We are currently in Karuizawa.

Day three. This day, we were heading to a camp site in the hotel.

I’m driving the car I rented from the hotel.

“Okaya. Where are we going now?”

Rushia peeked out from the back seat.

It was a five-seater, with Ichika in the passenger seat and the JKs in the back.

“It’s a camp site. There’s a mountain lodge on the hotel grounds, and we’ll be staying there for the rest of the trip.”

“Mountain lodge……”

According to the map of the site, the KID Hotel also has a ski resort on its premises.

There are huts scattered throughout the mountain, and hotel guests can also stay there.

“That means we can all camp together!”

“……..I’m looking forward to it!”

The twins are innocently talking to each other.

…… In front of Nanako, her younger sister Akari seems to go through her usual behavior.

For the next few days, we will be staying in the same cabin.

It’s a smaller environment than a hotel.

I don’t know what Akari will do to me during my stay.

But …… is a place with fewer blind spots than the hotel.

So, if someone sees me being pursued by Akari, they will be able to see me…….


“Okaya-kun, are you okay? I’ll take over driving if you’re tired.”

Ichika said with concern.

She’s always been kind to me.

However, if she saw me and a high school girl having a secret meeting, she would have been very angry. ……

What would she think ……?

……No. The only thing that comes to mind is a sad face.

I don’t want to let that happen to Ichika.

“It’s okay, Ichika. I’m fine.”

In two different ways, I say.

Hoo, with a sigh of relief, Ichika smiles.

“If you’re having a hard time driving, just let me know. It’s okay, I’m used to it in my job.”

…… I felt guilty.

It’s not that I’m lying, or that I have any kind of relationship with Akari.

…… Despite the fact that I have Ichika, a kind woman who accepts everything about me.

I was sorry to …… have my heart swayed by a younger woman named Akari.

Soon, we came to the middle of the ski resort.

“Oh! It’s a pretty nice lodge!”

Akari, who had just gotten out of the car, looked up at the cabin where we would be staying today.

It’s a two-story log cabin.

“Waa! Look at it, Okarin! There’s a kamado! Maybe I should make a pizza.”


Nanako and Rushia’s eyes sparkled.

“Akari! You can make a pizza?

“Of course I can. I’ll leave it to Akari.”

There are also lakes and open spaces where you can see the stars.

On the back side of the hut, there was a fire pit and a telescope.

After a quick look around the hut, we came back to the entrance.

“Well, we can do a lot of things here. Hey, Okarin♪”

Akari laughed in an innocent tone and tried to hug my arm.

“Y-yeah …….”

That arm, I will get through.

…… No. I can’t touch them.

When I remembered the feeling of those soft breasts, my heart was pulled by Akari.

I felt that if I were not careful, I would slowly drown in her fresh, taut body.

Don’t get too close to her. 


Nanako looks up at me anxiously.

“What’s wrong?”

“…… Ah, no it’s nothing.”

But I know.

When Nanako says it’s nothing, it’s usually when she has something to say.

But if I try to force her to say something, she won’t open up.

The only thing I can do is wait for her to say it.

“Let’s get this stuff inside.”

“Yes, yes!”

Akari took the initiative to carry the luggage.

Akari takes the lead in carrying the luggage. …… I hold it as Ruhsia tries to carry the heavy luggage.

“Rushia it’s okay.”

“No, …… but ……”

“You’re not strong enough. Sit down.”


Rushia also looks up at me, as does Nanako.


“? What’s wrong?”

Monyo monyo, after stammering, a determined expression appeared on her face.

“Okaya. I’d like to have a word with you after we unpack, if that’s okay?”

I wondered what she wanted to talk about.

If she has a serious look on her face, it must be about …… work, in other words, about the novel.

If so, it’s probably about the title.

Her pen name is Rushia Kaida, and she is a novelist.

She’s going to publish a new work under a new label that I work for.

But I’m still struggling to decide on a title.

She must have come up with an idea for a title.

“I understand, see you later.”

The inside of the hut was quite spacious and also had electricity, gas and water.

It was decorated like a normal house.

I was relieved to see that there were enough rooms for five people.

…… I was not confident that I would be able to suppress my inner black lust if I were to share a room with Ichika, as I had at the hotel.

In addition, unlike in a hotel, we will be sleeping in the same cabin.

If we were to have an affair, the sound would inevitably echo and be heard. ……

As an adult, I can’t do such a thing in the presence of children. I can’t do that.

So, I am relieved that the rooms are not separated.

After a while.

I was unpacking in a private room of about eight tatami mats.

“…… Um, Sensei.”

Nanako the older sister …… was at the door.

“What’s wrong, Nanako?”

“I’d like to ask you some …… questions.”

“Ah, go ahead”

Nanako walks in and tells me, anxiously.

“…… Did something happen with Akari?”

Did something …… ?

Is she aware of what happened between me and Akari yesterday?

No, that’s not possible.

Of course I didn’t tell her…….

I don’t think Akari is going to tell anyone……

No. Did she tell her? If so, why ……?

Anyway, let’s hear what she has to say.

“What do you mean by “something”?

“……, Sensei. I feel like you’re …… blatantly avoiding Akari.”

…… What am I doing?

Not only Akari herself, but even this girl around me is aware of it.

There is no way that I can reveal that I am aware of her as a woman and that is why I am avoiding her.

If she knows that I’m looking at her like that, she’ll be wary of me.

Two thoughts clash: one is that I don’t want to scare her ……, and the other is that I don’t want her to despise me …….

Either way, I want to be a protector for this girl.

“I’m not avoiding her It’s just your imagination.”

“…… That’s not true. I-I know what I’m talking about. ……”

Nanako stood up, took my hand in hers, and brought her face close to mine.

“I-I’ve been watching …… Sensei for a long time, so I know …… you.”


I thought that she was the complete opposite of her sister, both in personality and appearance.

However, when I see her face close to mine, I can feel Akari’s face in Nanako’……

Akari’s naked body, illuminated by the moonlight, was covered with Nanako’s body.

……For a moment, Akari’s naked body changes into Nanako’s.

“…… Are you sure Akari didn’t do something naughty to make you uncomfortable?”

……Aah, damn

I don’t know what I was thinking.

Nanako was genuinely asking if her sister was bothering me because of her misbehavior.

“It’s okay, she’s always up to mischief, right?”

“…… But, but, usually, Sensei, usually, the two of you become good friends immediately. But today, it’s …… something, and since this morning, Sensei has been avoiding her, Akari.”

…… She is looking at us really closely, huh.

Don’t be conscious of it. I know that.

But now, at the point when Nanako told me that I tried to avoid Akari, …….

My mind is filled with Akari. ……

“Anyway, it’s not like anything happened with Akari, and I’m not mad at her. It’s the same as always.”


As I was about to leave the room, Nanako discreetly grabbed my clothes with a hand.

“….Sensei, why you trying to hide it?”

Nanako’s big black eyes are wet.

“Tell me about ……. Something happened to you, didn’t it?”

She looks like she’s about to cry.

” Whenever I do something …… my beloved Sensei doesn’t like it, I, I, …… don’t have any …… place to go anymore. ……”

Oh, I see.

This girl is insecure.

Nanako and Akari, who lived away from home.

My house is the last place they can go.

She’s probably worried that Akari will cause trouble, upset me, and kick her out …….

“Don’t cry, please. Please.”

She hugged me tightly.

…… Soft and large breasts.

Her eyes are sheltered and timid.

The small face and the lush lips are all the same as Akari’s,…….

Akari’s sullen demeanor made me feel as if she was crying out to me.

No! This is not Akari, this is not Akari. ……

“It’s okay, it’s okay. I’m not going to throw you girls out.”

“…… Really?”

The way she weakly asks me like that is the same as 10 years ago.

But still…..

Like Akari, I can feel the changes in this girl when I look at her up close.

Her young face is disproportionate to her …… mature adult body.

And she really look like Akari, her twin

No, if it continues like this….. I will make even Nanako conscious, and then Akari will ……

“……Are you starting to hate us?”

Yes, I have to answer clearly here.

I don’t want her to make the mistake of thinking that.

I patted Nanako on the head as usual.

“I don’t hate you or Akari, not now, not ever.”

“…… Really? Ehehe, I’m so glad.”

When Nanako smiles like that, she has the same innocence she had ten years ago.

I felt soothed when I saw her smile.

Just as I was getting into a relationship with Ichika.

Akari pushed me down and told me about the future.

I’ve been thinking a lot about how to behave towards Akari, and I’m at a loss right now …….

Her innocent smile soothes the soul.

Ah, thank goodness the same smile …….

—-In Okarin’s mind, time has stopped, right? You think, my sister and I are the same as when we were in elementary school, 10 years ago.

Akari’s words refrained.

…… It’s not just Akari.

She must be different after ten years.

How has she changed?

It’s not just her body that’s changed, she…… changed inside too.


She approaches me, unguarded.

Her hair smells faint, and her body is fully developed.

She is timid and quiet. ……

……That’s right, I once found myself in my bed, comforting …… myself.

What am I remembering, man?

“It’s nothing. It’s time to go to the others. It’s time for lunch.”


What was I going to do in front of such an innocent girl?

Ah damn it……Don’t.

I can’t help but notice that Akari’s face and Nanako’s are so close that they …… overlap.

Nanako, whose face was close to the image of Akari pushing me down, was overlapping there.

“Oya, Okarin. The two of you came out of the same room…”

Akari had just come out into the hallway.

She looked at us and smiled.

“No way… Did you do something naughty?”

“…… Idiot. Come on, I’m making dinner.”

I tried to walk past Akari.

“……Did you get excited by my sister?”

Ba……I look at Akari.

“…… We’re pretty much alike, my sister and I. We have the same face.”

“No way….you….”

Pon, Akari taps me on the shoulder.

“Come on, let’s go, sister! We’re very good friends, so don’t worry about it! Right?”

Akari hugged my arm tightly.

When I feel the soft touch, I prepare to shake off her arm.

But if I refuse now, I’ll make Nanako feel uneasy again.

In the end, I’ll just let her do what she wants.

“…… I see, I’m glad. It’s a misunderstanding.”

When I saw her relieved smile, I felt guilty.

I don’t feel like I’m doing anything wrong at all, but I feel like I’m doing something I shouldn’t.

…… I couldn’t help but feel that my mind was being played with, in the hands of someone else.