It’s almost the end of July.

I was having a meeting with the editor-in-chief, Ugematsu, at the SR bunko building.

“Ha? We’re moving ……?”

At the end of the building, I’m drinking an iced coffee with the editor-in-chief.

“Yes, that’s right. See, we’re cramped at the moment, right? So I thought I’d rent a new building.”

” The building……. Where is it?”

” Takanawa’s building.”

“Buuu……-geho goho”

Ugematsu-san, what is he talking about all of a sudden?

Takanawa, that is, the building of the publishing company where I and the editorial department were originally located.

“No, ……, do we have that kind of money?”

“Yes, here’s the thing. We do, strangely enough.”

Ugematsu-san said, tilting his head.

“Actually, the Kaida Group has become an investor in our publishing company.

“Ha ……? You’re kidding?”

“Right. Okaya-kun must think so, too. I’m surprised as well”

“And yet, you seem to be the same as always……”

“Haha, maybe I’m so surprised that my senses are numb. Anyway, it seems that Takanawa is pulling out of the building, so we’re grateful for the opportunity to use the vacant building there.”

But …… is the Kaida Group.

Family restaurants, banks, and more.

There is not a company in Japan that is not a part of the Kaita Group.

I wonder why such a large company became our investor. ……?

“The other day, they approached us. They were impressed with our policy.”

In front of us, there are three novels.

It’s the lineup for the first issue of SR Bunko.

The number one author in the industry [Kamimatsu].

The author of AMO, “Ouji Hakuba”.

The promising newcomer, [Kurohime Erio.]

“Could it be that the reason why these three were able to write for us is because of ……?

“It’s because of the investment from the Kaida group. Without the money, we wouldn’t have been able to produce a book with all these people.

Uematsu-san’s ideal is to create a publishing company that can develop buried talent.

However, in order to do so, it is necessary to raise the profile of the collection.

That’s why I decided to ask these three superstars to write a book for us, in order to promote the company’s label. ……

“I see, so that’s how it happened. I thought it was strange that these three people would be writing for us.”

“Well, one of them is kind of a connection.”

Ahaha, Ugematsu-san says with a chuckle.

This guy has a pretty wide face.

Normally, you can’t just come up with a publishing company right away.

The fact that he was able to make it happen must be due to his virtue.

“No, no, it was because of you, my excellent right-hand man, my deputy editor. Thank you so much for helping me launch the new label.”

“No, it’s just the beginning, let’s work hard for the launch of the first lineup in August.”

Ugematsu-san and I clasped our hands together.

“By the way, about the summer vacation.”

“Ha ……? S-Summer vacation ……?”

“Yes. I want my employees to take their summer vacation.”

Ugematsu-san said matter-of-factly.

“No, ……, it’s not normal for editors to have summer vacation. Even a two-day weekend is said to be crazy.”

“Well, yeah. I just want to prioritize the happiness of my employees and writers over the profits of the company.”

…… I’m really glad I followed this guy.

“I’m planning on about ten days of summer vacation.”

“T-ten days……?”

“Eh, did I say something funny?”

Ugematsu-san tilted his head in confusion.

No, it’s not strange.

Anyone who is a member of society understands this.

Five days of summer vacation is more than enough, and it’s not surprising if you don’t get any.

But to get 10 days, that’s crazy.

” Ah, don’t get the wrong idea.”

T-That’s right, ……, there’s no way an adult can get 10 days of summer vacation.

Kii, It would mean that I should take 10 days off, using the vacation time that I am entitled to as paid vacations.

“You’re free to use 10 days of summer vacation on top of your paid vacation, so you can take even longer off, okay?”

Geh, ……!” Gho! Gho……!”

“A-Are you okay, Okaya-kun? Did……, did I say something that upset you?”

…… D-Does this guy not realize that he is saying a ton of nonsense?

The publishing company gives me 20 days off a year as a paid employee.

On top of that, he gives me the year-end and New Year vacations off, and 10 days off for the summer vacation. ……?

“Is that enough to keep this place running?”

” Of course, we’ve added more people.”

“Come to think of it, I didn’t know that there were more editors and part-timers outside of Sakudaira.”

“Yes. I’ve been headhunting, though I’ve only picked up people who quit their previous jobs.”

Ugematsu-san picked up today’s morning paper and unfolded it.

There was a headline that read, “Takanawa: Signs of Collapse.”

After the dismissal of Nakatsugawa’s former president, Takanawa was found to be riddled with scandals.

The business is shrinking and the number of employees is decreasing rapidly.

“There are rumors that the company is going bankrupt.

“But ……, that rumor is about to come true, isn’t it, since the publishing rights of the works published by TAKANAWA Books have been transferred to other companies.”

“I don’t know. I never thought in my wildest dreams that we’d be publishing a continuation of [Digimath] and [Bokushin].”

Digimath and Bokushin are both works by the extremely popular author, Kamimatsu.

They were originally published by TAKANAWA Books, but the publishing rights have been transferred to us.

“I hope you haven’t lost your motivation because you got caught up in the dirty mess of the adults at Kamimatsu-sensei’s …….”

“Hmm? Is he not okay?”

Ugematsu-san replied in a very matter-of-fact manner.

“He’s still in high school, and he’s still sensitive and impressionable, so we have to support him well.”

“No, no, no, no problem. It seems that he is playing with his friends today as well as his harem …….”

“By the way, Kamimatsu-sensei …… Yuta-kun, it’s already summer vacation, right?”

Yes, this man is the father of the very popular writer Kamimatsu-sensei.

However, in my previous workplace, there were quite a few people who didn’t believe it.

There were also those who falsely claimed that it was because of Kamimatsu that he was able to become the deputy editor.

But I don’t think that was true.

He’s a good man, even if he’s not Kamimatsu-sensei’s father.

“The kids are having a great summer, so why don’t we adults get some rest and get ready for summer?”

“I see. …… I understand. In that case, I’ll rest without hesitation.”

“Yes, rest well.”

“When are you going to take a break, Ugematsu-san?”

“I’m planning to go back to my wife’s parents’ house during the Obon holidays, so I hope they’ll let me rest there. You….can go ahead and take a break first.”

“Really, ……?”

“Yeah, really.”

…… I always think that this publishing company is too white.

We go to work at 9am and leave at 6pm.

We are not allowed to do overtime. If you want to work overtime, you have to report it in advance, and they will pay you for the overtime and even give you an allowance.

On top of that, the company is completely closed on weekends and holidays, which makes it stand out from the previous black publishing company.

“Oh, by the way, You have a meeting with Rushia-sensei this afternoon. You can go home after the meeting today.”

“I understand. Okay, Ugematsu-san. I’ll take my summer vacation.”

I gathered my belongings and stood up.

“Summer vacation. You should go out”

“Go out…… I see. Right.”

There are two JKs waiting for me at home.

Akari has a part-time job, while Nanako is basically a shut-in.

Since I’m taking care of them, it’s my role as acting guardian to take them somewhere.

“Thank you for your advice.”

“Yeah, have fun.”

I leave publishing company.

I had a meeting in the afternoon with Rushia, so I was about to head there. …… That’s when it happened.


A call came in.

[Toshie Jyunikane]

It’s the female editor-in-chief who was my boss at my old job.


To be honest, I wasn’t sure whether to answer or not.

I wonder what the woman had to do with me to call me now.

But since she was probably calling for something, it would be rude for a member of society not to answer.

“Yes, this is Okaya.”

“…… Okaya-kun. It’s been a long time.”

Her voice on the phone sounded exhausted.

“It’s been a while. What’s wrong?”

“…… Actually, there’s something I want to talk to you about in person.”

Her voice was full of urgency.

I wondered if she had something important to tell me.

I glanced at my watch.

There was still some time before the meeting.

“I understand. I have an errand to run in the afternoon, so if you could wait until then.”

“Really!? Thank you! Thank you!”

…… I just said I’d still listen to you.

What is she thanking me for?

“Please…… meet me at the family restaurant in front of the station. See you there.”

Akari is working at the cafe in front of the station.

I don’t want to involve her in any more adult discussions.

I’ll contact Rushia on line.

“I may be a little late for the meeting. If I can’ t make it in time, I’ m sorry, but you’ ll have to wait a bit.”

As soon as I did, I received an OK stamp.

“Okay, …….”

I made up my mind and headed for the meeting with Jyunikane.