9-11 minutes 20.01.2022

Translator: Soafp

After shopping at the mall, we went back to the hotel.

We had dinner afterwards.

I came to a restaurant in the hotel.

“Okaya-kun, thanks for waiting.”

As I was sitting by the window, I saw Niekawa in a dress coming towards me.


I was surprised to see how beautiful she was.

She was now wearing a black dress.

It was designed with an open back and chest area.

Her pure white skin was sparingly exposed, and her large breasts looked as if they would spill out.

The dress was a perfect fit for the tall and stylish Niekawa.

She wore her long hair up higher than usual, in what could be called an evening roll …….

“I’m sorry to keep you waiting.”

“Don’t worry about it. There are too many restaurants here.”

There is a wide variety of restaurants in the hotel.

Not only are there restaurants for every cuisine – Japanese, Chinese, French, etc. – but there are also restaurants for every situation, including those for drinking alcohol.

Niekawa sits in front of me.

I can’t help but notice her large breasts in my field of vision. It’s not good. …….

“Fufu, It was worth the effort because Okaya-kun seemed to be pleased with it.


“No, it’s okay. I’d rather you take a look at it. …… I did my best to make Okaya thrill me. ……”

Her cheeks reddened slightly, and her expression flushed as she looked away from me.

With her mature atmosphere and beautiful dress, she looks like a princess in a different world, which …… makes me confused.

“Do you want a drink?”

“Yes, I do.”

We get the menu from the waiter.

“This …… place is really amazing.They have all these expensive drinks, and they don’t even list the prices.”

It was the same at dinner.

It seems that everything you eat and drink here is free.

“Such fine food for free?! It’s amazing! Amazing!”

I remember Akari was surprised.

By the way, the JKs had gone back to their rooms.

When we told them we were going to drink, they said they would too! I warned them to wait until they were 20.

“I think I’ll have a glass of wine. How about you, Niekawa?”

“I’ll have the same one as Okaya-kun.”

Soon after, the waiter brought the drinks.

I picked up a wine glass with an unusually long handle.

“Well then, …… Okaya-kun. Good work.”

“Yeah, good work.”

Chink …….

Niekawa put her lips to the glass and drank vigorously.

“O-Okaya-kun …… amazing, this wine …… tastes so good ……”

” Yeah, it just flows right in.”

We had another glass of wine and drank about three more.

The timing was just right for me and Niekawa to get a good amount of alcohol in our system.

“Hey ……, Okaya-kun. Is there something bothering you right now, by any chance?”

Niekawa cut me off abruptly about such things.

The trouble …… well, it’s certainly not without.

But that’s business, not personal.

“, Okaya-kun. Say it. You promised me before, didn’t you? If you have any problems, you can tell me anything.”

Niekawa said, her cheeks red from alcohol, but smiling.

I guess she meant the last time I stayed at her house.

I couldn’t be bothered in front of the kids ……, but I could be bothered in front of her …….

” I am confused about the title of my new novel.”

“A novel that the young lady is going to publish under Okaya’s label?”

“Yeah. Rushia wants me to give it a title. She said she’d leave everything to me.”

“Isn’t it nice that she trusts you?”

“No. …… To be honest, I don’t feel confident in my own taste.”

” That’s not true. Okaya-kun was in charge of the young lady’s previous work, [Senmoshi] ……, and it was a very good book.”

Senmoshi. This is the book that I worked on with her.

“Thank you. Rushia will be happy.”

“No, Okaya, I’m saying you’re amazing. Of course, the content that the young lady wrote was also wonderful, but ……”

Niekawa smiles and closes her eyes.

“The cover, the title logo, and the …… binding all fit the mood of the piece very well.”

“….., but it’s all the same to Rushia.””

Niekawa gently shakes her head.

“It is true that only young lady can create a work of art like Senmoshi. But it was Okaya who came up with the design for the binding of the …… book, wasn’t it?”

“That’s …… true, but ……”

“Even if the content is good, if the audience doesn’t pick it up, it’s a lost cause, right? You know that very well, right ……? Hey, Okatani-sensei?”

Okatani. That’s the pen name I used to use when I was a romance writer.

“The reason my work didn’t sell was simply because the content wasn’t good enough. It doesn’t matter how good it looks, if it’s not good inside, it won’t sell …….”

” But no matter how good the content is, it won’t sell if it doesn’t look good. What I’m trying to say is that it wasn’t just the lady’s power that made Senmoshi sell.”

Niekawa does not lose its smile and looks straight at …… me.

She acknowledges me …… to the fullest extent.

She forgives me for the …… past that I once discarded and denied. She accepts me.

“Why do you …… approve of me so much? I …… hate my past so much.”

Maybe it was because of the alcohol in my system, but I was feeling weak.

Niekawa takes her hand gently and wraps it around me with a squeak.

“I love everything …… Okaya-kun makes.”


I can feel the warmth of her hands on my body.

The wounds of the past that were about to open up are being gently …… healed.

“I love the books you make now as an editor, and the books you once wrote as a novelist. …… That has not changed. I accept everything about …… Okaya-kun.”

”Because” said Niekawa, laughing softly.

“I’m a fan of Okaya-kun.”

…… Did Niekawa keep thinking about Mitsuhiko Okaya , and also Okatani?

In all honesty, the trust placed in me by Rushia was somewhat heavy.

This work that she made is a …… masterpiece without a doubt.

I wondered what I would do if I ruined it with my sense……

I was even more hesitant than usual to give it a title.

But …… Niekawaaccepts me.

She accepts me and says it’s okay.

“Thank you, ……, Niekawa.”

The pressure I had been feeling on my shoulders lifted a little.

My vision was clearer and I felt lighter than usual.

“I’m glad. Okaya-kun, you made me smile.”

Fufu, She smiled.

Her cheeks and wet lips are so sexy, I almost feel the urge to take her in my arms.

I wanted to hug her thin waist.

……Crap, the booze seems to be going around.

“Let’s get out of here”

“…… Eh, …… R-right.”

Fura…… and Niekawa gets dizzy.

“Are you okay?”

“Yeah, I’m …… sorry. I’m a little drunk. Please …… walk me to my room.”

When I hugged her shoulder, a sweet scent tickled my nostrils.

Her moist eyes and cherry-like lips almost sucked me in.

What, because I’m drunk? …… I can’t help but to be with Niekawa today.

“Let’s go.”

“Yes …….”

She was very drunk and unsteady on her feet.

I lend her my shoulder and walk with her.


The hot breath and the large breasts that clung to my body made me more aware of her as a woman than usual.

The alcohol seems to have loosened me up in earnest, I …….

Soon after, we arrive at the room.

That’s right ……, we were in the same room …….

“This is not …… good …….”

I’m on the verge of losing my grip on reason.

But …….

“Bed …….let’s go”

“A-ah ……”

I took Niekawa to the bed and laid her down on her back.

“Mmm. ……”

When she wriggles, her breasts almost fall out of her dress.

No, you can’t. But …… I’m drawn to the twin hills.

“Niekawa ……”

I try to pull the covers over her body.

Guii, she pulled me into a hug and squeezed me.

I’m in a frontal hug.

“…… name.”


“…… Ichika, call me Ichika.”

She whispered to me in a sweet voice.

It was as if a current ran down my spine.

“No, ……, that’s …….”

“Call me ……, okay? …… or I won’t let you go.”

I can’t go on like this.

I try to get away from her, but I can’t …… move.

Is it because she’s so strong?

Or is it because …… I’m refusing to let go?

“…… call me.”

“……………… Ichika.”

The drunken Niekawa……, no, Ichika, gives a small smile.

“…… Yes. Alright…..I have done it”

Her body relaxes.

She easily could have swung her arm away. ……

I couldn’t move.

I want to do this with her some more.

I think it’s because I was drunk and mentally depressed, and Ichika was kind to me. ……

“Ichika,I am …….”

She smiled and reached out and cupped my cheek.

“It’s fine. Come.”

“But I’m still trying to sort out my feelings, and this isn’t the way to do it.

“It’s okay. I’m just a convenient woman for you.”

Ichika smiled seductively, but gently.

“I hope my body can help you feel better. Besides, ……”

She whispers in a sweet, sweet, meltingly sweet voice.

“I like you, Okaya-kun.”

Ichika doesn’t try to refuse.

She is trying to accept everything.

I can’t stop her from doing it.

We put our lips on each other.

From there, we lost our sense of reason.

…… And then we put our bodies together.