Chapter 509 The Dark Fandom

Chapter 509 The Dark Fandom

Jia knew she should be scared shitless with everything going on. However, how could she do that with June lying right by her side, covering her lips with his fragrant hands and holding her so closely!

"Did somebody enter my sanctuary?"

Kim Sua's voice snapped her out of her fantasies, though, and it hit her with the realization that they were in the presence of a crazy, crazy woman.

June looked into her eyes, silently saying to keep silent for now.

Jia nodded in understanding.

Sua paused for a while, still not liking the scent of sweetness in her room.

"Must be those neighbors again," she muttered, making the two individuals under her bed sigh in relief.

The room was silent once again. Then, the two of them felt a slight pressure on their backs, indicating that Kim Sua was now lying down on her bed.

Jia felt herself getting more impatient. The stench of Sua's room was getting to her senses, and she wanted nothing more but to leave.

However, being in June's arms wasn't that bad of an idea either.

"Did you know?" Sua suddenly started speaking, causing the two of them to hold their breaths.

"I thought I saw you a while ago."

June frowned in confusion. Was she talking to someone on the phone?

"But I knew that it wasn't you. I would recognize you from a mile away," she chuckled.

"I even saw you this morning!" she joyfully said. "Your eyes strayed longer on me than usual. Did you find me pretty?"

June found it weird that he wasn't able to hear the other caller's voice.

"But you didn't even drink the drink I prepared. Was it not to your liking? I prepared it earnestly for you and your teammates."

June's frown deepened when he finally realized who she was talking to.

Kim Sua was talking to him, particularly to his doll.

June shook his head in disbelief. He knew that the K-pop world had some of the craziest fans out there. However, seeing one before his eyes made it seem even more unbelievable. How did such people come to be?

"I forgot!" Soomin shouted in an equally loud voice.

Sua tried to get back into the mood, but Bora's and Soomin's fight continued.

"Get back there and buy me rice cake!"

"Buy it yourself, you dimwit!"

Kim Sua sighed in frustration as she stood from her bed. "Stupid, stupid neighbors!" she exclaimed before leaving her bedroom.

June turned to Jia and nodded.

This was their chance.

So, with swift movements, they finally escaped the room of nightmares.


The two of them had now separated, but the impact of what they had witnessed moments ago still lingered.

June was back in his dorm room, but he couldn't sleep since Sua's moans still echoed in his mind. He shook his head, got rid of such thoughts, and focused on his next plans instead.

He laid out all the evidence he gathered and paced back and forth in front of his bed.

At first, he thought it was strange that nobody reported what had happened during the fan sign. However, once Sua revealed that Azure had some hand in it, everything finally made sense.

They couldn't risk the public knowing of their incompetencies as a company. It will affect not only Azure Entertainment but also Azure as a whole.

With that, he thought of speaking with Minjun so he could write up a new article. However, June valued his safety more. He didn't want him to get involved with a crazy person like Sua.

At this moment, he needed someone who was backed up by a company, had a thick face, and would ultimately follow his request.

Fortunately, he had just the right person.

Truly, everything happens for a reason.

June picked up his phone and dialed an unsaved number.

Then, after a few rings, he brought it close to his ears.

"Jenny, do me a favor."