Chapter 363 Father (3)

Lee Sik looked at June and saw himself in his eyes—broken, lost, and just wanting to be loved. Then, he sang the words he wished he heard from his father when he was younger.


"I still don't know much about life.

You were my first child; she was my first wife.

And I know, child, I didn't do my best to you.

But remember, this is my first life, too."

His singing style was powerful, vibrating with the right amount of emotion. Each word was delivered with a seeking intensity, unraveling the layers of a long-buried story.

The audience, initially taken aback by the added bridge, now found themselves captivated by the raw, emotional force emanating from the veteran singer.

June, for some reason, heard his real father's voice in Lee Sik's, making him feel more immersed in the performance. He tried hard to forget about everything his father did, but in the end, the reality was he just suppressed those memories in the back of his mind.

It never really left him.

With the emotions surging in his heart, he finally sang his response.


"I was a child. I didn't know better.

I just wanted a good life...a good father.

Was that too much to ask?

From a broken child looking at your casket."

When June began to sing, it was as if a gentle breeze had swept through the room. His voice, soft yet with a surprising power, felt like a real-life conversation between a father and a son.

The lyrics flowed effortlessly like they were a reflection of his own experiences—and they were.

It was almost unbelievable that this idol, who was known for his cool and refreshing performances, could deliver such an emotional ballad.

Lee Sik felt tears accumulating in his eyes, so the camera zoomed into them. That led the audience to become even more touched, feeling the sincerity of the performance even from a distance.

The piano and gayageum, already soft, became even softer to emphasize the emotion in Lee Sik's singing.

"Can you forgive me for not being a good father?"

June quickly answered.

The exchange between the two voices, filled with the tension of a troubled relationship, resonated with the audience. The hate in June's words was overshadowed by love and forgiveness that seeped through the cracks, marking the end of the bittersweet bridge.

As Mimi heard the familiar instrumental of the last verse and chorus, she quickly regained composure.

"I'll break the chains, the cycle ends,

In love and kindness, my heart amends."

Tres entered with a shaky voice.

"Now I stand, a man with open eyes,

The strongest man, with a weakened guise."

Nico continued, closing his eyes as he sang with conviction.

"A promise made to the child in me,

I'll be the father I wished you'd be."

Xion also sang with a choked-up voice despite his calm demeanor.

"So here's my letter, a pledge I send,

To the wounded child that I'll mend."

June sang next, his eyes still focused on the moon and the stars, hoping his father would hear his voice.

"Thank you, Father, for this life,

For the strength to overcome the strife."

Lee Sik sang the last lines, a small smile on his face.

He felt proud of the people standing with him on stage...

And he also felt proud of the person he became.

"Our paths may differ, our destiny spun,

But now, in my world, a father's love has begun."

With that, the image of his children flashed in his mind, causing his smile to widen.

"A father's love has now begun..."