After I left Jyunikane, I headed home.

Today, I had a meeting with Rushia Kaida, the author of new novel.

I thought we’d go to a nearby coffee shop, but Rushia insisted on meeting at my place.

Well, since she was planning to have fun with Akari and Nanako afterwards, I agreed.

“What do you think?”

In front of me sat a small, beautiful girl who looked like a Japanese doll.

Her pure white hair and red eyes remind me of a rabbit.

Her name is Rushia Kaida. She is one of the writers I work with.

What do I think. It’s probably about the manuscript.

But I have been asked what do I thought before, and she actually asked me what she was wearing.

“Yes. You look good in your outfit today.”


Today, she was wearing a mini-skirt dress and a light blue cardigan.

The skirt is white and the legs are shiny.

“Fufu, So it was worth the effort to work hard with …… Saburo to make sure it was the right one, ……That’s not what I meant!”

Rushia’s face turned red and she shouted.

“I’m talking about the manuscript! Who said anything about clothes!”

“Oh, I see. I’m sorry.”

“No, no, no, …… no need to apologize. I was …… happy about it, and …… yeah, I am…… very, very …… Ehehe.”

She blushed and squirmed.

I thought she was angry, but she seemed to be happy.

I still don’t understand the minds of adolescent girls.

“The manuscript is perfect. Your manuscript is complete. Thank you for your hard work.”

“Thanks for checking it over and over again, too.”

“No, I’m sorry for making you fix so many things, too.”


Furufuru, She shook her head.

“Isn’t Okaya’s point a correction to make a better manuscript? I believe that thanks to you, my new work is the best it can be. As expected of Okaya.”

“Thank you. But it turned out to be good because of Rushia’s hard work. I was just assisting you. You did a great job. You’re the one who’s amazing.”

“Well, then, it’s a masterpiece created by the two of us.”

Rushia nodded in satisfaction.

The new work she’s putting out for us (SR bunko) is, no joke, the best of the best.

In my opinion, it’s a work that could be considered for an anime.

Until recently, I would have said that an anime was impossible due to the size of the company, but now we have plenty of money.

I need to use this money to make sure that more people know about the new work of Rushia-sensei ……

“That’s right. I’ve got two things to tell you, Rushia, one about the illustrations.”

Illustrations are an important factor in the sales of a novel.

“Sorry, it’s going to take a while for the character designs to come up.”

“I see. I think it’s Misaya Makou, right?”

“Yeah. He’s a divine painter who illustrated the second work of Bokushin …… Kamimatsu-sensei. I heard he’s not feeling well right now.”

The other day, the illustrations didn’t come in on time, so I emailed Misayama-sensei.

He replied, “I’m sorry, I’m catching a summer cold. It won’t be summer comics.”

“I see, …… summer cold. Tell Misayama-sensei to take care of himself.”

“Okay. I’ll send an e-mail to Misayama-sensei.”

He’s a little slow to finish illustrations, but he’s a fast artist, so I’m sure he’ll be fine.

“What’s the other thing?”

“The title of your current work.”

“Muu. …… title.”

She frowned.

“‘There’s still room for more, but I need you to decide on a title soon. It has something to do with getting the word out.”

“Hmmm …… Okaya. Actually, I’m having a very hard time deciding on a title for my new work.……”

Rushia’s first work, “Senmoshi,” was her debut, and this will be her second.

She is still trying to decide on a title for her second novel.

“I just can’t come up with a title that fits. ……”

There are two types of novelists in this world.

Those who come up with a title first, and those who come up with a title later.

“What did you do with [Senmoshi], Rushia?

“I came up with the title in the middle of writing that time, but this time I couldn’t come up with it even after writing the whole manuscript.”

“I see. ……”

Hmmm, we nodded our heads.

“Okaya, do you have a better title?”

“Right, ……. Well, I’m [not] a writer, so I think it’s best for Rushia to decide for herself. And I think the title of the work should be given by the writer.”

“Noooooooo …… uuuunnn …….”

That’s when Rushia groaned.

“Why don’t you two take a break?”


Akari, the blonde JK sister, places a glass of barley tea in front of us.

She’s wearing a tube top and hot pants today, a very skin-colored outfit.

“I don’t think you’ll get any good ideas if you keep moaning and groaning. Take a break.”

“Akari is right. Take a break, Rushia.”

“Umu….You’re right.”

Me, Rushia, Akari, and Nanako are sitting around the living room table.

The snack was sweet potato yokan and barley tea.

“Delicious ~~~~~~~~~~ ♡!”

Rushia cupped her cheeks with her hands and squealed with delight.

She closed her eyes and twisted her body, saying, “Mmmmm♡♡♡.”

“What’s with the sweet potato yokan? It’s too good! I’ve never tasted anything this good before!”

“That’s good. It’s worth the effort.”

Akari said happily.

I took a bite of the sweet potato yokan that Akari had made.

The smooth texture of the sweet potato spreads in my mouth.

I wash it down with a cup of barley tea.

“Who do you think?”

“Yeah, it’s delicious as always.”

“Nihi~♡ Yay!! Okarin gave me a compliment! I’m so happy!”

Yay! Akari raises her hand and rejoices.

Purun, her large breasts swayed.

“Damn….! Akarime…… How unfair. This is how you’re going to capture Okaya! Nanako, don’t you think it’s unfair?”

“Fuee? Mogu mogu…..Fuani?”

Nanako was chewing on a bowl of yokan in a single-minded effort.

Apparently, she hadn’t heard her friend’s conversation.

“You need to have a sense of urgency. You’re being led around by your sister!”

“Led by? me?”


Haa….Rushia sighs.

Akari says something that’s been bothering me for a while.


“Yes, yes♡”

“That outfit……”

“Oh, you noticed? Today I’m going to wear a tube top and show off my navel to annoy Okarin.”

“You’ll catch a cold. Put on a cardigan or something.”

Although it’s in a room, the air conditioning is running.

She’ll catch a cold if she’s wearing light clothing.

“Nn Mou. Okarin is very kind…… But I want you to be a little …… upset…”

“You’re also having a hard time, Akari.”

Rushia gives a sympathetic look to the JK sister.

Akari, on the other hand, answers with a wry smile.

“Thank you. Rushian, you have a hard time too. You don’t seem to be in a pink mood at work at all.”

“That’s right! I’m trying so hard, but he won’t be attracted to me. ……!”

Nanako, on the other hand, is munching on a bowl of yokan.

“Nanako. You have something on your mouth.”

I wiped the potato yokan from Nanako’s mouth with my handkerchief.

“……Ehehehe♡  Thank you, Sensei.”

“This move, after all, Okarin only sees us as children. …… Our biggest enemy is the woman from college.……”

“Yeah…… she is strong. And beautiful. She is a powerful enemy.”

The two of them are talking about something I don’t understand.

“By the way, guys, I started my summer vacation today.”

“”Summer vacation? You have one?””

“Yeah. Ten days from today.”

“””Ten days?”””

I can understand why the JK sisters are surprised, but why is Rushia so surprised?

I guess they were wondering if it was okay for the editor to take a day off before the book was finished.

I’ve adjusted the scheduling so everything is fine.

“Yay! I can’t believe I’m going to be with Okarin for 10 days!”

“…..I’m so happy♡ Happii-samadai~♡”

Akari and Nanako stood up, sat down next to me, and hugged me tightly.

I guess they were still at the age where they wanted to be pampered by their parents.

“I’m sorry that I couldn’t take you anywhere during the summer vacation. That’s why I’m thinking of going somewhere during the next ten days.”

“…… Where do you mean?””

“I’m thinking a trip.”

“””A trip….!?”””

Again, why is Rushia surprised?

…… Hmm? Isn’t there one more person?

“No, no trip! If you’re going, I want you to take me with you!”

Rushia blushed and shouted.

“I think that since I’m traveling with Okarin in private, I’d like you to refrain a little. Right, sister?”

“……, t-that’s right. Ru-chan, read the air. “

And then it happened.

“You can’t Okaya-kun!”

Someone tapped on the windowpane.

“Huh, Niekawa?”

My friend from college, Ichika Niekawa, was standing outside the window.


Kaa …… and Niekawa’s face turned red and she panicked.

I opened the balcony window.

“What are you doing here?”

“Well, uh, …… that …….”

Rushia comes up next to me.

“Ichika, aren’t you coming a little early to pick me up?”

Rushia eyes had a hint of suspicion in them.

On the other hand, Ichika is completely uncomfortable.

“I-I’m worried about you…..young lady”

“Hoo…..What are you worried about?”

Niekawa is slumbering.

On the other hand, Rushia is questioning her from behind with an aura of extreme cold in the air.

“B-Because …… T-three high school girls in a man’s room, what if …… a mistake happens?”

“What is the mistake, tell me, Ichika?”

Kaa~….Ichika turned red and said while poking her fingers in front of her face.

“T-that’s why…..4 pi”

“Sexual harassment police are needed!”


Akari and Nanako come in and intervene.

“You are …… Okaya-kun’s ……


“No, You’re not. These are the kids I’m protecting.”

Come to think of it, I hadn’t explained about these kids to Niekawa.

I’ll have to tell her later.

“Akari-chan figured it out. This is Okarin’s old girlfriend, right?

Jii, Akari stared at Niekawa.

“I-I’m just a friend of Okaya. ……”

JK’s are glaring at her, and she’s completely deflated.

Akari is scarier than anyone else when she’s angry.

“How much of a friend? Friends with benefits?”

“Se-……! Okaya-kun, do you know that today’s JKs are so shameless?!”

“It’s not shameless. It’s normal. Right, Okarin?”

…… It’s getting complicated.

“Calm down for a moment, you girls. Take a lesson from Rushia.”

She nodded and said, “Umu”

“Then let’s do this. Let’s all go to the villa in Karuizawa together.”

It seems that she was not calm, but pondering.

“……Ru-chan, do you have a vacation home?”

“Umu. Okaya, I’m free this summer. If you don’t mind, why don’t you go on a trip with me?”

“Trip ……. No why?”

“Do you need a reason to go out somewhere with your friends?”

I see. …… So, Rushia is inviting the twins to play.

“I want to go.”

“….Me too!”

Rushia looks at Niekawa.

“You should come too, Ichika.”

“Young lady…… are you sure?”

“Yeah. All I want is a fair fight.”

“Young lady……!”

Well, if the two of them want to go out with their friends, I’ll allow them to go.

“Have a good time then.”


They all said to me in unison.

“Eh? Okarin, what are you talking about?”

“I mean, you guys are Rushia’s friends, right? Well, I figured I shouldn’t interfere the trip, and if Niekawa, an adult, was coming along, I wouldn’t be needed.”


…… In the end, I had to go along with them because they needed a chaperone for the trip.