Chapter 224. The God of Thunder Pt. 3

Name:From Today, I'm a Player Author:
Chapter 224. The God of Thunder Pt. 3

The name Jupiter held great meaning for both Zeus and Lee Jun-Kyeong. Zeus had become whole by absorbing Chi-Woo's power, as that power had originally come from Zeus and his Sponsor anyway. However, for some reason, his title had changed afterward.

Moreover, Zeus had said it as well.

‘I seem to be getting less influenced by the Sponsor as well.’

The number of notifications from his Sponsor had decreased, and he felt the Sponsor gaze at him much less than before. Whatever the reason was, things had changed for Zeus, hinting at something monumental.

“Then, a Sponsor above Sponsors...”

Or maybe...

‘An actual God.’

They both felt as though there might actually be another God, a real God, who felt pity for all that was happening to them.

However, by this point, Zeus could neither hear Jupiter’s voice nor see him in his dreams any further, which hinted at some other possibilities as well. Still, Lee Jun-Kyeong was satisfied with whatever was going on for now, as Zeus’ issue wasn’t the problem right now.

The more pressing problem was Seoul.

Zeus had gathered everyone together as he spoke. Although most of them hadn’t yet returned, he still had to speak about what he had seen. As he had explained, his reason for going to Seoul hadn’t been to determine the location of the Demon King and Odin.

Still, although his main focus had been to find Chi-Woo, that didn’t mean he hadn’t paid attention to the other mission at hand. He had still entered Seoul and seen what the city had transformed into.

“It’s like the underworld. Or, maybe, I should be calling it Hell?”[1]

Zeus slowly began to explain what he had seen in Seoul, “The first thing I can say is that, at least, the vast majority of the residents are alive.”

A major part of Korea’s population was concentrated in Seoul, and it only ballooned further after the appearance of the gates. Hunters had flocked to the densely populated capital, and the more the Hunters congregated into one city, the more the surrounding provinces fell in danger from the gates and monsters.

Korea was too small. Because the Hunters had assumed that they could always be dispatched to the surrounding provinces, they continued to gather in Seoul anyway, even as the provinces continued to grow more and more in danger.

Although it wasn’t an unreasonable assumption for the Hunters to be able to head to the provinces from Seoul, considering how geographically small Korea was, the time that it took to get there was still an issue.

The damages caused by the sudden appearance of gates and monsters weren’t just limited to simple property damage. This involved human lives. That time cost people their lives.

Moreover, even though there was always a resident Hunter or two of the Association in these other surrounding provinces, the residents were still terrified of the possibility of a sudden gate break. Consequently, many people insisted on traveling to Seoul from all areas of the country.

That meant that even though Seoul had already become incredibly saturated, the residents had further gathered to the point where the city was bursting at the seams from the constant influx of people.

Jam-packed with human life as it was, Seoul had become the most dangerous place in these harrowing times. Still, it was fortunate that most of the residents were safe.

“Well, it’s a good thing if you want to be positive, but we still don’t have a good answer for the problem.”

“That’s true,” Lee Jun-Kyeong said, nodding at Zeus’ words. “Are they hostages?”

The fact that so many people were still alive where the Demon King had set up base, where Baldur and Odin were, was also a problem.

“That’s right. Every last one of them is a hostage.”

They had deliberately left the residents alive, holding them as one of the cards to use in their battle against Lee Jun-Kyeong and his party.

“...How infuriating.”

“Is this for real...”


At this point, the others also realized that the Demon King keeping the residents alive wasn’t necessarily a good thing.

“Also, on the outskirts of the residential area, there are monsters densely gathering into a formation.”

“You mean that they are all taking orders from someone, right?”

“Yeah. Whether it’s the type or amount of monsters...” Zeus continued with a harsh expression, “It’s more than we can imagine.”

This army of monsters was strong enough to make Zeus serious. It was hard for Lee Jun-Kyeong even to imagine how terrifying it was.

“What about the Hunters? Are they all just watching it happen?”

There were as many Hunters as there were people concentrated in Seoul. Moreover, most of the large guilds and the corporate-sponsored guilds were also located in the city. There was no way that they had all died. Were they just watching all this happen?

“I don’t know the specifics, as I wasn’t able to cross the wall of monsters.”

“Is it that bad already?”

“No. It’s just that if I passed through, there’s no way that those bastards wouldn’t have noticed.”

To be frank, Zeus’ answer wasn’t much better. It meant that the gathered monsters were strong enough that Zeus would have needed to use a substantial amount of power to pass through.


“Most of them would have been persuaded to join the other side.”

“Yes. Quite a few of them were most likely persuaded. Considering those bastards can dominate the monsters and use them like servants...”

“It would become a new order.”

Most of the Hunters would have sided with Baldur and the Demon King, as rebellion under those circumstances would have just ended in death. Moreover, there were attractive benefits to joining the Demon King anyway, without even the concern for their survival in the mix.

In some ways, there were no differences between the cataclysm and the apocalypse. However, if they were to be the ones to control the apocalypse and direct the disasters...

“I mean, it’s worth following them. Especially for those who already tasted power, it’s...”

The state of Seoul could only be described as complete chaos now. They all wondered what they should do.

That was why they were holding this meeting, to discuss how to proceed. However, they weren’t able to find any solutions.

“For now...” In the end, it was Lee Jun-Kyeong who gave them all an answer. “Let’s prepare to fight. It seems we’ll have to wait for our allies who haven’t returned yet.”


Only Zeus and Lee Jun-Kyeong had returned from their missions. Even if Zeus’ goals had been different, it could still be said that he had completed his mission.

‘The Demon King is in Seoul.’

Zeus had said that he had sensed the Demon King’s distinctive aura. The reason he had described Seoul as an underworld wasn’t simply because of the monsters that surrounded Seoul. It was because of two people.

‘The Demon King and Baldur.’

Between the two of them, the terrifying aura of the Demon King stood out more.

“Did he say that it would be difficult for us to win even if we all worked together...”

The Demon King of this era seemed different from the Demon King of the previous timeline. Either that or Lee Jun-Kyeong had misjudged the Demon King of his past.

He was sure that the Demon King of the previous timeline had been eradicated by the Twelve Gods of Eden, including Zeus, with the help of countless Heroes.

Although that could obviously be seen as an incredible achievement, their current strength rivaled that of the Twelve Gods of Eden.

‘In fact, we’re even stronger.’

However, Zeus had said it clearly.

That the aura exuded by that single being was enough to cover all of Seoul and then some. It was an incredibly powerful aura, and he was an unbelievably great enemy. That was why they hadn’t been able to come up with an answer. Gathering their allies was just a natural step in the progression.

“From this point on, no one will move on their own.”


“We all go at once,” declared Lee Jun-Kyeong.

Zeus nodded while Heracles made a puzzled face.

“Isn’t that a waste of resources? Although I get that it would be safer to go around in groups, but...”

“Safety is the most important thing right now,” Lee Jun-Kyeong interrupted Heracles. “We haven’t confirmed Odin’s location yet. Moreover, you haven't forgotten, have you?”

Heracles took a step back at Lee Jun-Kyeong’s harsh tone.

“There are still rulers everywhere. The cataclysm is not over.”

They would be counter-attacked at the slightest mistake. Lee Jun-Kyeong knew they had barely been able to gather this amount of power. If even a single person were to be lost, they would be irreplaceable.

Their enemies weren’t stupid. Lee Jun-Kyeong’s alliance was the only force opposing them.

“We are in a position where we never know when they’ll target us. Make sure you remember that.”


Lee Jun-Kyeong was right.

‘He’s changed.’

After going to Japan, Lee Jun-Kyeong had changed. Although it had been so subtle that Heracles hadn’t noticed it at first, it had become apparent in time.

‘Well, it's a good thing.’

Heracles was happy that Lee Jun-Kyeong had changed. Moreover, he wasn't the only one who had noticed the other Hunter’s transformation. Whether they had noticed it in the beginning or had only just become aware of it, everyone had eventually become aware.

Lee Jun-Kyeong’s change—to Heracles, at least—was like a complete evolution. He had become sharp. Before, he had felt somewhat indecisive and lacking in charisma, considering the level of strength he had.

‘But that’s completely gone now,’ Heracles thought to himself as he gazed at his perfected Guild Leader, Zeus. Unlike before, Zeus didn’t mess with or make fun of Lee Jun-Kyeong anymore.

While part of Zeus’ earlier actions were because the Hunter had a mischievous personality, the truth was that Zeus hadn’t approved of Lee Jun-Kyeong back then.

Now, Zeus respected him.

“Do you have any objections?” Lee Jun-Kyeong asked everyone.


A single word from Zeus and silence from the rest of the party seemed to proclaim that Lee Jun-Kyeong had now become a true leader.


The United States was the world’s most powerful country prior to the advent of the gates. However, this seemingly all powerful stronghold fell as the gates appeared.

Its domain was massive, but the population was comparatively sparse, which consequently meant that the number of awakened Hunters was insufficient.

Monsters were rampant in the wide land, while there was no one there to protect the people. Whatever Heroes that were born were further pushed to their deaths because of the lack of Hunters and the unsurpassable deluge of monsters.

That was how the United States had lost the right to the title of Superpower in the world of Hunters.

More Hunters awakened day by day through Sponsorship. Although they had succeeded in taking back land through foreign support, instead of focusing on growth, they instead were continuously forced to concentrate all of their energy on recovering their shattered nation.

In that weakened state, now that the cataclysm had fallen upon them, the United States of America had truly become a land of the dead.


“Chwiik! Chwiikk!!”

Monsters infested the land as the ground itself was rotting from the sheer amount of human remnants that had been tossed to the side after the corpses were torn apart and consumed by the monsters.

“How insane.”

A horrifying bloodlust boiled like magma from all sides.

“Are there really any survivors here?” Heracles complained as if he was already over having to come all this way.

“This really feels like no one could possibly still be alive,” Won-Hwa added.

The party had come to the United States. They had come to find her, the one who had gone on a mission to this wasteland.


She was somewhere on this continent, trying to rally survivors in the United States and recruit Hunters to join their battle.

Lee Jun-Kyeong stared blankly at Zeus.

'He sent Athena here on purpose.'

Not many people knew of the story of Athena and Heimdall. Although the two loved each other, Athena belonged to Olympus. However, as the Guild Leader of Olympus, Zeus was clearly aware.novE(lb)1n

Heimdall, Seong-Gu Hyung, had gone to Seoul.

‘Furthermore, it’s become difficult to trust Seong-Gu Hyung.’

In his memories of his past that Odin had shown him, Heimdall had clearly deceived him. Although it had been the Heimdall of his previous timeline that had deceived him, Lee Jun-Kyoeng still couldn’t shake off the feeling.

Heimdall, Yeo Seong-Gu, was definitely his benefactor. But...what if it had all been planned?

Then, Lee Jun-Kyeong knew he would be stabbed in the back by the one he trusted the most.

‘Zeus has doubts about Heimdall.’

When Zeus had been on his way to Seoul, Lee Jun-Kyeong had asked him for something—to look out for any news about Heimdall. However, Zeus told him something strange when he returned.

‘It was difficult to find anything. Just like any information about the Demon King or Baldur on the other side of the formation of monsters, I wasn’t able to find out anything about Heimdall.’

Moreover, even before he had returned, Lee Jun-Kyeong had known there was something wrong.

‘It’s not just doubts, Zeus has been suspicious of Heimdal for a while.’

That was why he had sent Athena alone to the United States instead of having her stay in Korea.

“Don’t you think it would have been difficult even for Lady Athena, being here alone?” Jeong In-Chang said worriedly.



Heracles and Odysseus only laughed in response.

“Well, Siegfried must have never properly seen Lady Athena fight, right?”

“I mean, if it's just observing it, then yes I did...”

“Ah, that’s right, back then...”

Back then, in the gate in Europe where Heracles and Lee Jun-Kyeong had collided, Athena had appeared using Zeus’ Thunderbolt. Although it had only been a short clash with Heimdall, it had still been a harrowing experience.

However, where they were right now, this place was much worse than what Jeong In-Chang remembered about Athena’s battle. Thus, he was worried about Athena’s ability to even survive, let alone carry out her mission.

“What you saw then was, what...probably less than ten percent of Lady Athena’s power?”


“What, are you wondering if I’m only thinking that because I’m afraid of her?”

Heracles and the others looked incredibly relaxed as they joked about Athena.


So much so that Jeong In-Chang kept quiet once he looked over at Zeus, who seemed even more relaxed than the others.

“Don’t worry, there’s no way she’s in any danger. No matter how dangerous this place is, Lady Athena should be fine as long as she doesn’t run into any Rulers.”

“You’re wrong,” Zeus, who had been silent, suddenly interjected. “She should be fine dealing with one or even two Rulers. Because, well, that girl is a monster.”

Athena’s skills were so great that even Zeus boasted about it. Jeong In-Chang and Won-Hwa, who didn’t know the details, became even more curious about her real skills.


Lee Jun-Kyeong was also very interested in the Hunter. Even beyond the era he had experienced, even in the previous timeline before he was born, she had been there at the center of the Age of Heroes.

Moreover, on the day that he was returning home from his part-time job at the convenience store, Athena was the one to summon him. Furthermore, when he had returned to the past, she had been the one to kill his Hyung.

She had pierced the chest of the Heimdall of his previous timeline with the spear. She was a Hunter who could call herself a God, occupying a place in Eden. Thus, Lee Jun-Kyeong was also curious about her real skills.


Then, with a huge explosion, a cloud of dust began to rise.

The explosion that had occurred in the barely visible street was obviously the work of a Hunter.

“That’s mana!”

Just when the group was about to move, Zeus saw the approaching swarm of monsters and stepped forward.

“Let me open the way.”

1. The term for the Underworld translates literally to Den of Demons. ☜