Chapter 685 A Kind, Old Woman

Chapter 685 A Kind, Old Woman

"You don't know?" Lin Zhi asked in disbelief. "How the heck don't you know? Are you saying that they attacked you right then and there without a reason?"

Stan scratched the back of his head. However, he forgot for a second that both his arms were injured, so he exclaimed in agony before he responded.

"It did seem like that," Stan muttered. "They literally came out of nowhere. As far as I know, they weren't part of the group that was guarding the kid's house."

Steve nodded in agreement. "Those three—they seem more skilled than an average guard. Almost as if they were hitmen," he said, shivering with the thought of getting killed.

Lin Zhi sighed in frustration. "That doesn't matter. You still should have finished your objectives instead of getting caught up with a bunch of skilled strangers."NewW novels updates at

"I don't think they're mere strangers. They told us something related to the kid before we left," Steve said.

Lin Zhi narrowed his eyes. "Which is?"

Stan and Steve shivered as they recalled the words of the largest guy that beat them up.

"Don't you try and do anything to the little kid from now on," Stan started off.

"You're lucky that we're letting you go. However, the next time that we see you, we'll make sure that you won't see the light of day," Steve continued.

"Tell that to the people who ordered you to do this, too."

Lin Zhi's frown deepened. "How do they know that this has been planned?"

"Look, we're more lost than you," Steve said. "We were lucky that we didn't die in their hands. However, we could have really died back there."

"I can't even see out of my right eye," Stan muttered.

Lin Zhi shook his head in disbelief. He wanted to scream at their incompetence. Now, it was going to show that he was incompetent, too.

He held back his anger and settled on throwing a vase to the wall instead, which made the two stooges startled.

They looked at the covered guy with wide eyes before Steve spoke.

"We apologize," Steve said. "We couldn't do it. This must be the toughest task that we've encountered in our entire careers."

"How difficult could it fucking be?" Lin Zhi spat. "You're going against an 8th-grader!"

Steve clicked his tongue. "I know it sounds ridiculous, but I'm not exaggerating."

"Whoever this kid's parents are—they must be a great deal. It seems like the kid isn't a normal one, too. They have more connections than you would expect."

Lin Zhi shook his head, having talked enough with them. He walked to the door, feeling frustrated about the situation.

Lin Zhi straightened his posture and let himself be expressionless.

"You can't even see my face," Lin Zhi muttered.

"But I can see your eyes, handsome young man," Grandma complimented. "A smile suits you much better than a frown."

Lin Zhi pursed his lips, not allowing himself to smile.

Why was this old woman so kind and sweet?

Almost all of the women in his life did nothing but shun him out of their lives!

"So, what's gotten you in such a bad mood? Do you want to talk about it?" she asked.

"Why are you so curious?" Lin Zhi asked. "We haven't even met before."

Grandma shrugged. "Well, I don't have anything to do. I'm stuck here until I finish my treatment for my disease. So, Grandma has plenty of time to talk."

"Even with a stranger?" Lin Zhi asked.

"Much more to a stranger," she happily said, coughing at the end when she felt her throat drying up.

The nurse quickly gave her some water, to which she nodded in gratitude.

"Did you know?" she continued despite her dry throat.

"Opening up to a stranger is sometimes better than talking with people whom you know."

"Because there's less judgment," she smiled. "You also don't have to worry about them talking about your problem with other people!"

Lin Zhi's breath got caught in the back of his throat just as he thought of a brilliant idea.

"I guess I have some time," he finally said, causing Grandma to smile.

"Well, then, let's go to my room," she said in a friendly tone. "I have some snacks ready for you there."

Lin Zhi nodded and went after her, watching her figure from a short distance.

Then, a small smile appeared on his lips.

If those two stooges couldn't do anything...

Then, Lin Zhi would just take matters into his own hands.