Chapter 276. Side Story - Change

Name:From Today, I'm a Player Author:
Chapter 276. Side Story - Change

Gurgle, gurgle.

The sound of a bubbling stew echoed throughout the house.


Crack, crack, crack.

Meat sizzled on the frying pan as salt and pepper were sprinkled over the meat—a fragrant scent wafted throughout the house.

“It smells delicious,” Lee Jun-Kyeong said while scratching his arm. His hair was a mess.

“So you’re unemployed, then.”

The pajamas he was wearing and his messy hair were a perfect vision of unemployment.

“That’s a little harsh, don’t you think?” Lee Jun-Kyeong said with a chuckle. “Don’t you think I should have some time to rest, too?”

“Who said you couldn’t? I’m just saying you’re unemployed,” Yeo Seong-Gu responded to Lee Jun-Kyeong with a sly smile.

The kitchen fluorescent lights made his head sparkle.


Lee Jun-Kyeong asked, “What’s the occasion?”

Yeo Seong-Gu put down the frying pan. “Are you really asking because you don’t know?” Witness the birth of this content, streaming forth from n0v!lbin★


Lee Jun-Kyeong thought hard, almost as if he really didn’t know.

“People are coming over.”


It had already been a month since the fight with the Demon King ended, and it had already been a month since Lee Jun-Kyeong had regressed to where it all started and was able to enjoy a peaceful life.

“ there anything I can do to help?”

“Just sit. For the Hero who saved the world, just sitting over there and resting is enough.”


Lee Jun-Kyeong scratched his head sheepishly. “Are you sure it’s not just because the food I cook is inedible...”

“If you already know the answer, then stop asking and just go watch TV,” Yeo Seong-Gu retorted. Lee Jun-Kyeong nodded and headed to the living room, settling down on the comfortable sofa. It felt like heaven.

The sound of the TV turning on clicked.

–Breaking News. The Olympus Guild visits Korea.

As soon as he turned on the TV, big letters reading ‘BREAKING NEWS’ appeared. The news screen suddenly changed to an anchor.

–Current News. The Olympus Guild visits Korea. It has been confirmed that all major executives, including Olympus Guild Leader Zeus, have entered the country. The purpose of their visit to Korea is...

Lee Jun-Kyeong changed the channel.

–Breaking News.

Bold letters appeared on the screen again.

–Egypt, the Nile Guild visits Korea, the Chinese Association president visits Korea.

With every second, the current news changed over and over.

–The British Royal Family visits Korea.

Breaking News appeared over and over as if the words had no intention of leaving the screen. Lee Jun-Kyeong scratched his head and changed the channel again.

–Superpowers from each country are arriving in Korea one after another. Due to their sudden visits to Korea...

–The same thing happened a month ago.

–Could an unprecedented gate be expected to appear?

–Guild Leaders refused to meet with the president.

–Each leader left the airport, stating personal business that they had to attend.

Series of news stories were on every channel, speculating the reason for their visit. In the end, Lee Jun-Kyeong turned off the TV.

Not everyone had gathered at Lee Jun-Kyeong’s and Heimdall’s house. Although, as Jeong In-Chang had said, their house was too small, Horus and the others apparently hadn’t been able to attend due to some international responsibilities.

“It looks like Lord Horus is busy,” Jeong In-Chang said.

“Well, it makes sense considering his position.”

Horus, Liu Bei, and his brothers were in a slightly more special position than the other companions.

“Because of their responsibilities as leaders, they probably won’t be able to meet us until tomorrow.”

The Nile and Utgard had become representative guilds rather than secret organizations. As the leaders, Horus, Liu Bei, and his brothers became in charge of entire countries. Liu Bei had succeeded his father as General Secretary, while Horus became the Secretary General of Egypt—or rather, the League of Arab States. Their other companions would have been in the same position as well.

“Because our levels of responsibility would be different.”

It was just as Zeus said, and that was why the others would arrive after attending official events.

“So, what do we plan on doing today?” Arthur asked, his eyes shining.


Heimdall looked around. They were standing in a street full of people in the middle of a busy city. Despite that, people seemed to be passing by without any concern, even though world-famous people were standing right next to them. Of course, this was all due to Merlin’s mind-retention spell enveloping their group.

“What do you think would be fun?”

“Did you not make plans beforehand?”

“No, because there are too many things we could do.”

Heimdall, Arthur, and Zeus playfully squabbled as Lee Jun-Kyeong looked elsewhere.

‘It’s peaceful.’

He turned to gaze at the street. People walked by on the street at night, which was a level of peace hard to find even before the cataclysm had erupted in the previous timeline. It truly was completely different.

‘It really is peaceful.’

He couldn’t feel any anxiety or fear coming from the humans. Hunters existed, and that meant that gates and monsters would also exist. Thus, people should have been somewhat afraid at all times, even in the midst of their ordinary daily lives.

However, things were different now. There was no fear whatsoever within any of them.

“Karaoke...!” At that time, Ungnyeo, who had been walking quietly, interjected. “Let’s go to karaoke!”

“Sounds great.”


Several people looked flustered by her suggestion, but because of Athena’s agreement and Merlin’s silent approval, they all realized that their destination had already been decided.



A sound that made one think a cow was being slaughtered echoed in the room.

Fortunately, Merlin’s mind-retention spell didn’t just prevent people from recognizing their appearances but could even change their voices.

“Wow, isn’t this song really good?”

“Is he a singer?”

While the most important point was that it made it nearly impossible for people to recognize them, the side effect was that the singing that sounded like a cow writhing in pain seemed like a sweet ballad to others.


Lee Jun-Kyeong swallowed his laughter and left the room as the group seemed excited for the first time in a long time after arriving at karaoke. Who could have imagined it? The people who were plastered all over the news just by visiting Korea were actually gathering at a karaoke downtown and making such loud noises.


Lee Jun-Kyeong left the karaoke room and sat down on the street. Just looking at the people passing by made him feel peaceful. The tension and vigilance had long since subsided. There was no longer any reason for him to have to fight to the death or fight with anything on the line.

This was true peace. Stability had come not just for himself but for everyone on the planet.

“Mr. Lee, why did you come out here?”

Jeong In-Chang sat next to Lee Jun-Kyeong as if he had followed him. A lot had also changed for Jeong In-Chang as well. He had been used as a tool by the Northern Army Guild in the past.

‘Northern Army Guild Leader.’

But now, he was the Guild Leader of the Northern Army Guild, also known as one of Korea’s three major guilds. Lee Jun-Kyeong looked at him with a blank expression and just replied, “I’m happy.”

It was such an unprompted remark, but Jeong In-Chang just turned his head to look at the street quietly alongside him in response.


1. A stew flavored primarily with fermented soybean paste ?