Translator: Soafp

TL: I have not stocked enough chapters but I will just slowly roll out some chapters. Releases will be inconsitent.

[Akari PoV]

My name is Ina Akari.

I’m a second-year high school student, and together with my twin sister, Nanako, we’re staying with a certain man.

This was ten years ago, when I was in first grade.

I was in the first grade of elementary school.

It’s a story about the day I fell in love with a certain man.


It was winter ten years ago.

I was alone under the cold sky.

This is the cram school that we went to.

It’s the roof of the building where I was located.

I was cowering and crying.


Why am I crying?

The reason is that …… I was bullied at school that day.

—–Gross, foreigner~

—-Blonde hair, blonde hair~

Dyeing your hair gold, you’re a punk!

The boys in my class made fun of my hair color.

I have golden hair and blue eyes.

It’s not that I dyed my hair or anything.

We twins come from a special family environment, …….

This hair is because of our parents’ blood.

It’s something I was born with.

“Ugu … Gusu … Uuuuu …!”

What made me sad was that people made fun of my looks, of course, but …….

I was sad …… that I was destined to be born to such parents.

Both me and my sister hate …… home.

In addition to having no place to stay at home, if I go to school, I will be ridiculed as a “Foreigner ” or “delinquent”.

…… In Japan, this foreign-blooded look is …… very noticeable.

And in most cases, it is frowned upon.

—I can’t believe you dyed your hair at such a young age.

—I wonder what your parents are doing.

—Poor kid.

If my parents had been kind, I could have tolerated it.

But they weren’t.

The only reason I was able to do my best was because of my …… sister.

My sister, who has the same blood as me, was there for me, and she was kind to me, so I was able to do my best …….

…… But.

Every time, I’m being mocked for my hair color or scorned by adults.

There were many times when I thought, “……why me?”

There were many things that I thought.

Like my sister’s hair is a beautiful black color.

Although I think it’s wrong to hold a grudge, even if I love my sister, I can’t …… get rid of my black feelings.

I can’t get rid of the black feeling.


Today, my sister has caught a cold and is sleeping at home.

I wanted to be by my sister’s side.

I wanted to nurse her.

…… But I’m here because [that person] beat me up and asked if I was going to waste my monthly fee.

“……..I want to die.”

The color of my hair, the blood in my body, my family.

The one thing that I cannot do anything about and cannot change is my …… fate.

So, if I was born into such a fate, if I am desperate for such a life, …….

Death is the only way. ……


I grab the rooftop railing.

There is …… freedom waiting for me on the other side.

I grabbed the railing with a lot of energy and lifted myself up using the bars,…….

“What are you doing”

Hiyo, lightly, someone lifted me from behind.

When I turned around, there was …….

“……Okaya, sensei.”

He is the Onii-chan who works part-time at the cram school that my sister and I attend.

Mitsuhiko Okaya.

I think he said he was 19 years old and in his first year of college.

“It’s dangerous, trying to jump over something like this.”

Onii-chan warned me.

I was …… surprised.

The adults always had a bad feeling about me.

The parents, the fists. The other adults used foul language towards me.

But this Onii-chan was different.

He was genuinely concerned about me, and tried to help me.

“Where is my apology?”

“…… Sorry”

He smiled as he held me in his arms.

“As long as you understand.”

When he lifted me lightly, I felt my heart pounding.

My sister and I both knew that adults were very strong.

The pain that we felt when we were hit was what made us believe that adults were strong.

We were taught with our bodies that they are terrible beings that cannot be defied.

But …… Onii-chan, Okarin, was different.

I’ll never forget the first time he held me in his arms, and the feeling of my body softly rising to the surface. ……

It was warm, strong, …… but gentle.

“I’m taking you down.”


I always wanted Okarin to hold me in his arms.

I didn’t want to him to stop.

I wanted him to continue to hold me like this …….

“You’re heavy, so let’s put you down.”


When my feet hit the ground, I felt like I was being pulled back to reality.

But …… at that time, I didn’t feel as bad about living in reality as I did before.

I was thrilled …….

I didn’t know what that feeling was at the time.

“…… Hey, why? Have you been looking for me?”

I questioned him.

He was a stranger and had no right to stop me from killing myself.

Okarin sighed and said.

“Class has already started, but a student hasn’t shown up. It’s only natural that I would come looking for you.”

“I see. …… I’m sorry.”

After patting my head, Okarin said, “Wait a minute,” and left.

In a short time, Okarin came back to me with two cans.

“Do you want cocoa or corn potage?”


“I’ll let you choose the one you like. Which do you prefer?”

Okarin squatted down next to me and held out the can in her hand.

“W-Why ……?”

Why is he doing this?

What are you going to do about the class?

When I asked him like that, Okarin said.

” I had to cancel class today.”

That can’t be.

As long as the monthly fee is paid, Okarin is obligated to teach the students.

If he skipped classes at this place, they would probably get angry with him.

In fact,……, I’ve seen them get mad at me.

“…… Why?”

“It’s because you’re crying.”

I found myself crying.

I wasn’t crying because I was in pain.

I was so happy that I was crying …….

I understood.

I think this person is looking at me with sad eyes and comforting me.

This was the first time I met a kind adult …….

He didn’t violate me, and they didn’t look at me with prejudice. ……

He looked straight at me.

He realized that I was crying because he thought I was sad.

“Don’t cry.”


Okarin didn’t say anything, just hugged me and patted my head.

“I don’t know what happened, but …… well, drink. It’ll warm you up.”

“Hmmm, …….”

I couldn’t taste it because my face was so soggy with tears and snot. ……

But the warmth of the [thing] he offered me soaked into my heart.

“Uh, …… uhm …… Sensei…….”

I hesitated.

It was the first time I had ever told anyone about my problems.

I couldn’t tell my family, adults, or …… my sister about my deepest worries.

But I thought that …… this person might be able to listen to me.

“I …… hate this world …….”

I thought he would laugh at me for being a child.

But Okarin didn’t do that.

“I know what you mean. I hate this world …… too.”

What he showed was empathy.

For the first time, I understood. I was happy that he understood the pain I was going through.

“You too?”

“Yeah. The world is unreasonable.”


“It’s just that things don’t always work out the way you want them to …….”

Okarin raises his hand up.

He says, as if grasping for something.

“I have a dream that I’m trying to achieve. But it’s too far away. …… And today, one of my friends made my dream come true before me. ……”

I had no idea what Okarin was referring to or what he was talking about.

“I’m struggling, fighting, pushing, reaching, but I can’t reach my …… dream at all. And yet, others get it so easily. I really can’t help it. ……”

I just remember vividly the sad look on his face.

“The world is tough on adults. It’s not easy to be who you want to be, even if you want to be.”

…… Okarin was very cool at that time.

His words were smart and he sounded like a poet.

I was….. already crazy about Okarin.

“But you are different.”

Pon, Okarin pats me on the head.

“You’re still a 7-year-old …… kid. You can be anything you want to be. Although the world can’t see it, hope is there if you look for it ……. So ……”

I stare straight at him as he comforts me.

I wasn’t crying anymore.

“I’ve found my fate.”


I stood up quickly and gave Okarin a …… kiss on his cheek.


“O-Okarin….? You mean me?”

I smiled, nodded, and said.

“I’ve come to love the world! Because I found ……! Because I found Okarin!”

I talk about my dream without hesitation.

In this unreasonable world, where there is nothing but despair.

I saw a ray of hope, a glimpse of the future.

“My dream is to become Okarin’s wife! I will marry Okarin ~~~~~ for sure!”

That day, I found the meaning of life.

Okarin is my hope, my prince, my beloved …….

So I will never give up on him

It doesn’t matter if the person is a rich girl or a friend from college.

…… I won’t give up, even if it’s a relative who shared the same blood as me.

The one who loves him the most in the world is me.

No one will ever get …… Okarin.

I’m going to make him fall in love with me with my body and my beauty.

Okarin, I’m serious.

Therefore…… be prepared, okay?