Chapter 521 Dance and Decibels

Chapter 521 Dance and Decibels

June stood in front of the studio while the others stepped back, acting like they were in a concert hall.

The girls gazed up at him with sparkling eyes, while the others were simply amazed by his handsomeness and presence.

"I can't believe we get to see this for free."

"Me too. I wish I could brag about this to my friends, but Mentor Gun told us not to take pictures."

"Yeah. I want to take a picture with him, too."

"Did you see him struggling in the back, though? I think he's really a beginner."

"How could you say that? Have you seen his past performances?"

"No. I only watch girl groups."

The onlookers looked forward to June's performance. However, the person who was looking forward to it the most was Gun.

He wanted to see if June could pull off this genre, too.

Katana excitedly played the music and waited for June to start moving.

June, too, prepared himself to dance to the unfamiliar genre.

However, as Mumu, the center of MOOMOO, started singing, June suddenly froze.

[Congratulations! You stepped on a lucky mission]

[The mission is entitled: Dance the Night Away]

[Impress the beginner dancers by making them scream]

[The scream needs to reach a certain decibel in order for it to count as a success]

[Needed decibels: 125]

[Exceed needed decibels and have the chance to earn a special power-up!]

[Duration: until the end of the dance class]

"See?" Inseong chuckled as June stood frozen in front of the room. "He can't even remember the first step."

"Was I mistaken about him? Can he not dance anything except for boy group dances?"

Meanwhile, June was busily cursing Fu inside his mind.

Here he was again with his unusual timing and ridiculous missions. At this point, June should have been used to it.

However, it seemed like he could never really get used to Fu.

"Umm, June?" Gun asked, confused. "Are you okay?"

June snapped out of his thoughts and focused his gaze on Gun.

"Yeah," he responded. "I just remembered something for a moment."

"Do you want to start over?" Katana asked.

June nodded, clearing his throat and preparing himself to dance the song for real this time.

Meanwhile, June was still thinking about the special video.

However, he quickly set the thought aside and shifted his attention back to his ongoing mission.

He had less than half an hour now, yet he still didn't have a clue how to make his fellow students scream with his dancing.

'Should I just perform again?' he thought.

'No, that's just stupid.'

'Should I perform our new song?'

'Nah, no spoilers.'

'Or maybe...'

June quickly shook away the thought since it was something he couldn't imagine doing at that moment.

Meanwhile, Gun and Katana had just finished their conversation.

Gun clapped to capture everyone's attention.

"You can continue your break," he said. "I'm just going to announce the two individuals who will be joining us for the anniversary video."

"First, for the ladies, we have Lily!" Katana excitedly exclaimed, gesturing to the lady who answered June's question a few moments ago. Her face was still red from their interaction, but it became an even deeper shade of red once her name was called.

"Thank you, mentors," she bowed. "I'll make sure to practice well for the anniversary video."

Gun and Katana smiled at her cute comment.

"And for the men," Gun said, clearing his throat.

Inseong straightened his posture, getting ready to get called. He was sure he was going to be chosen since he believed he danced the best out of everybody else.

Besides, choosing June was an obvious choice. It was unfair to give a famous person even more exposure!

"June, congratulations!" Gun exclaimed. "You danced the song really well, and TRIGGER will be honored to have you."

June pursed his lips. He already expected this. However, his stance remained the same.

He needed to refuse.

So, June opened his mouth to deny the invitation.

However, before he could get even a single word out, another person had already spoken.

"I object!" Inseong exclaimed.

They turned to Inseong with wide eyes, surprised at his sudden outburst.

Gun pursed his lips. "I'm sorry, Inseong. We have already made our decision. We based this on the technicality of your dancing."

"Then, think about it again," Inseong said.

Katana frowned in confusion. "What do you suggest we do then?"

June's eyebrows raised in surprise when Inseong started walking over to where he was, not daring to break eye contact.

"You and me," Inseong pointed to June, then to himself.

"Let's have a dance battle."