Chapter 376 School Invasion

Chapter 376 School Invasion

School Invasion.

You might already guess what it's about based on its name.

And no, it isn't really as bad as it seems.

School Invasion is a popular web show airing exclusively on YouWatch. It has been going on for six years, and they release an episode every month where an artist or an idol group accomplishes missions in a school, may it be a high school or a university, in order for them to get a chance to perform in front of its students!

It was a fun concept with pretty easy missions, so artists most likely performed at the very end of the episode. It was also a great way to encourage a younger audience to stay tuned to their promotions.

Three days had passed since Jay announced they were going to be doing the show, and now, EVE was on their way to the school they were going to invade.

"We're here," Jay said, parking the van in an empty spot.

It was already past the first bell, so the grounds were pretty much deserted. June and the others got out of the car and observed the large buildings before them.

June looked around the campus, feeling it was strangely familiar. He hadn't been here before, but for some reason, he felt like he had seen it in his dreams.

Just then, they were bombarded by a very enthusiastic host and a couple of cameras.

"Accomplishing missions in the land of education—this is School Invasion!" the MC loudly introduced the show.

"Here I am, DJ Dog, your very own MC for this legendary web show! Right now, we have very handsome guests with us. It is none other than LEVEL-UP or EVE, as most of you know them," he was almost rapping with how fast he was speaking.

DJ Dog was also very animated with his movements, making June wonder where he got his energy from. If June acted like that for a mere second, he'd have to take a full week of rest to recover.

"The handsome boys aren't saying anything; I think we've shocked him," he obnoxiously chuckled, his saliva splattering everywhere. "Well, that's okay! That's usually the first impression I give off to newcomers."

Jaeyong smiled respectfully, maintaining a professional stance on camera.

"Thank you for having us here, DJ Dog. We're very thankful for the opportunity you gave us," he said.

"No, no, no! I should be the one thanking you for coming here," DJ Dog exclaimed. "I enjoyed your commercial very well—especially the last part."

June froze as he felt one of the cameras panning toward his way.

"Speaking of your commercial, why don't you give us a little refresher, June? I really liked your last line!"

June's eye twitched, and he wanted to run off camera right then and there. However, he saw Jay on the side, signaling for him to just do it.

June pursed his lips before facing the camera, an awkward smile on his face.

"...are papers with different colors. Every mission will contain a location, an action, and the number of people who need to accomplish it."

"The blue paper signifies a group mission, so four of you will head out and accomplish the mission. The yellow paper is a trio mission, so three of you will do it; and last but not least, whoever picks the pink paper will accomplish the mission all alone!"

June felt his stomach drop. His teammates also turned to him once again

They hadn't picked a mission just yet, but he already had a feeling of what was going to happen.

"No," he muttered under his breath. "Let's not manifest it."

"Failure to accomplish the three missions will result in a cancellation of your performance. So, please do your best to accomplish all of them," she said.

"Now, why don't you pick out your missions?"

June raised his hand.

"I'll pick first," he courageously said.

He was almost certain the pink paper would end up with him if he ended last, so he quickly retrieved the ball at the very bottom.

His teammates chuckled at his enthusiasm before reaching for their own missions.

Now, all of the members held a blue ball, and they were tasked to open it at the same time.

Zeth opened his first, revealing a yellow paper. "Yes!" he exclaimed. "I'm not doing it alone."

The other members also started opening the balls, yet June didn't have the heart to open his.

Why was this making him so nervous?

Jaeyong revealed his blue paper to the camera with a wide smile.

Shortly after that, Sehun and Jisung also revealed their yellow papers, meaning the trio group had already been filled.

June pursed his lips and waited for his other two members to open theirs before opening his.

"It's blue," Ren smiled.

June held his breath as he waited for Akira to reveal his paper to the camera. However, when he saw the smirk on Akira's face, he already knew.

"I got blue," Akira said in a teasing manner.