Chapter 242

Name:Gain A Cute Wife By 'Kidnap' Author:
C242 – Just be Nice to Him in the Future

“So, is this true?”

Shang Cijie found himself at a loss for words, gazing dumbfoundedly at Shang Minjie before turning to Mu Sifa for confirmation.

“Correct,” Mu Sifa’s response was firm and succinct.Visit no(v)eLb(i) for the best novel reading experience

Did his elder sister truly make such significant sacrifices for him?

His eyes returned to Shang Minjie, still grappling with disbelief.

“What’s the matter, kid? Do you believe I, a woman with such a dark reputation, wouldn’t do something like that?” I’ll also take some time to reflect on this.”

Though scolding Shang Cijie, it seemed almost like an admission of guilt.

“No, Elder Sister, I...” He trailed off, simply overwhelmed and unable to process it all.

Shang Cijie hastily clarified, still holding onto Shang Mingming. If not for that, he would have insisted that his words were misconstrued! His past habits seemed hard to shake, or perhaps impossible to change altogether.

“This is quite troublesome. What’s so difficult to grasp about this trivial matter? Are you truly my younger brother?”

Shang Minjie felt anxious, having previously experienced an unplanned pregnancy and being too fatigued to carry the child. Now, the doctor warned her that maintaining a positive mood was crucial to avoid complications.

“I appreciate your assistance with this matter.”

Mu Sifa lowered his head in gratitude towards Shang Minjie, expressing his appreciation accumulated over the past few years.

Shang Minjie was taken aback by Mu Sifa’s humility, though her surprise was fleeting.

“Your treatment of Xiaojie will serve as sufficient repayment.” He adopted an indifferent tone, masking his true sentiments.

“Of course.”

Mu Sifa responded with a smile, already intending to fulfill his duties without Shang Minjie’s prompting.

“Well, well. Everyone seems content.”

Jia Tianxia breathed a sigh of relief, anticipating their future outings with Shang Minjie. Yet, their current circumstances were somewhat strained, considering Shang Minjie had only moved in three years prior.

“What!? So this Yaksha of a mother is actually decent!” Shang Mingming muttered suddenly, his expression souring.

Shang Minjie promptly pinched his cheek as a warning, “You little rascal, asking for trouble, aren’t you? Go pick a fight elsewhere!”