Chapter 591 The True Villain Is Here

Chapter 591 The True Villain Is Here

"June...Choi Joon-ho?" Risa interviewed June as she looked at his credentials.

"You've acted before?" she asked.

"Yes, ma'am," June responded. "It's a four-episode webtoon adaptation that was uploaded on YouWatch."

Hanlim leaned closer to his wife. "I think I saw that clip before—the bulge."

Risa's eyes widened in recognition. He was the guy who was in the infamous bulge video!

Risa cleared her throat and continued looking at the piece of paper as she tried to hide her reddening cheeks. He was definitely much more handsome in real life.

Suddenly, Director Bong spoke, surprising the panel and the auditionees. This was the first time the old man had spoken in a preliminary interview.

"I see that you're still a new idol," he started off, gazing into June's eyes.

June turned to him and challenged his gaze, not intimidated by the director's fish-looking eyes.

"It says here that you merely debuted last November. It also appears that your group is doing well. My granddaughters are all listening to your music," he continued. "You are definitely in your prime of being an idol."

"Why is it that you decided to partake in a project like this?"

June thought for a second. Well, after having a little bit of acting experience, he realized that acting was actually quite fun. He didn't think he could land a closed audition in a large production like this, and honestly, he was initially intrigued because he was auditioning for the role of a villain.

However, seeing Lin Zhi vying for the same role ignited his passion even more.

"Why did you join this project, sir?" June asked, not answering the director's question.

Director Bong's eyebrows raised in surprise. He wasn't expecting to be questioned back today.

The room turned silent for a while before June once again spoke.

"The answer that's in your mind—it's probably the same as my reason," he concluded.

Hana shook her head in amusement as soon as June said those words.

"This guy is really something else," she muttered.

"Yian, you brought this upon yourself. Your insatiable thirst for power blinded you to the devastation you left in your wake. We never wished for your downfall, but justice demands accountability," Hana started off, nailing her line as always.

The room was surprised when they saw the calm look on June's face. Contrary to all the other auditionees, who portrayed Yian as an angry villain who didn't have any control, June portrayed him as cold as stone, almost at peace.

His eyes scanned the room, sending shivers down the spines of those who dared to meet his gaze.

Hanlim tilted his head to the side in confusion. "What kind of interpretation is this?" he muttered.

"And what of you?" he asked as he inspected his nails. "Do you revel in my demise? Does it bring you satisfaction to see me reduced to this?"

Hana sighed shakily, feeling a bit nauseous with the way June was staring at her.

"We seek not satisfaction, but closure. For all those you've wronged, for all those who have suffered beneath the weight of your ambition. You know deep inside your heart that your downfall is the price of your own actions."

"You cannot blame anyone except for yourself," Hanlim added.

"You speak of justice," June responded, his voice low and measured. "But what do you know of justice? You, who stand before me now, passing judgment like mere mortals, have the right to condemn a god."

Hana's hand clenched in anger. The way June spoke was as if he was looking down at her.

"You are no god, Yian. You are a tyrant who has trampled upon the lives of countless innocents in your quest for dominion."

A faint smirk tugged at the corner of June's lips, his expression showing a hint of amusement. "Innocents, you say? Tell me, who among us is truly innocent? No one in this world is innocent."

Hana's resolve wavered for a moment. "I may not be innocent


In the original script, Hana was supposed to say three more lines. However, June cut her off right at the very first one, which added to the impact of the scene.

June's laughter echoed through the hall. "Righteousness is a luxury afforded only to the weak."

June continued to laugh out loud, devoid of any warmth. He appeared like a maniac despite his handsome face.

"And what? Redemption? Forgiveness? Such concepts are but fleeting illusions, meant to comfort the weak-minded. In the end, there is only power and those who wield it."

With a final, chilling laugh, June rose from his throne, his form towering over those who stood before him like a vengeful god. "Perhaps," he said, his voice a low rumble, "Even in defeat, I shall remain. For I am not simply a man. I am the embodiment of all your fears, all your desires, all your darkest impulses. And as long as there is darkness in the hearts of men, I shall never truly be vanquished."