, Nanako panicked.

By the way, I don’t know where Akari works.

She said it was a restaurant.

I don’t think it’s a café where we’re going to have a meeting.

“Anyway, have a safe trip!”

I stood in the doorway.

Nanako sees me off with a smile.

“Oh, I’m off.”

I went outside.

The stinging sun burns my skin.

Somewhere, the sound of cicadas is echoing.

“It’s hot. ……”

I used to be depressed about working on such a hot day.

But……now I don’t feel depressed at all.

Of course, it’s because I changed my workplace. ……

But …….

“Have a safe trip, huh……”

They are the ones who send me off like that and wait for me at home.

These girls give me the energy I need.

“I’m grateful to them …… Well, let’s do my best.”

I came to a cafe in front of the station.

This is the coffee shop that I made Misae write the divorce papers.

…… Well, that’s not important.

There was a girl sitting by the window with an elegant look on her face.

She wore a red kimono and had pure white hair.

A girl as beautiful as a Japanese doll.

She was the writer in charge of the project.

She is the author I am working with, Rushia Kaida.

“Sorry to keep you waiting, Sensei.”

“O-Okayaa! U-uhm…….g-good morning!”

The white skin of Rushia-sensei was even redder than usual.

Her cheeks were dyed vermillion, and her eyes came and went …… darting back and forth …… to me.

“I am very sorry for being late.”

“What do you mean? The meeting starts at 1:00 p.m., and it is now 12:30. It’s my fault that I arrived half an hour early. It’s not your fault at all, you were right on time.”

” Even so, it’s no different than keeping you waiting. I apologize.”

I bowed my head and apologized.

Poof, Rushia-sensei’s cheeks turned red, and she seemed to be thinking about something.

“…….I knew it, you’re wonderful.”


“N-nothing. Yeah, it’s nothing.”

Rushia-sensei seemed to have already bought a drink.

“Would you like me to order you some snacks?”

” No, I’m fine. I have a meeting… Food”



Kaa ……, Rushia-sensei turned red and depressed.

“I’ll get lunch for the two of us, since I haven’t had lunch yet.”

“I’m sorry, …… I was a little busy this morning and didn’t have time to eat.”

“I understand. Then please wait a moment.”

I headed to the checkout counter.

“Welcome. …………………… Ah, O-Okarin. ……”


There she was, The younger twin sister, the blonde gal Akari.

“What are you doing here ……?” (Akari)

“That’s my line.” (Okaya)

“I am uhm…..”

Well, I’m taking orders at the reception desk, I guess she is working part-time here.

“Sorry to interrupt your work.”


“It would be annoying if someone I know came to my place of work. But I already have a guest sitting here. Please excuse me for a moment.”

Kyoton…… Akari’s eyes lit up with confusion.

But soon after, she smiled.

“You’re so sweet, aren’t you, Okarin? Yes, I love you.”

Akari looks straight at me and smiles.

“Welcome. Have you placed your order yet?”

Akari quickly switches to work mode.

I try to keep my conversation to a minimum so as not to interfere with her work.

“That’s all for now. Please wait at the counter next to me.”

I paid her and moved to the side.

I watch her from a short distance away as she serves customers at the counter.


…… With her bright smile and character, she seems to be well-liked by her co-workers and customers alike.

She’s always been good with people.

I have taught her when I was a part-time tutor.

She got along well with the guys at the school from then on.

“Thank you for waiting!”

Akari came up to me with my order on her tray.

As I take the tray, she puts her mouth close to my ear.

“…… Good luck with your work, Okarin.”

When she pulls her face away from mine, she gives me a small wave.

“Good luck with your work, too.”

She smiled happily and walked back to the counter.

When I returned with the tray, I found …….

” Rushia-sensei?”


…… I don’t know why, but Rushia-sensei is frowning unhappily.

“What’s wrong?”

“…… You seem to be getting along quite well with that cute sales clerk.”

She poked and prodded the table with her fingers, as if she was slightly annoyed.


Well, let’s not mention the fact that we live together. It’s a pain in the ass.

“It’s a girl I’ve known for a long time.”

I have known her since I was a cram school teacher (10 years ago), and she is also my student, so it is not a lie.

“I-I seeee……..I see…..Un…..I’m glad”

Ho~…… and she exhaled for some reason.

However, she quickly shakes her head and said

“I’m sorry, I got emotional.”

Emotional, was it ……?

It was unusual for her, who is usually a good girl, to look irritated or upset.

“No, let’s eat first and then have a meeting.”

“Right. Time to dig in”

We picked up our sandwiches and had a casual conversation.

“It’s summer vacation today, isn’t it? Is your school closed already?”

Rushia-sensei is an active high school student.

She is 18 years old.

She goes to an all-girls school in Tokyo.

“Ah. It’s already summer vacation. I’m free every day.”

“I thought you’d be busy with exams at 18.”

“The school I go to has an escalator system that takes you all the way to university. You don’t need to study for any particular exam.”

Rushia-sensei elegantly put the sandwich in her mouth.

She must have a rich family, because her manner is elegant.

“What do your parents do for a living, by the way?”

“Geho ……!”

Goho Goho Rushia-sensei coughed.

“Are you okay?”

She seems to have choked, and her face is red.

I patted Rushia-sensei on the back.

Then, I put an iced coffee in front of her.

She hurriedly drank it down and breathed ……hoo, a sigh of relief.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you.”

“N-no, it’s not …… Okaya’s fault. It’s my problem,…….”

Fue…….Fue……Rushia took a deep breath.

I sat down in my seat.

“I’m sorry I asked you something that was hard to hear. It’s just that I’ve never heard of it before, and I was just curious.”

“Ah, no…..uhm…..Un. M-My parents……uhm……”

Rushia-sensei closed her eyes, twisted her neck, and eventually …… said.

“P-Private……. Employer?”

“Oh, I see, they run a store or something.”

” S-store……U-un! Yeah, they also run a store too”


Rushia-sensei was writhing in agony, holding her head.

But she quickly looked up and said.

“Let’s talk about work, shall we? Yeah, I’m here to work today!”

“? That’s right.”

But…..I failed.

I guess it’s not very polite to talk about family with adolescent girls.

I’ll have to reflect on that.

“….. Thank God. I switched the topic. Fue. ……?”

Rushia-sensei picked up her coffee and suddenly realized.

“Eh…… ah……, t-that is my ……Iced coffee…….” (Okaya)


Rushia-sensei’s iced coffee is full.

On the other hand, mine was empty.

“H-huh ……? Then, then, …… what I drank just now was …… no way …….”

“Oh, ……,sorry. I thought it was your Iced coffee. I was in a hurry and made a mistake.”


Kaa….Rushia-sensei’s face, or rather her neck, turns bright red.

“T-this is ……i-in-indirectly …….”


“O-Okaya! N-new coffee! Go get some! Now!”

“Ah, yes. I will. I’ll be right back.”

I left my seat and went to the counter.

Akari is standing at the counter.

“Excuse me, can I have an iced coffee?”


Akari is looking at me with her lips agape.


“…… Looks like you’re having a lot of fun at work, Okarin.”

Jii…….She looks at me with a somewhat accusing look. [TL: Sfx for stare]

It seems that she was watching us from here, watching our seats.

Apparently, she had been watching our table from here.

“You shouldn’t look when you’re working.”

“That’s not what you are supossed to say!”

“? What are you talking about?”

“That’s why! Come on, Okarin, you have to understand girls’ minds! Mou!”

I don’t know what it is, but Akari said so grumpily.