Chapter 198 Trial

Following Samwell's order, the trial officially began.

Gavin, who represented Heavenly Father, first told everyone about the case, and repeated the statements of both parties in an impartial manner.

Samwell listened quietly, with no expression of joy or anger on his face. He just glanced at Brother Ivan when he heard Gongga running to the church to pray for forgiveness from the Seven Gods.

Brother Ivan lowered his head at this moment, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Both of you insist on your own opinion." Samwell asked blankly, "Is there any evidence to prove what you said?"

"My lord, I dare to swear in the name of the Seven Gods!" Gongga shouted.

"What I want is evidence. Not an oath." Samwell said coldly.

"My lord, I have it!" Timet said hastily.


"I object!" Brother Ivan finally spoke, "Since Timett joined the jury as the representative of the 'girl', she can no longer testify for the victim."

"The objection is invalid." Sam Will said, "Brother Ivan, you are just a spectator now, and you have no right to interfere with the trial. So I advise you to keep quiet, otherwise, I will order someone to drive you out."

After finishing speaking, Samwell looked at Timet again, and said:

"Miss Timett, for the fairness of the trial, I must also remind you that as a member of the jury, you cannot appear as a witness, but if you submit physical evidence or other witnesses, it will still be accepted. "

Timet stood in the middle of the hall, facing the scorching eyes of everyone, but seemed calm and unhurried:

"It's physical evidence, my lord. Gong Ga claimed to be punishing my sister and beat her to death by accident. But in fact, my sister has never been lazy in her work, and she has never made a mistake. If you don't believe me, you can check the work points records. And, you can also ask other women workers who also work on the plantation."

Samwell said to Gavin: "Go and find Tiffy's work point records."

Gavin immediately found a parchment scroll from his sleeve and handed it to Samwell.

Sam Well immediately understood that this kid knew the truth of the case a long time ago, but he was afraid to make a judgment due to the pressure of the church.

Looking through the records, Samwell found that Tiffy's work points were all earned in full, and she often received bonus work points, which is clearly a model worker.

"Gongga, you said that you were punishing Tiffy at that time, so what reason did you do?"

"I...I..." Gongga faltered for a long time without giving a reason, his forehead was covered with cold sweat.

He looked at Brother Ivan for help, but saw that the other party ignored him at all.

But this small action completely angered Samwell, he stood up abruptly, and said loudly:

"I think Gongga is guilty of murder!"




The other six members of the jury all seconded their proposals one after another. Timothy did not hide her excitement, and shook her fist vigorously in the air.

"The jury voted unanimously!" Samwell announced in a cold tone, "Gongga committed murder. In the name of the lord of Yingzui Island, I sentence you to death! Execute immediately!"

"No!" Gongga shouted hoarsely, "My lord, my lord, I'm also here to help you manage the plantation! I'm here for you!"

"You have tarnished my reputation." Samwell said coldly.

"I don't! I don't! That's just a lowly savage! Why! I won't accept it! I won't accept it! I demand a trial by combat!"

Samwell frowned, and looked at the desperate Gongga with a playful look.

In fact, now that the evidence is solid, he can refuse a trial by combat.

But when the words came to his lips, Samwell smiled and said:

"Yes. Gongga, as my vassal, you have also made a lot of contributions to Yingzui Island, so I will give you another chance. So, are you going to do it yourself? Or do you have an agent knight?"

There are only four knights in Yingzui Island, besides Samwell himself, Cheman Huya, Lucas Dayne, and Todd Flower.

Gongga will definitely not be able to invite the lord, and Qieman has gone on an expedition to the depths of the Crimson Mountains, so he is left with two choices.

Unfortunately, both Lucas and Todd seem to have become steel statues, ignoring Gongga's begging eyes.

"It seems that you can only do it yourself." Samwell sneered, and told the attendant, "Give him a sword."

Katu drew out his long sword and handed it to Gongga.

Gongga had no choice but to take it, and could only pray that no one would stand up and fight for the dead female savage.

Unfortunately, he obviously underestimated the knight's sense of justice.

Without waiting for Samwell to ask, Lucas Dane and Todd Flowers stood up almost at the same time, saying:

"My lord, please allow me to be Ms. Tiffy's acting knight and fight for her justice."

Despair suddenly appeared on Gongga's face.

But the more desperate is yet to come—

Samwell shook his head: "Ms. Tiffy already has an acting knight, Cleopatra."

The two knights were still wondering who this unknown knight was, when they saw the white dragon resting on Samwell's shoulder soaring into the air.

"Gongga, your opponent is this dragon." Samwell said lightly, "Come on, if you can finish slaying the dragon today, I believe that the gods are really blessing you."

Gongga's expression is almost dead.

If facing Lucas and Todd, he still has the possibility to fight to the death, then, Long...

Gong Ga looked at the dragon flying across the air, almost becoming a white phantom, and didn't know what to do.

"Let's pray first." Sam Will said.

Brother Ivan wanted to step forward, but the lord actually turned his head to look at the red-robed woman beside him:

"Ms. Melisandre, didn't you say that the dragon is flesh and blood made of flames, and is the messenger of R'hllor, the Lord of Light? You should lead the prayer."

"Good!" Of course, Melisandre would not refuse this excellent opportunity to spread the belief of the Lord of Light.

She came to the center of the hall with graceful steps, and the ruby ​​in her throat shone blood-red again:

"Lord of Light, take care of us!"

Brother Ivan really wanted to step forward to interrupt, but hesitated for a while, after all, he didn't have the guts. He suddenly felt that the Church of the Seven Gods might encounter a strong challenger in the field of belief in Yingzui Island.

"Lord of Light, protect us!"

Everyone in the hall began to respond:

"King of Light, guide us in the darkness!

Lord of Light, shine light to illuminate us!

Light the Holy Flame for us, great R'hllor!

Reveal to us whether this person is honest or hypocritical!

If he is guilty, give him death!

If he is sincere, give him strength!

Because of the long night and darkness, everything is sinister! Please give us your wisdom! "

After the prayer is over, the duel begins.

The white dragon swooped down suddenly, leaving a bloodstain on Gongga's face with its sharp long claws.

Gongga roared frantically, waving the long sword impenetrably in his hand, trying to block the approach of the white dragon.

But this is clearly futile.

A long sword cannot protect his whole body.

Soon, Cleopatra added dozens of wounds to Gongga's body.

Blood gurgled and formed a stream on the ground.

Bai Long didn't seem to be in a hurry to end, teasing his prey, as if enjoying the process.

Gongga's screams became more and more desperate, he couldn't keep up with Bailong's speed, so he could only slash the air wildly.

I don't know if the gods finally favored Gongga, or Bailong was careless, and the long sword he swung indiscriminately hit him.


The long sword cut on the milky white scales, splashing sparks.

Unfortunately, it failed to break through the armor.

But this blow completely angered Cleopatra.

It stopped in mid-air, spreading its wings and roaring.

A surging flame swirled and rushed towards Gongga's face, melting his eyes, and slid down his face like a jelly ball.

Orange, red and black flames ignited the hair and beard, and in an instant, Gongga seemed to be wearing a flaming crown, which was twice as high as his head.

The smell of burnt meat overwhelmed the aroma, and his howling drowned out all sound.

The shrill screams echoed in the hall, from high pitched to weak, until they disappeared completely.

The blazing dragon flames continued to burn, and quickly melted Gongga completely. The flesh and bones disappeared, leaving only a pile of pale ashes.

A pungent burnt smell permeated the hall, making everyone feel awe-inspiring.

Only the red-robed girl, Melisandre, was extremely excited, as if she saw the power of the Lord of Light displayed in the world.

Samwell sat down on the chair again, and said in a deep voice:

"The gods have given a verdict, Gongga, guilty."

"Gongga, guilty." The other six jury members also spoke one after another.

Bring this case to an end.

Even though Brother Ivan had already guessed such a result, he was still shocked by the horror of the white dragon.

You know, this is just a baby dragon in its infancy, but the strength it has shown is still beyond the reach of human beings.

As time goes by, the dragon will grow bigger and bigger, and its strength will become more and more terrifying.

It is said that in its heyday, the "Black Death" Balerion could swallow a whole bison in one gulp, spread his wings to cover a bustling town, and the dragon flames he breathed could burn hundreds of people to death.

At that time, the dragon will be the **** of death on the battlefield, almost invincible.

Brother Ivan looked at the white dragon flying back to Samwell's shoulder, and suddenly felt that he should change his missionary strategy in Yingzui Island.

(end of this chapter)