8-10 minutes 11.01.2022

Translator: Soafp

We are at the shopping mall.

“I want to look at clothes! Okarin’s clothes~!”

Akari, the younger twin sister, pulls my arm as we enter a women’s clothing store.

” …… cool, isn’t it~”

“Umu…… the weather outside is really hot.”

Nanako and Rushia are making fans with their hands and fanning them.

“? Niekawa, where are you?”

“Oh, Ichika, she’s outside.

Akari was right, Ichika was standing outside.

I left the three of them and walked out of the store.

“What’s wrong?”

A beautiful woman with black hair pulled up in a ponytail said with a troubled look.

“No, …… Okaya-kun. It’s a store for young people.”

I looked at the clothes on display, and sure enough, there was a line of clothes with very little fabric area.

“I wouldn’t look good in it.”

Niekawa prefers to wear rather formal clothes.

But she has long arms and legs and a good figure.

“Is that so? I think you look pretty good.”

“I-Is that so……?”

Niekawa glanced at the clothes on display and said.

“O-Okaya-kun, do you like …… that kind of thing that shows your belly button?

“No, not really. It’s just that since you’re young, you can wear something like that in private.”

“Oh, …… eh…… y…… yes. I-I understand. …… O-Okaya-kun, if you want me to wear it, …… I’ll do my best!”

zunzun, Niekawa walked into the store.

I followed her.

Inside, Nanako and the others were gathered around discussing something.

“…… This skirt is nice! It looks great on you, Ru-chan!”

“Nanako , how about a skirt like this?”

” …… Mou! I wonder if he’ll give me a compliment.”

“I-I wonder if Okaya will be pleased with …….”

In a daze, I watch from afar as they shop.

I’m not supposed to interfere with their fun.

“U-uhm! Excuse me! Those clothes on display outside! I’d like to try it on!

Niekawa was asking the shopkeeper about the clothes, her face turning red.

I see, you can try on clothes here, huh.

There was a large fitting room in the corner of the room.


That’s when Akari called out to me.

“What is it?”

“Come here for a minute.”

What’s wrong?

I wonder what it is. ……

I walked up to the fitting room.

“What’s wrong?


A hand reached out from inside and grabbed my arm.

I was pulled inside.

I was about to fall down, but when I went inside, I found …….

“Tadaa ♡ Okarin, and? Akari-chan’s underwear ♡”

Akari was there, wearing only a bra and panties.

Her white skin looked great against the black fabric.

The design was so tight that it was almost transparent.

Laughing, Akari bends forward and asks me.

“What do you think?”

Akari whispers, her eyes narrowed.

I almost feel a pang of adult sexuality for a moment, but then I think better of it.

I see, you are asking me if the underwear looks good on you.

“You can ask Nanako and the others about that kind of thing.”

“Buu. It’s underwear to be shown, so it’s better to let the person you’re showing it to choose it.”

Puku, Akari puffs out her cheeks.

She looked like a different person when she was wearing adult underwear and smiling seductively just now.

Now it’s the Akari I know, the one who’s appropriate for her age.

“So you have a boyfriend or someone to choose for you?”

“Ofcourse not! I don’t have a boyfriend!”

Akari shouts loudly.

The fire of anger in her eyes was evident.

“I’m not going out with anyone other than Okarin!”

“All right, all right, stop shouting. …… What if someone sees us here?”

There are two people in the fitting room, a man and a woman.

And one of them is wearing underwear.

It can cause misunderstandings.

“I’ll get out of here as soon as I can, and you can change your clothes……

Don, Akari pushes me against the wall.

With both hands, she pinned me down and wall-slamed me.

“I don’t mind being seen……. I’d rather have you look at …… me.”

Akari brings her face close to mine.

Her eyelashes are long.

She’s half-blond, so even her eyelashes are blond.

“Hey …… Okarin. Am I a …… child?”

A hot breath leaks from her glossy lips.

A feverish breath escaped from her glossy lips.

“It’s a child. A student, and now a protected one.”

“Mou……I’m not a child, okay? I’m 17 years old. I have a body that can make a baby ……, okay?”

Akari puts her long legs between my legs.


She purses her lips and goes straight to …….

“Quit it.”

I pecked Akari on the forehead.

“You can’t do that in a public place. You’ll get the store in trouble.”

“Yeah, I’m …… sorry.”

Akari’s shoulders drop.

“That’s right, if the …… clerk sees us here, Okarin will be in trouble.”

Akari pouted.

She probably thinks I’m scolding her.

It is difficult to distinguish between scolding and warning.

It’s always difficult to know what to do, especially with today’s young people.

In Akari’s case, I was asking her if this underwear would look good on her now that she was an adult.

I patted Akari on the head.

“It looks good on you, underwear.”


“Yeah. It’s really sexy. …… is a bit old-fashioned, though.

Pah ……! Akari smiles brightly and hugs me.

“Uun, Okarin is so nice ♡ Hehehehe, I think I’ll ask Okarin to buy this underwear for me…”

I had promised Akari and the others that I would give them whatever they wanted.

“Aah, alright

“I did it! I’ll wear this on our wedding night.”

“Don’t make jokes like that, they might take you seriously.

“Eeh? What about Okarin? You’re not going to take me seriously?”

I poke Akari’s disgruntled forehead.

“I won’t, not now.”

“Fuun…..I see. Now now…..Fufufu♡”

And then it happened.

“Akari-chan, you’ve been in here for so long, what’s wrong?


“””Ah ……!”””

The curtain opened, and there was Niekawa.

“Eh….? Eh…..eh?”

In Niekawa hands, she was holding a bag.

She probably bought the clothes she was wearing earlier.

Pasa……The bag falls to the floor.

“Eh, no way…..Okaya-kun and …… Akari-chan are ……”

No matter how you look at it, it will look like a bad man forcing a woman into a fitting room and then stripping her naked.

That’s what Niekawa misunderstood.

“Niekawa, you misunderstood.”

“Ah……Eh……, yeah! Misunderstanding! A misunderstanding, yes! I see. ……! That’s right. There’s no way they’re together!

Then …….

Akari pinched my arm between her two breasts and ……

Chu …… ♡


Niekawa turned her eyes wide and opened her mouth to angrily …….

Akari kisses my cheek and smiles devilishly.

“It is exactly what you think♡”

“Awwww …… Wawawawawawa ……”

Niekwawa’s face turns bright red, and her eyes roll around.

“No, like I said, Niekawa. This is not what it looks like.”


Niekawa runs away from us, shedding tears like a child.

“Fufufu~♡ It seems that Ichika-chan misunderstood that Okarin and I are in love with each other.

Akari says, sounding really happy.

I sighed and poked Akari in the forehead.

“You shouldn’t make fun of adults so much.”

“Yes, I’m sorry, Sensei. …… Fufu♡”

I walked out of the fitting room.

I wait for Akari to finish changing.

For crying out loud, she has always enjoyed teasing people.

“But you know, …… Okarin. I’m not going to be a child …… forever either.”

The sound of cloth rubbing.

The breath that leaked out was somewhat mature.

“My body can already make babies. Even by law, I can be Okarin’s wife.”

“Legally, right?”

“I’m serious. I’m serious, I’m going to be Okarin’s wife.”

The curtain opens and Akari comes out.

In her hand, she was holding a pair of black underwear that she had been trying on.

“That’s why…… I want to buy this so I can wear it when I give Okarin her first dress someday.”

Akari says with a carefree smile on her face.

That smile …… made me unsure of how to respond …….

“Don’t make fun of adults.”

In the end, I could only react as usual.

To be honest, I don’t know.

I honestly don’t know how I’m going to take this girl’s kindness.

“Yeah, that’s fine for now.”

Akari said, smiling a little sadly.

and then …….


Rushia, whose face is bright red, comes to me with Nanako, and Niekawa.

“I heard from Ichibana! W-where you p-p-playing with Akari outdoors!”

Haa……, I said with a sigh.

“We didn’t.”