Mitsuhiko Okaya spent the night with Ichika, later at the Niekawa house.

Late July.

Ichika and her younger brother[‘s] had come to a yakiniku restaurant for dinner.

It was a chain yakiniku restaurant in front of the station [Giyuukaku].

In one corner of the restaurant, [three] people dressed in black are sitting.

Ichika, the older sister. Saburo, the younger brother. And …… Ichika’s other brother, Jirota.

“Eeeeh! Sis …… got a boyfriend!?”

It was Saburo who raised his voice.

He is a man who wears sunglasses and is as tough as the Terminator.

“Saburo, you shouldn’t be so loud outside.”

Next to him, there was another Terminator.

This one was also burly, and there was little difference between him and Saburo.

However, his hair was cropped and he was a little tanned.

He was Jirota, Saburo’s older brother.

“Shopkeeper! Bring me some expensive sake! Let’s celebrate!”

“Excuse me, this birthday cake is for you. Yes, congratulations to Ichika-chan.”

The two younger brothers were about to enter the celebratory mood, so Ichika stopped them.

“Stop it, mou …….”

“Good for you, sis! I’m so relieved. I’m so glad that spring has come to that muscle gorilla, the gorilla that has maintained her virginity for 28 years. ……


“Saburo, do you …… want to die?”


“Gyaaa! Stop it! Stop the iron claw! My brains are coming ouuuuuuuuuuuuuut!”

Ichika tried to grip her brother’s temple with an angry smile on her face.

“Sister, that a bit too much. Saburo, that’s really rude to sister, you know.”

As soon as Jirota calmed her down, Ichika let go of her hand…….

“But I was surprised that sister had such an interesting story ……. I was surprised, too.”

“Right! Brother Jirota thinks so too!”

Jirota and Saburo nodded, nodding their heads in agreement.

“You shouldn’t be surprised…..Mou…..”

Ichika drank her mug of beer and let out a sigh of relief.

Jirota quickly placed the grilled meat on the plates of his sister and brother.

“I’m surprised! You see, you’ve been doing karate and judo all through elementary, junior high, high school and college, and no one has ever been able to get close to you because they were afraid of you, the female gang leader. Why would I not be surprised?”

“I’ve never been a female gang leader. It’s just what people have been calling me. …… And…”

Ichika mumbles to herself.

“I don’t have …… boyfriend.”


Kyoton, Jirota and Saburo’s eyes lit up.

“Eh? You don’t have a boyfriend?”

“What do you mean? Didn’t you just say that you spent the night with him?”

“That’s right. But we’re not going out.”


The brothers nodded their heads.

“Hey, sis, …… eh? You met up with a classmate from college for the first time in a long time, had a few drinks, he drove you home and you slept in the same bed together, right?”

“And nothing happened?”

“That’s right.”

Busu, Ichika said in dissatisfaction.

“I was all set, even wearing my sexy underwear. ……”

The two brothers looked at each other and nodded their heads.

“”Why were you so well prepared and nothing happened?””

“Why ……”

Ichika’s cheeks flushed red as she poked at the charred flesh with a pair of chopsticks.

“Be-because he…… wouldn’ touch me.”

“Didn’t you try to seduce him or something?”

“S-Seducing him ………. is not something I can do. It’s embarrassing. ……”


“Oh, but listen. We’re going to hang out once a week. We’re going to the amusement park next week. What’s the matter……?”


The brothers said, slightly disappointed.

“Sis! Why didn’t you attack there? It’s a fated reunion! The other party is divorced and free, right? Where are you going with this?”

“Uug, B-Because it’s been ……7 years since I’ve seen him, and he just divorced with his wife, so it’s kind of …… weird to tell him I love him, isn’t it?”

Monyo monyo Ichika mumbled. 

“Well, you’re a bit of a slob, sis. But if you keep this up, history will repeat itself, you know?”

“True true. For four years you haven’t been able to say you love him, and after that you’ve been dragging it out for seven years. If you don’t change here, you’ll spend your old age in loneliness, sis.”

“I- I know!”

Boom! Ichika smashes the grilled meat table.

Mishi, The top of the table creaked and squeaked.

“Sis, the table is broken! Pakkan ! It will explode!”

“No, it won’t! What do you think I am?”

“A western lowland gorilla.”

“Do you want to die? Saburo?”

“Well, well, well, sister, let’s calm down. Saburo don’t tease her either.”

Jirota sighed.

” Sis, I’m just trying to be helpful, but I don’t want this friendship to last too long, you know?”

“T-that’s …… why?”

“Because if you don’t, you might end up going down the friendship route.”

“Yeah yeah, if you don’t figure out soon whether you’re going to be together or not, you’re going to spend the next ten years all over again.”

The brothers were right.

Yesterday, she had spent the night with Okaya, and a part of her regretted that she had not confessed her feelings to him.

On the other hand, a part of her was somewhat relieved that they had remained good friends.

“You’re 28 now, you’re still young, but if it takes another 10 years, you’ll be an old lady……HOKUU!”

Ichika hit Saburo, who was sitting next to her, with a body blow.

“You can’t mess with a woman’s age too much, Saburo. Sis, a kick is a bit …… We are inside”

“It’s bad enough that the idiot there has no sense of decency.”

Fuu, Jirota sighed.

“But Saburo has a point. Sis is getting old, and if you miss this, you won’t be able to meet anyone anymore.”

“I-I know. …… That is why I’m trying to tell you, that we are trying to go on date once a week.”

“No, that’s not enough. Not enough at all, sister.”

The revived Saburo says with a serious face.

“Force him down against his will★”


Ichika blows out her beer.

“Geho … Goho … Y-you …”

” Sis, look, you’re the stronger, right? If you use your power to force him down and attack him, he won’t be able to resist.”

“Idio……! Are you an idiot! Hey Jirota! You think so too, right!”

“No, …… it might be a good idea?”


Hey, The brothers are in agreement.

However, Ichika’s face turned red and she began to squirm.

“I can’t do such a terrible thing. ……”

“But you know, if you don’t do that, I don’t think the relationship between you and that person will budge even a millimeter.”

“Sis, for once Saburo is right. Even if you have to force it, once you share the same bed together, it will deepen your relationship.”

“I-is that so……What should I do?”

Ichika was almost moved.

Saburo murmurs admiringly.

“As expected from a married man, your words carry a different weight.”

That’s right, Jirota Jirota is married.

“How old is your child?”

“He’s one year old. Is it easy to see?”

Jirota took out his smartphone from his pocket and showed Ichik a picture.

It was a cute baby girl with silver hair.

“I never thought I’d have a brother and sister of Russian descent.”

” Great, you’re learning Russian out of love, right? Do you speak Russian to anyone but your wife?”

“Alyssa recently made a Russian friend, and is helping me to communicate.”

Jirota put away his phone.

“I want my sister to be as happy as my brother.”


“So, on your next date, You, you should attack him★.”

Monyo monyo Ichika clammed up.

“B-But it’s …… embarrassinggg ……

“That! Mou! Just tell him to get his ass over there and finish the job! I don’t want to see my …… sister’s painful face anymore, me.”

“Seven years ago, it was horrible.”

Seven years ago. In other words, it was the day Mitsuhiko Okaya and Misae Nagano got married.

“She stayed in her room for three days, cried all the time, and didn’t eat.”

“Everyone was worried about you”

She was alone in her grief and caused trouble for her family.

Ichika thought back to that time and reflected on it.

“…… I’m sorry about that time.”

“It’s okay, though.”

“I’m fine now, and it’s all over now.”

The brothers laughed and nodded.

…… Yes, they are afraid she’ll make the same mistake again.

“I’ll try to …… do my best. Next date ……, I’ll- I’ll do my best!”


Pachipachi, the brothers clapped their hands.

Just when she thought she was going to do her best, Saburo suddenly asked.

“By the way, Sis, what’s the name of your boyfriend?

“You mean Okaya-kun?”

“Eh, ……?”

Pokan…..Saburo opens his mouth with a poof

“Eh, Okaya ……, eh? Mitsuhiko Okaya?”

Yes, she hadn’t told Saburo that the other party was Okaya.

Because …….

“Did you fall in love with the same person as the young lady ……?”

Saburo is the bodyguard of the daughter, Rushia (Ryuko) Kaida.

He knows that Rushia has feelings for Okaya.

“Is that …… safe? Kaida, Kogen-sama won’t shut up about it. ……?”

Both Rushia and Kogen are very fond of Okaya as a person.

As Jirota fears, loving the same man may end up displeasing them …….

“…… I know that. I’ll tell them exactly what I’m going to do. I think it would be dishonest to hide it from them.”

“That’s good, isn’t it?”

“Will they forgive you……”

“Don’t worry, they haven’t even started dating yet, and anyone who falls in love with someone should be free to do so. I’m sure Kogen-sama and the young lady know what they’re talking about.”

“Yes, I’ll explain it properly. By the way, …….”

Jii ……, And the sister and brother look at the younger brother.

“Saburo, you understand not to do right?”

“Eh? What?”

Saburo, the Terminator tilted his head in a cute way.

“Don’t tell anyone that I like Okaya-kun.”

“Since sis is the one who said it, Saburo, you mustn’t tell anyone, okay?”

They both know.

They both know that the mouth of this well-behaved brother is lighter than helium gas.

“I know! Don’t worry, buu! Don’t ever tell anyone! Seriously, I won’t tell anyone.”