Kusuo Kisogawa the man who stole Okaya’s wife from him.

The timeline goes back a bit.

The story is about Okaya after he was fired from Takanawa, a major publishing company. ……

“No, Rie-san. I’m sorry about today.”

There was a love hotel in Tokyo.

Next to the nude Kisogawa was Toshie, who was also nude.

She is the editor-in-chief of the publishing company where Okaya used to work.

Today,……, or rather today [too], Kisogawa repeatedly made minor mistakes.

“No, it’s okay. Don’t worry about it.”

“That’s Rie-san for you! That’s what I call an adult yoga teacher! I’ll learn a lot from you!”

He had angered the writer from Takanawa again.

The reason for this was the same as with Hakuba (Kurohime): he had ordered an illustrator to draw a picture without respecting the artist’s wishes.

Even though he had made the exact same mistake, he hadn’t learned anything from that mistake.

“But you know, Kisogawa-kun, …… if you can, next time, report the problem before it becomes a big deal, …… pfft!”

Kisogawa forced her to cover her lips with hers.

With the techniques he has honed, Jyunikane has been boned,…….

“Puhaaah. What did you say, Rie-san?”

“…..Uun, nothing……”

Kutaa……Relaxing from her body, she placed her head on Kisogawa’s chest plate.

(It’s so easy, this old hag.)

Kisogawa smiled wickedly inwardly.

Before Jyunikane, Kisogawa had also had an affair with Okaya’s wife, Misae.

He had managed to get the editor-in-chief on his side to make up for his mistake.

(That lady Misae was a little old lady, too. That guy…… pfft! I didn’t realize until the very end that I was actually using her to make him angry.)

…… Yes, the reason he had a physical relationship with Misae was to take revenge on Okaya.

It’s not that Okaya did anything to him, although it was revenge.

He was just pissed off.

(You’re older than me, but you’re giving me orders, and it pisses me off. That’s why I took her from you, you b*****d!)

He’s got a good face.

He has never had a shortage of women. His first experience was in the sixth grade.

For the past ten years or so, he has been using his good looks to eat a lot of women.

As a result, he has mastered the art of killing …… and boning women.

This face and the skill of s*x.

This was Kisogawa’s strength.

(Haha, life is so easy. I just have to be nice to women and they’ll go along with me. Men will usually listen to me as long as I introduce them to women.)

…… Using the most vile means, the man named Kisogawa rose to prominence.

High school, college, and the working world.

Throughout high school, college, and the workforce, he used his face and his gifts to stay at the top of the caste.

He had never worked hard, but had lived a life of dexterity using only the talents that heaven had given him.

(As long as I have this face and technique, I’ll always be a winner)

…..But this is as far as he could get with it.

“You’re fired! You useless maaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnn!”


…… A dry sound echoed through the TAKANAWA Books editorial department.

In front of the stunned Kisogawa, there was a furious Jyunikane.

To put it in chronological order, it was after Jyunikane went to the Kaida Group chairman, Kogen Kaida.

“Wait, what are you doing …… chief editor ……?”

He was suddenly beaten up by the editor-in-chief, Junikane.

“You! I heard you had an affair!?”

I don’t know why, but Jyunikane suddenly started to lose her temper.

“…… Affair?” “…… What do you mean?”

The ripples spread throughout the editorial department.

Kisogawa hurriedly denied it.

“What are you talking about? I’m not having an affair!”

“Don’t play dumb with me! You piece of sh*t!”

When Jyunikane found out that he had been unfaithful, she became angry.

“You were having an affair with Okaya’s wife!? Even though you had me! You were just playing with me!?”

Kisogawa sweats cold on his spine as she is grabbed him by his chest.

(Not good not good! This situation is …… not good!)

The editor-in-chief found out about his affair, which angered her, and now he’s on the verge of losing his job.

“This is a misunderstanding…….”

“What misunderstanding! You slept with her! You were just playing with me!”

She was right, he was just playing.

Rather, he was just using her to get along at work.

“What is the meaning of this?!”

One of the female employees raised her voice.

“Kusuo! You’ve been having an affair with the editor-in-chief!? Even though I was present!”

She was the second most beautiful and famous editor in the editorial department (the first was Sakuhei, the editor in charge of the writer Kamimatsu, who had already retired).

“Haa!? You’re still cheating on …… me with someone else!”

Jyunikane, and the second woman.

The two of them pressed him and Kisogawa sweated profusely inside.

“So you were not only dating the editor-in-chief, but other people as well?”

“And also with Tomo-chan? Don’t give me this crap!”

Tomo-chan was the name of the second woman with whom Kisogawa had a relationship.

She was like a madonna in the club. (Sakudaira was not popular in the editorial department because she was not interested in men other than Kamimatsu.)

If he had an affair with such a madonna, had a relationship with the editor-in-chief, and even slept with Okaya’s wife, …… of course …….

“F*ck you, you’re dead!”

“Get the f*ck out of here, you piece of sh*t!”

He was instantly disliked by everyone in the editorial department, men and women alike.

“Hey ……, everybody! Calm down, ……!”

A paperback book thrown by a male editor hit Kisogawa in the eye.


The entire editorial department hurled abuse at the cowering Kisogawa.

“F*ck you, you enemy of women!”

“Get out of here, you f*ck*ng a**hole!”

What he thought was going well was just a tower on the sand.

After all, he was just a man with a face and a p*n*s.

He hadn’t worked hard enough to be liked by others or to be recognized by them.

…… As a result, Kisogawa was easily fired from a major publishing company.

A few days later, Kisogawa was at a coffee shop near the station.

“Keck, ……! The trash editorial department! F*ck you!”

Kisogawa slammed down the coffee cup he was drinking. 

“AAH damn it! I’m pissed!”

Kizogawa scratched his scalp.

He was about to lose his mind with anger at the editorial department for kicking him out.

“Die, those guys. ……”

That was when it happened.

“Uhm, customer?”


Kisogawa stared at a beautiful blonde haired girl.

(What an incredibly beautiful girl! I can’t believe there’s a high-level woman in this coffee shop in front of the station!)

Her name tag said “Ina”.

Ina smiled and said to Kisogawa.

“Could you please stop knocking the cup around so violently, it’s disturbing the other customers?”

Kisogawa immediately took aim.

“Oh, I’m sorry~. Your name is Ina-chan, how old are you? You’re cute~”

Kisogawa says so as if he’s trying to be cool.

But Ina said, “Oh, hi,” and brushed it off.

(…… funny. If I were to approach her with this face, most women would either fall in love with me or become my slave. ……)

…… Needless to say, the female sales clerk named Ina was Akari Ina .

Akari is intelligent, and most importantly, she has a man named Okaya in her heart.

That’s why she is not at all flattered by this shitty man who only looks like this.

“Well then…”

“Oh, wait a minute, Ina-chan!”

Kisogawa reached out to her, but Akari stepped away to pass him

“Boss, I’m going to take a break.”

Without a glance at him, Akari quickly walked away.


Obviously, Kisogawa was trying to pick up a woman and failed.

“…… Uwaa, what’s with that guy?” “…… he’s so ugly.” “Look …… that stupid face.”

The customers around him chuckled and laughed.

Garii, Kisogawa gnashed his teeth.

“W-What are you looking at! It’s not a show!”

Dang! Kisogawa kicked off his chair.

And that’s when it happened.

“Hey, Kisogawa-kun, thanks for waiting.”

The one who entered the coffee shop was ……, a man with glasses and a gentle smile on his face.

“Ah! Ugematsu-san. ……”

The former deputy editor came to Kisogawa’s side.

“That’s not good. Kisogawa-kun.”

“I’m sorry. ……”

(Damn it! What’s with this old man’s gloating ……! …… It’s okay to be patient. The first priority right now is to find a new job.)

Kisogawa was fired from Takanawa.

But as long as he’s living in modern Japan, he needs to work.

Kisogawa tried to use his favorite connections to get into the next publishing company, but …….

“[I’m sorry, Kisogawa. I can’t let you in, you know.]”

“[What!? Why!?]”

…… somehow, Kisogawa was not taken seriously by any of the publishers.

“[I heard that you cheated your way into the company by introducing a woman to the president?]”

“[!? T-that’s… ……]”

“[I’m sorry, but I can’t hire someone like that at my company. Sorry.]”

…… over.

All of the connections that Kisogawa had worked so hard to build had been destroyed by [someone’s hand].

However, in the end, it is true that he entered the company using cowardly methods, so he deserved what he got.

All of his connections had been destroyed.

The only remaining connection to the publishing company was …… Ugematsu.

(I really hate this old man too, but since there’s no one else, …… I’ll just have to put up with him for now.)

“So, Kisogawa-kun. What is it you want to talk about?”

“Can you get me into Ugematsu-san’s newly established publishing company?”

…… Yes, Kisogawa was actually trying to join SR Bunko.

But …….

“I’m sorry, but I have to decline.”

Ugematsu answered immediately.

“Wha!? Why !?”

As a result of being rejected earlier by a woman and also by the publisher, …….

Mentally trapped, Kisogawa finally laid bare his true nature.

“I’m useful, right!?”

“No, you’re completely useless. You’re out of the question, to put it bluntly.”

Kisogawa was firmly rejected by Ugematsu.

“What do you mean, out of the question?!”

“It’s exactly as I say”

“I-I can do the job?!”

“No, you can’t do your job. You’re not a working man, you’re a failure.”

“I-I don’t need you to tell me that!”

Boom! The cup falls when Kisogawa hits the table.

Akari immediately came to pick up the broken cup, but Ugematsu stopped her with his hand.

“Kisogawa-kun. You’re the one who broke the cup. You have to clean it up.”

“F*ck you, old man. Don’t order me around, you scum!”

Haa…..Ugematsu sighs.

“That’s what’s wrong with you, Kisogawa-kun.”

Ugematsu’s, behind his glasses, was a scornful look at …… Kisogawa.

“You lack respect for others.”


“Yes. For example, you broke a cup and made a mess on the floor because of me. You don’t feel sorry for the waitress who has to clean this up, do you?”

“Of course not! I’m a customer! It’s the clerk’s job to clean up!”

“That may be true. But if you do something wrong, you have to say sorry to the other person. Even an elementary school student can understand this, right?”

“Shut up! It’s not my fault!”

Haa ……, Ugematsu sighs.

“What did you come to me for? You are looking for a job, right? Is that the right attitude?”

“Ah, …….”

He quickly became calm.

“Ah, um, ……, Sorry, …….”

“No need to apologize. No matter what you do or say, I will never hire you.”

“N-no way! Wait, please!”

He tried to grab Ugematsu’s hand as he tried to leave.

But he shakes off his hand.

“I’m telling you, you won’t be able to get involved in the publishing industry in the future.”

“What!? Why?”

“Because your bad reputation is already well known throughout the industry.”

“No way …… Who would say that……?”

“I’ve got a lot of friends in the industry. They all said that Kusuo Kisogawa is a horrible person.”

Gakuri…….Kisogawa falls to his knees.

“Well, there are other places to work besides the publishing industry, so you’ll have to make a living there. …… Unless you change your attitude, I don’t think anyone will hire you.”

He looked down at him and said.

“In the first place, you’ve hurt my precious Okaya. I had no intention of hiring you to get in the way of his new life.”

Ugematsu left Kisogawa alone and went to the cash register.

“I’m sorry to bother you, young lady. Can you lend me a mop so I can clean up?”

“Oh, no! I’ll do it.”

Ugematsu bowed to Akari and left the store.

“Damn it, …….”

Garii, Kisogawa gnashes its teeth.

“Damn it!  Damn it, damn it, damn it, damn iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit!”

…… This is how he lost his place in the industry.

But this is not enough to stop his downfall.

…… His hell is far from over.