I stayed at Ichika’s house, the next morning.

I woke up with a feeling of fatigue all over my body.

“Suuu…… suuu…… nnmmm…….”

Right in front of me, a beautiful black-haired woman is sleeping.

Long shiny black hair, pure white skin.

Her large br**sts are well-shaped and do not lose their shape at all even when she is lying on her back.

They are miraculous twin dunes that are both taut like rubber and soft like marshmallows.


Ichika, in all her undress, is sleeping with a happy face.

“You look satisfied, sweetheart……”

Last night, or rather until this morning, we were skin to skin.

As Ichika declared, she wouldn’t let me sleep.

Her stamina was inexhaustible, and time and time again, I was milked for all I was worth. ……

Toward the end, I don’t remember what happened, as both I and Ichibana were in a daze.

The last thing I saw was the look of utter exhaustion and satisfaction on Ichika’s face as she looked so debauched.


I look at the clock on the wall and peel my eyes away.

“……2 p.m.?”

The clock on the wall shows 14:00.

And the afternoon sun is streaming in from outside the window.

“I-Ichika, wake up. It’s already past noon?”

“”Nn~……rai, jyobuu……”

Ichika half-opens her eyes with a poya …… look on her face.

“Today…..is saturday, nya~…….”

What’s with that nya ……

“Even if that’s the case, it’s not good for a person to stay in bed forever. Wake up.”

“A little more~……”

Ichika clung to my waist like a child, shaking her head no.

I’m in trouble ……, that’s right.

I forgot.

I pull out my phone from under my pillow, which is attached to a charging cable.

I had sent a message to Akari and the others that I would be staying at my friend’s (Ichika) house last night.

My sister Midoriko had said that the three of them wanted to have a little talk, so I decided to stay over.

“…… I haven’t heard back from anything.”

There was no response from Nanako, let alone Akari, on the group line with Akari and the others.

I type, anxious.

[“Good morning. Sorry for the late reply.”]

As soon as I type, three read messages appear.

This group line belongs to me, Akari, Nanako, and Midoriko.


It is read, but however, I never got a reply. ……

[“I’ll be back there in the evening.”]

All read.

[“You can eat dinner first.”]

All read.

“Sorry I couldn’t call you in the morning.”

All read.


They all read in one second, but did not respond back to …….

How am I supposed to interpret this ……?

“…… Mitsuhiko …… kun ……”

Ichika mumbles this around my waist.

“What’s wrong?”

Ichika climbs up and pushes me down.


“…… good morning.”

Apparently awake, she greets me in the morning.

Well, it’s already noon. ……

But her eyes were sad and moist.

A hot exhale, Ichika is leaking.

“I’m sorry, Mitsuhiko-kun,……, I want to do ecchi again,…….”

“No, why?”

“I was holding onto …… your waist, and, you know, I could see …… you standing there.”

Oh yeah, I’ve also been naked since that thing yesterday.

I’m getting hard because of the phenomenon of feeling better in the morning.

I think Ichika got excited seeing that.

“I’m sorry. ……”

“No, it’s fine, but …… you, after all that yesterday, is it still not enough?”

“Yes,…… it’s not enough at all,…… but rather, every time I connect with Mitsuhiko, I feel …… like I want more and more.”

Ichika straddles me on my stomach, like a horse on a horse.

She continues to bend over like a cat, leaning against my ch*st plate.

“…… I can’t?”

I was forced by my beloved lover, and by such a beautiful woman …….

In the past, I would have played dumb, or gone through with it.

But …….


I hug Ichika.

She hugs me back, looking happy in my chest.

“You …… are getting kind of er**ic by the minute, you know?”

“Because it’s …… Mitsuhiko-kun’s fault.”

“Funn. Mine?”

“Y-Yes. You always attack my weak points so relentlessly that I …… realize I’m so confused that I can’t ……. understand anything.”

“But you’ve always had a strong libido, haven’t you?”

“B-Because I’ve had a maiden crush for ……10 years, and it’s …… getting complicated.”

“I will say it myself. You are a cute .”

Ichika’s lips pouted sulkily.

I find her adorable and peck at her cherry lips.

Ichika smiles, and again and again she lays her lips, …… and body on mine.

…… We ended up having to do it three times in her bed.

After a late lunch, we did a big cleanup of the room.

We changed the sheets and got rid of things we no longer needed or could no longer use.

The sun was setting when we were doing all that.

“Saturday is over. ……”

“Sorry, Mitsuhiko-kun. ……”

Ichika, in the driver’s seat, apologetically shrugs her shoulders.

“We did it a lot, huh?”

“It’s a real mess. When your lover’s libido is so high.”

“Ugh~ ……””

“I’m kidding.”

I pat Ichika on the head as she drives.

“Fufu. …… Mitsuhiko-kun, you’ve changed.”


Ichika laughs happily.

“Because you’ve always refrained from doing that. But not this time. … I’m glad you played with it as a joke, just like before.”

Ichika’s car stops in front of a traffic light.

“It feels like we’re getting closer, right?”

“I ….see. Yes. …….”

Before, I was slow to react to various events.

It’s not that I don’t care.

But …… every day was dark and gray …….

The reaction to something also became less and less each year.

But,…… I met Akari, Nanako, Ichika, Rushia and others,………… and my world is gradually becoming more colorful.

As if to regain my lost youth,…… now I am happy to be alive.


“What is it?

I …… kiss her on the cheek as she waits at a traffic light.


Ichika’s face turns bright red and she gasps and panics.

“W-What’s wrong?”

“No,…… I kind of wanted to tease you .”


“You’re quite the m*******t, aren’t you, even in bed?”

“P-please cut it out….mou, payback”

Ichihana now kisses me on the lips herself.

Her lips are soft, feminine, and …… debauchedly sweet.

“Fufu.” “Hahaha”

……Bakauple is a good way to start.

While we were doing that, the stoplight was green.

Ichika makes the car depart.

“Why don’t you just stay one more night?”

“No. ……”

I send a message to LINE.

[I’m almost home.]

All read

Another second, and everyone’s read.

But still no reply from …….

“…… It seems that they are little bit upset, Akari and others”

“I-I see. I’m sorry for monopolizing you.”

“No, it’s not your place to apologize.”

Not long after, we arrived in front of my house.

I was very heavy as I tried to get out of the passenger seat.

“Mitsuhiko-kun. H-hang in there. ……” 

From the driver’s seat, Ichika cheers me on, sweating cold sweat.

“Thank you …… I will pick up the bones.”

“D-Don’t die! I don’t want to, I’m not in my wedding dress yet!”

Apparently, Ichika was looking to marry me.

That’s right. She’s already 28.

She probably wants to get married …….

She probably wants to have kids too.

So she has been pushing me many times to do without,……, though I have refused.

“See you later, Mitsuhiko.”

“Yeah, see you later.”

Waving and starting the car.


I don’t know how long this relationship will last.

But an early settlement, she would hope.

Ichika had said before that she wanted to be married before 30.

Yes, even she doesn’t have much free time.

She has to make a decision.

Decisions, like preparedness, and all that stuff …….

“But …… before that.”

I turn around.

Akari and Midoriko were standing there.

Silent, straight faces.

They were standing right in front of me.

“I-I’m home. ……”

Akari grabs my right arm, and Midoriko grabs my left arm with a firm grip.

“U-uhm……both of you? I can walk by myself. I won’t run away.”


“Aah ……”

I am dragged along …… and taken inside the house.

It’s like a criminal being taken away by the police. ……

“”What do you have to say?””

“S-sorry I’m late. ……”

Suu……Akari and Midoriko with a straight face.

“I won’t let you sleep tonight.”

With Ichika, she gives me the exact same line.

But why?

Unlike that time, my body shivered as if I was in the midst of extreme cold.