I came to Karuizawa to stay at the villa of Harushimo. ……

The vast hotel in front of Karuizawa Station, the KID Prince Hotel.

I was told that the entire …… hotel was Rushia’s villa.

“Of course he is joking! Right! Saburo!”

“Fa … Fofanfefu …”

Rusha said impatiently.

Saburo’s face, on the other hand, was swollen like a grape.

“A-are you okay?”

Saburo shook his head when I said that.

That was all it took for his face to return to normal.

“What was that?!”

Akari screamed as she peeled her eyes open.

“I have been training…….

“No, I know that when I see it. ……”

Saburo led the way to the hotel.

There was a reception counter at the end of a huge entrance hall.

Saburo overheard something to the receptionist.

“…… EEH! Wai, even if you say so suddenly. Today we have the whole place to ourselves.”

“…… Just call someone right away.”

“……Mou~. I get it”

Saburo led us to the reception desk.

A beautiful woman smiled at us and greeted us.

She gave us a brief explanation of the structure of the hotel.

The hotel is wide, not vertically, but horizontally.

At any rate, the property is spread out over the entire area at the foot of the Kid Prince ski resort, a family-friendly ski resort.

“We also rent out cottages for camping, so please feel free to use them.”

“Seriously? Not only the rooms in this huge hotel, but also the cottages! It’s amazing. …… It’s a real luxury hotel.”

“…… Ru-chan, you’re amazing!”

The JKs looked at Rushia with admiration.

“L-like I said …… that was Saburo’s joke. He just booked us a room at this hotel today.

“But, it’s really expensive, the cost for one night here.”

“…… Wawa, t-there’s a lot of zeros here. ……!”

Nanako peeked at Akari’s phone and was surprised.

Rushia chuckled and covered the screen of her phone with her hand.

“We don’t need to worry too much about money. We’re all here today to enjoy our summer vacation.

They looked at each other and nodded that that was true, too.

“Likewise, don’t worry about Okaya. This is a hotel that is closely related to my grandfather, and it’s rather cheap to stay here.”

“I see, …..thank you”

“No need to thank me. But … if you really want to … ♡ “

Rushia closes her eyes, stands tall, and looks up at me.

Oh, I see. ……

I touched her head and patted it.

「「「「 No, that’s not it. 」」」」

Akari and the other girls shook their heads in dismay.

“It’s not right?”


Rushia’s lips pouted as if she was sulking.

“I’m sorry.

Suu…… I try to pull my hand away.

“I-I didn’t tell you to stop! More …… stroking.”

I guess Rushia is still a child when it comes to spoiling her like this.

She may have had a grandfather as a guardian, or something happened to her parents that prevented her from being pampered.

I want to support Rushia as much as I can.

After all, she is my precious partner.

“Damn……! No matter how you look at it, Okaya is treating you like a guardian, but you can’t refuse it. ……!”

“That’s right. But if we don’t settle down here, then we’re going to go that way.”

Akari said, pointing at Niekawa.


“Yes. Friendship route. It’s a pitiful one that doesn’t end in a tie-up.”

“N-no way……!”

Gakura….Niekawa slumped to the spot.

“I-Ichika. You have to cheer up! You can still make up for this!”

” Young lady ……………… Can I still recover at the age of 28?”

“O-of course!”

When she saw her stutter for a moment, she felt depressed.

“Well, well, let’s not linger here, let’s go to the room quickly. The receptionist is in trouble.”

The receptionist who took care of us was smiling slightly.

“I’ll show you around, then.

The receptionist was about to leave the lobby, taking us with her.

“So long, Narai. I’m going to report to Kogen-sama.

Saburo waved at the receptionist, …… Narai.

“Un, nice to meet you, San-chan.”

Narai gave him small wave.

Do they know each other?

“……,S-Saburo. …… y-you …… did not?”

Niekawa’s voice trembled for some reason.

Saburo scratched his head in embarrassment, “Eh, ah well, …….”

Niekawa closed in on Saburo and said in a whisper.

“…… You can’t possibly be …… putting sister through this!”

“……Well, I’m old enough to have at least one girlfriend if I want to live a normal life, right?”

“…… I have been alone for 28 years! You’d better remember that!”

Niekawa came back to us with tears in her eyes.

“What’s wrong, Niekawa?

“It’s nothing, Okaya-kun. ……. I just …… feel like I’ve been betrayed badly.”

Gakuri, Niekawa slumps her shoulders as she tells us.

“I’ll show you around then.”

The receptionist, Narai, took us to the back of the Hotel.

The hotel is huge, not vertically, but horizontally.

It’s just a wide hallway that stretches on forever. ……

“Ne Ne, sister Narai. Why is it that I haven’t passed by any customers since a while ago?”

Akari asked Narai, while looking around.

“Eh, uhm~……”

Narai glances at me, ……, or rather at my neighbour, Niekawa.

Furufuru! When Niekawa shook her head, Narai said with a smile.

“Everyone goes to the shopping mall at this time.”

“Oh, I see. …… It’s just lunchtime, huh”

There is a shopping mall next to the hotel, which boasts a vast area.

I heard that a lot of people from outside the prefecture visit this place.

Narai breathed a sigh of relief.

After a while, we came to the innermost room.

“We have three rooms reserved for you.”

“Thank you very much.”

I took the card key from Narai.

“Then we’ll split up in a two-two-one.”

「「「「 Yay! 」」」」

Akari and the others look at each other.

“I’m sorry, all three of you, but I’m the one who’s going to win and get Okaya!”

“I’m sorry Rushian, but I won’t lose.”

“…..M-me too……I also want to be with Sensei!”

“I don’t want to miss out on this chance either!”

Gogo…….I can feel the aura of black spirit from their bodies.

「「「「 First…..go! 」」」」

” Well, I’ll be in my room first.”

「「「「 Rock paper!」」」」

“I need you to assign them a 2-2 room.”

「「「「 Wait a minute: 」」」」

As soon as I received the card key from Narai, the girls stopped the game.

“Eh, Okarin ……, are you serious?”


“O-Okaya ……, you’re not telling me you’re using one room by yourself?”

Akari and Rushia rolled their eyes and said.

“?  Because it’s one man and four women, so it’s only fair that the women get a 2-2 split, right?”

「「「「 You can’t」」」」

The four of them shook their heads with serious expressions.

“…..Sensei, this is a holy war! Sensei, …… who will shoot you down!”

“Okaya-kun. Wait for me, I’ll kick these three out now and we’ll go to the same room.”

They all look at me strangely.

But …… no, that’s not right.

” Rushia’s family provided us with three rooms. That was based on what she said earlier about assigning rooms, right?”

I looked at Narai and said.

Narai was at a loss for words and said “Eh, …….”

“A-Ah! I just remembered my errand! Here …… Doron!”

Duh! Narai pushes the remaining two card keys to me and leaves.

“……San-chan I can’t do it.”

At the end of the corridor, Saburo and Narai met up with each other.

“…… I can’t mix with that shura!”

“…… I know how you feel. But Kogen-sama has given us a role to support her.”

“…… Hieeee, I can’t do it!”

I wonder if Saburo will be staying here.

“Okaya! What are you looking at? An important match is about to take place!

“That’s right, Okarin! The result will determine the order in which we lose!”

The order in which they lose ……?

What do you have to lose? And the order?

Is that a young slang word……?

“I’m sorry, but I’m not giving you guys the number one spot. I’ve been waiting for this for over ten years.”

“””I pity you for that.”””

“Kuuu. ……! The youth is bullying me!”

The four of them played rock-paper-scissors.

I watched the scene in a daze.

I wondered if girls were this picky about room selection.

In the case of Misae, …… ah, she always asked for a different room when she stayed in a hotel with me.

After a while, I found …….

“Yes! I did it! Okaya-kun!”

Apparently, it was Niekawa who won the rock-paper-scissors game.

“Love wins ……!”

“Ichika-chan is too strong. ……”

“…… I, that person, It looked like she changed her [hand] midway through.”

“You mean she instantly saw through our move and changed his move at super high speed?”

The three of them were shivering for some reason.

“W-well, …… Okaya-kun, let’s go.”

The three of us shuddered.

“Congratulations, Ichika.”

Rushia smiled and applauded Niekawa.

“A triumph of persistence. Don’t worry about it, you can sleep with him.”

“Yes, of course. Don’t be shy.”

And so we finally arrived at the inn where we were traveling.