Chapter 46

An agreement was drawn up between Nebula Games and the motion capture studio to produce an extensive library of material.

And Chen Xu led the charge in the development of Outlast.

It wasnt cheap to make a game like this, but it wasnt as expensive as one might think either.

After running through everything, the finance department drew up a budget report. The total cost of this game, including the creation and subsequent marketing expenses, is estimated to be around 6 million RMB.

There might be additional fees to consider, but the upper limit will not exceed 8 million RMB.

For a game in the horror genre, this is a pretty hefty figure. Not a lot of companies would be willing to invest so much in something like this.

Needless to say, the team at Nebula was very excited.

This was, after all, their first major project. And if it took off like Chen Xus previous titles, they would essentially be making a breakthrough in the horror gaming genre.


The days passed quickly.

Artwork, animations and various other parts of the game were produced quickly and efficiently under the guidance of Chen Xu and the team leaders.

The script for dialogue was also completed, with voice-overs being booked for later.

At the current stage of development, the team was busy giving the playable character a trial run, working out the kinks in the movements and actions.

Man Im actually kinda creeped out already. Can you imagine how terrifying the final product will be?

In her new office, Ruan Ningxue was giving the design concepts another once over with the other team leads.

These were environmental designs of the setting. So they included the dilapidated hospital building, the blood and corpses strewn about the area, the escaped crazies hiding under beds and in dark corners.

There was also a second set of the same scenes, but made from the perspective of video camera footage. And a third set for the cameras night vision mode.

These images, rendered with the technology of the parallel world, were doing a fantastic job of showcasing the eerie atmosphere of Outlast, just looking at them was enough to send shivers down the spine.

As the development phase continued, Ruan Ningxue was gradually growing more haggard, her eyes were slowly growing more bloodshot as the days passed, and dark rings began appearing beneath her eyelids.


Because she was too scared to sleep! Visit no(v)eLb(i) for the best novel reading experience

She actually did as Chen Xu instructed, and tried using the night vision video camera at 3am. Her house became an eerie place with a creepy atmosphere she just couldnt shake off. And it made her extremely uncomfortable.

After all, scaring yourself with your own imagination is the greatest of all scares.

Thats right, its Halloween! Ive been preparing for this day, and got some promotional material ready to go.

After all, our dear players have been eagerly awaiting something, I think its pretty fitting and realistic if we announce the new release on Halloween, right?

Chen Xus smile seemed to grow eerie and malicious in the eyes of the two girls. He ignored their expressions and pulled up a video on his screen.

It was a short video, only 10 seconds long.

The screen was pitch black at first, then suddenly the sound of electronics booting up was heard. An image appeared, but it wasnt normal.

Its the POV of a night-vision video camera, with a battery indicator on the top right corner and a red blinking dot on the top left corner, implying that the footage was being recorded.

The girls recognized the background image being used, it was Chen Xus office.

But it was a mess. His chair was knocked over and there were numerous files scattered on the desk.

The video was completely silent.

The atmosphere of the video was incredibly unsettling.

In the final second of the footage, the screen shook, as if the person holding the camera was being attacked and was struggling fiercely.

But still, there was not a single sound, the unsettling atmosphere was now suffocating, and then the video ended abruptly, plunging the screen back into darkness.

There was silence in the office as Chen Xu turned around with an expectant smile, his eyes sparkling with mirth. He knew damn well that the level of horror in this world wasnt very high, and the Outlast project was leagues above in terms of quality and fear factor. Even this little video oozed an atmosphere that put the majority of horror movies to shame.

Yang Xin and Ruan Ningxue stared back at him for a long time without speaking.

Mr Chen, I think being realistic and sending people straight to hell are two very different things. Ruan Ningxue was unable to hold it in any longer and let it out.

Obviously, this video blatantly informs the public that their next release was going to be a horror game.

But the main point is, what is this terrifying thing? Was this really fitting and realistic?

Im afraid some very unfortunate people are getting sent straight to hell this Halloween.

Ruan Ningxue mumbled a silent prayer for those unfortunate souls, for she knew what awaited them.

She looked back at her boss, who was giddy with excitement. To come alone into the office in the middle of the night and shoot a night-vision video, he was clearly enjoying this way too much.

Yang Xin couldnt help but toss one last life buoy towards Chen Xu before he sank further into the swamp of depravity. Mr Chen, didnt you publicly say you were a warrior of love? Outlast has nothing to do with love, why dont we have a more upbeat announcement?

Of course its related to love! Havent you done your research on the genre? For the longest time, horror enthusiasts have been saying that there were simply no good horror games. Why do you think Im developing Outlast? Its to express my love for these poor, forgotten souls! I AM a warrior of love!

And upbeat? Dont you think this video fits perfectly with the game? Because its so different from normal marketing trailers, this will gain even more traction, I guarantee it! We have to be prepared to ride the wave of hype this creates! Chen Xu explained with an earnest expression that blinded his two compatriots.