Chapter 256: enter the city

Chapter 256 Entering the city

Title: Viscount

Territory: Yingzui Island

Vassals: Gavin Mander, Lucas Dane, Chiman Tiger Tooth, Todd Flower, Ralph Buckler, Bruce Buckler

Strength: 4.35 (8.70)

Agility: 3.93 (7.86)

Spirit: 9.38

Samwell lay on the soft bed, focused his attention on the attribute panel, and found that his attribute value was halved—no, only his strength and agility were halved, but his spirit increased by 1.00.

Moreover, there is a parenthesis behind the strength and agility values, which contain the original values. It seems that Melisandre is right, this weakening can be restored.

It's just that the mental value has not decreased but increased, which makes him a little confused.

However, the increase in mental attributes is much smaller than the decrease in strength and agility, otherwise it is hard to say whether this is a cost or a gain.

"Lord Caesar, are you thirsty?" Melisandre walked over with a glass of red wine.

She was wearing nothing but the ruby ​​necklace at her throat, her milk-white skin looked extraordinarily alluring under the candlelight, her long fiery red hair fell from her shoulders to the top of her plump breasts, curled into a loose Comfortable big circle.

Samwell took it casually, only to notice the bright red lip marks on the rim of the cup—she drank it.

However, both of them have already had more in-depth exchanges, so there is no need to care about these.

Samwell drank the red wine and asked:

"When will the Shadow Assassin be born?"

"Tomorrow night." Melisandre sat beside Samwell, resting her head on the man's shoulder.

"Okay, then tomorrow, we will end this war together." Samwell stood up and went to pick up the clothes scattered on the ground.

The moment he got up, he felt the impact of the weakening of attribute value on himself.

Although his strength and agility are still much higher than ordinary people, this gap still makes him feel "weak".

Melisandre didn't hold back either, but stood up and gently helped him dress, like a considerate wife.

This made Samwell a little uncomfortable.

After getting dressed, he hurriedly left the witch's tent as if he was in a hurry.

The night was dark, and the camp was very quiet, only a few soldiers on duty at night were patrolling. When they saw Samwell, they all bowed down and saluted.

Samwell returned the salute absent-mindedly, and just as he was about to return to his camp, there was a sudden noise from Storm's End not far away.

He stopped, stopped and watched.

The noise became louder and louder, and many Hewan soldiers in the camp were also alarmed and came out to check.

Although Samwell didn't know what happened, he immediately ordered everyone to put on armor and be alert.

He himself found Cleopatra, climbed onto the dragon's back, and drove the white dragon to fly over Storm's End.

Then he was surprised to find that the city was in chaos at this time, with flames everywhere, soldiers running around, and the sounds of cursing, roaring, and crying gathered in the darkness.

Something happened to Storm's End!

Sam Well was surprised and delighted at the same time, but because he was worried that this was a trap, he observed it a little more, until he saw the iron gate of the castle rising slowly, and finally he was convinced that it might not be a trap.

A group of Stormland cavalry rushed out from under the iron gate holding a white flag, shouting loudly:

"Surrender! We are willing to surrender!"

Samwell immediately drove the white dragon back to the camp, preparing to mobilize the army into the city.

But at this moment, he suddenly thought of—

If Storm's End surrendered, wouldn't his "in-depth communication" with Melisandre be for nothing?

Samwell has a feeling of being fooled by fate...

But no matter how he thought about it, Samwell immediately summoned soldiers to seize the city gate, and those who guarded against the storm would cheat.

Of course, this possibility is too low, even if it is a trick, it will not open the city gate.

After the armies of the Reach took control of the gate of Storm's End, Samwell summoned Sir Gerald Wilder who opened the gate and surrendered.

"You said my brother Dickon assassinated Duke Edric Baratheon?" Samwell felt unreal.

"Yes, Lord Caesar. Your younger brother is extremely brave and wise. He approached the illegitimate son Duke through his identity as a peace envoy and assassinated him."

Samwell asked quickly: "Where is the Dickon? How is he now?"

"Your brother was injured a bit, but his life is safe, and he is currently being taken care of by the bachelor."

Samwell breathed a sigh of relief, first commanding the army to enter the city to stabilize the situation, and then let Sir Gerard take him to see his brother.

The two rode through the streets where they were still fighting, and came to the Bachelor's Tower.

Samwell saw Dickon, but his younger brother had already drank the milk of poppy and fell into a deep sleep.

There are several bandages wrapped around his body.

After briefing the bachelor about the situation, Samwell didn't disturb his brother's rest, left the room and came to the corridor.

At this time, the sound of fighting in the city still hasn't stopped, but it has become weaker and weaker. It seems that the Hewan army has controlled the situation.

According to Sir Glad, many people in Storm's End have long been dissatisfied with Duke Edric's rule. His performance in the face of the invasion of the Hewan army was really too cowardly.

When Stannis Baratheon came to Storm's End, there was already a riot in the city, but it was brutally suppressed.

After the death of Duke Edric this time, the opposing forces in the city could no longer be suppressed, so Sir Gerald took the opportunity to set off a rebellion and opened the city gate.

Samwell stood in the dark, excited about occupying the dream castle, but also worried about his brother Dickon.

It's not about his injury, but about his mental state.

As early as the first time he saw his resurrected brother in Horn Hill, Samwell noticed his abnormality.

Dickon's memory is missing a part, but there are also some things that should not belong to him.

At that time, Samwell suspected that R'hllor, the Lord of Light, did the tricks, and questioned Melisandre about it, but unfortunately, he didn't get a satisfactory answer from the red-robed witch.

This time Dickon pretended to be a messenger to assassinate Duke Edric, which can be said to be an extremely risky and irrational move.

Being able to succeed and survive is really largely due to luck.

Of course, Samwell didn't want to deny his brother's courage, but he felt that when Dickon made this decision, did he already have the determination to die?

This is really not something that a rational and normal person can do.

There were light footsteps behind him, and when Samwell turned his head, he saw Melisandre walking over at some point.

She was still wearing the silk red robe, her eyes were indifferent but devout, but her belly was slightly bulging.

"Master Caesar, it seems that you don't need my help."

Samwell watched Melisandre gently stroking his abdomen, and the corners of his eyes twitched slightly.

"This thing in your to deal with it?"

"You can change the assassination target." Melisandre said lightly, "Of course, this target cannot be too far away from me."

"How far is too far?"

"If you can't get there by riding a dragon for an hour, it's too far."

Samwell nodded: "But there is no one I want to kill around here."

"It can stay in my body for up to ten months, you still have time to think about it."

Samwell frowned, temporarily turned his gaze away from Melisandre's bulging belly, and said instead:

"What the **** is going on with my brother Dickon? He wouldn't have done such crazy things before."

Melisandre was silent for a while, and finally spoke:

"He was inspired by the Lord of Light..."

"Bullshit inspiration!" Samwell could no longer control his anger, "This is manipulation! The Lord of Light manipulated my brother! Right?"

"It's not manipulative." Melisandre's tone was still calm, with a kind of magic power to comfort people's hearts, "If your younger brother didn't worship you, didn't think of giving everything for you, even a true **** couldn't control him. He does things like this."

Samwell was taken aback when he heard this.

"Of course, I cannot deny that the Lord of Light did exert some influence on Dickon Tarly." Melisandre added, "But these influences are never rootless fire, he can only amplify some of the mortal hearts. emotions without being able to create something that doesn't exist.

What's more, it won't do you any harm either. Instead, the Lord of Light will only do what he can to help you grow stronger for the coming catastrophe. And the shadow in my stomach, it seems that the Lord of Light doesn't want us to waste this assassination opportunity in Storm's End, He should have other arrangements. And we just need to accept the arrangement of the true God with peace of mind. "

"I don't need others, even gods, to arrange what I should do." Samwell said coldly, "And if the price of this arrangement is that my younger brother becomes a tool of the Lord of Light, then I will not accept this so-called s help."

"You needn't feel guilty. I believe Sir Deacon is willing to die for your cause. Not only him, but thousands of good men and women are willing to give their lives for you and for the great plan of the true God. It is their glory. "

"If Dickon is really voluntary, of course I have nothing to say. But the Lord of Light has modified his memory!" Samwell said coldly, "If your true **** also needs to achieve his goal by interfering with people's free will, then How is He different from the evil gods who created the White Walkers?

Yes, the Lord of Light has resurrected my brother, but what is the difference between him and the walking dead outside the Great Wall?

Such a resurrection, it is better to let him rest in peace!

You always say that we have to fight against the evil in the north, that the Lord of Light is the savior of mankind.

But if the King of Light uses this method, then human beings would rather not have such a salvation!

Tell me, Ms. Melisandre, do you really think such a Lord of Light is righteous? "

Melisandre was stunned, and there seemed to be flames burning violently in her eyes, jumping.

After a while, she spoke again, but her tone was no longer as firm as before:

"The sacrifice of a few people is for the happiness of more people..."

"Voluntary sacrifices are worthy of praise." Samwell retorted, "Sacrifices that can be manipulated can only be called sacrifices! Ms. Melisandre, if the ones sacrificed are your relatives, would you still Is it so pious?"

Melisandre was silent.

"Meryl..." That distant shout echoed in my ears again, causing a rare look of confusion in the eyes of the red-robed witch.

Samwell stepped forward a few steps, came to the red robe witch, and said:

“People are the end, not the means.”