Chapter 85: Love For Feed

Chapter 85: Love For Feed

“Ah, that was satisfying.”

As soon as I came up to my room on the second floor, I threw myself onto the bed and muttered.

Lydia’s chest was soft, tender, warm, and even had a nice fragrance...

“It was addictive.”

Just recalling the memory from a moment ago brought a pleased smile to my face.

But as my thoughts naturally drifted to Ellie, my mind began to get complicated.

“She seemed to enjoy it subtly...”

At first, she definitely seemed to have a lost look on her face, but after being momentarily distracted by Lydia’s chest, when I looked back, her face was strangely flushed.

I intended to give her a vaccine, but it feels like I accidentally administered a drug instead.

I clearly remember Ellie twisting her legs as if possessed by something and heading up to her room ten minutes later.

Lydia also hesitated for a long time, wondering if this was right, and then went back.

“Well, it should be fine.”

The continent of Pan is a world greatly influenced by the Goddess of Love. Isn’t the preference for NTR relatively common?

Anyway, since Ellie seemed to enjoy it, let’s just say it’s fine.


After stretching out and twisting around on the bed, I finally got up.

Today has been exhausting with various things happening...but there’s still something I need to do before sleeping.

I thought I would have to live in poverty for a while since I spent all my money on gacha for this subjugation operation.

But it turned out there was a considerable amount of money when I searched the bodies of those of One Who Devoured the Twilight.

Karen took the dagger, a divine artifact of the Beast God, to submit to the Temple to deceive the Pope, but...

All the other spoils were divided among Ellie, Lydia, and me.

Despite splitting it three ways, the amount came to 32 Silver. Where on earth did those fugitives earn so much money?

I’ll just do exactly 30 pulls and go to bed.

“Please take care of me today as well.”

I murmured as I took out the fully upgraded Goddess statue from the subspace. But somehow, its condition seemed a bit off.

It was sitting down with its legs bent in a W shape. Its arms were crossed tightly over its chest, pressing down on its breasts which bulged out.

Moreover, the eyes that should have been filled with kindness were empty, and a deep blush had spread across its cheeks.

It looked similar to the expression Ellie had just shown.

“What the... Ah.”

Could it be? Is it jealous because I said I liked her a bit more than the Goddess of Love?

So it’s striking a pose like it’s been NTR’d?

“This creepy stalker Goddess.”

Hey! If you have something to say, come and say it directly! Don’t hint in such a roundabout way!

Well. If that really happened, the Labyrinth would become a mess, and the adventurers inside would be in danger. Some monsters might even escape, causing chaos throughout Pangrave, so it’s absolutely unacceptable.

In the end, I have no choice but to go to the Goddess of Love myself.

I let out a deep sigh and turned the statue of the Goddess upside down. Because the legs were unnecessarily close together, I couldn’t see the panties.


Clicking my tongue, I put the statue in its dedicated case and opened the gacha system.


[First Floor Clear Reward! Free Draw Ticket x10!]

[First Floor Guardian Subjugation Reward! Free Draw Ticket x10!]


Aside from the first-anniversary survival reward, this was the first time I received free tickets.

The unexpected notification left me momentarily dazed.

But, doesn’t the term itself somehow bring comfort?

It’s much more plausible to think that it’s not because I did something wrong or was unlucky today, but because it was good last time, so it won’t be this time.

“Anyway, it’s regression to the mean. I’ve decided that.”

The internal rationalizing lasted only a moment. Suddenly, my skin felt like it was burning, and soon after, it cooled down as if doused with ice water.

That’s right. Come to think of it, I did get a power even though it’s just 1-Star.

Unless it’s a peculiar case, having more powers is always better. Even if it’s just 1-Star, its value can’t be compared to something like Magic Herbs.

As the engraving completed, the method to use the power flooded into my mind.

Anytime, anywhere, the skin would remain moist.


Is this it? Just like with the fragrant body odor, this is merely a beauty power!

I knew that the powers of the Goddess of Love weren’t usually helpful in battles, but isn’t this a bit much?

Sure, having moist skin is nice. It’s fine now because I’m young, but as I age, my skin will dry out and face various troubles.

“Still, if you’re going to give me a 1-Star power, at least give me something useful....”

A sigh escaped me...but, well, what can I do? It’s already been chosen. I have to think it’s better than nothing.

More importantly, there’s a bigger issue than the power right now.

The scattered junk. Among them, the only thing that fell on my head instead of the floor, I grabbed and pulled down.

A soft texture. A pure white cloth without a single blemish. A pair of charmingly warm panties adorned with delicate lace on the edges.

[1-Star: Used Women’s Lace Panties]

“What am I supposed to do with this...huh? Wait a minute.”

On a hunch, I took out the Goddess statue from the exhibition caae and flipped it over. Of course, because of the pose, I couldn’t see under the skirt.

At this point, I have no choice either.

“If you had shown your panties willingly, this wouldn’t have happened....”

Muttering as if lamenting, I placed my index finger behind the statue of the Goddess.


Such a realistic texture. It even has body heat, making it feel like touching a shrunken person.

After enjoying the sensation of the protruding shoulder blade for a moment, I slowly lowered my finger.

Starting from the back, passing the waist, and reaching the buttocks.

The feeling of volume and elasticity is vividly conveyed. Yes. It is conveyed so vividly. As if touching through a single layer of cloth.

Just in case, I stroke my finger smoothly from the waist to the buttocks, concentrating on that part...but my hand moved naturally without any obstruction.

In other words, I couldn’t feel any panty line.

“My dear perverted this perhaps your panties?”


Of course, the statue of the Goddess does not answer. Because it is a statue of a Goddess.

“Ay. No matter how much, a Goddess wouldn’t secretly send panties or anything like that. I did check what panties it was wearing today, but that’s like a greeting to the figure.”


The Goddess statue remains silent. Only the concentration of divine power that was naturally emanating suddenly surges.


The Goddess statue, enveloped in bright divine power similar to when the mini sanctuary was deployed, even though nothing was touched.

After briefly closing and reopening my eyes due to the overwhelming brightness, the Goddess statue had returned to the display case on its own.

Sitting crouched with her face buried between her knees.

“Looks like she knows what embarrassment is....”

With a deep sigh, I put the still warm panties into the subspace.

...Well, you never know?