Chapter 336: Nisha Nisha

Chapter 336 Nisha Nisha

"Bloodmark: Asylum!"

Samwell blurted out this incantation, and immediately noticed that the surrounding light suddenly dimmed.

There were countless faint echoes in the air. It was obvious that he spoke Valyrian, but he heard other languages ​​in his ears—

A language he had never heard.

Samwell only felt an inexplicable energy covering his whole body, as if wearing an invisible armor.

He pulled out the giant sword [Dawn] curiously, wanting to try the protective ability of this invisible armor, but he didn't expect that it could not prevent the blade from touching his skin at all.

Samwell thought that [Dawn] was special, so he took out an ordinary dagger that he carried with him, and stabbed at his palm.

Feeling the sharp blade pricking his skin, Samwell frowned.

It seems that the energy shield caused by this spell has no protective effect on physical damage.

Could it be aimed at spiritual harm?

Samwell could not get an answer, so he had to give up temporarily.

He looked at the books that turned into dust on the ground, and sighed secretly.

This book probably records Valyrian witchcraft that has been lost for a long time, but unfortunately, he was thinking about devouring and adding attributes before, destroying some kind of protection measures, and completely destroying the book.

Otherwise, he should be able to find an explanation of this witchcraft in the book, and maybe learn more Valyrian witchcraft.

Samwell searched the temple again, and after finding nothing else, he left the gate.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but the sky outside seems to be darker than before.

And the surrounding buildings... seem to be different from before.

Samwell remembered that although the original steps were also made of black bricks, they were not as black as they are now.

It was so dark that it seemed to absorb all the light, which made people uncomfortable, and even dizzy and wanted to vomit.

Samwell frowned, looked away, and strode away.

"Cleopatra?" Samwell found that the white dragon was not staying where he was, so he shouted several times.

Unfortunately, no response was received.

Samwell felt uneasy and strode forward.

The fog seems to be getting heavier and heavier. Being in it, it seems to be a dark night where you can't see your fingers.

Fortunately, there is a dim yellow light on both sides of the street every ten steps or so—

Samwell had never seen a light before.

What's more, this is the ruins of the capital of the ancient Ghis Empire that was destroyed thousands of years ago. How could there be lights?

After walking for a while, Samwell stopped suddenly.

He looked down at his hands, feeling that the inexplicable protective energy had disappeared.

It seems that the spell is time-limited, about half an hour.

Looking up, the road ahead is shrouded in black fog, only the dim lights on both sides support the faint light, extending to the end of the line of sight.

Samwell moved on.

Pat... Pat...

Although he stepped lightly, on this deserted road, the sound of light footsteps was particularly harsh.

Suddenly, Samwell stopped again.

He seemed to hear a thin hissing sound coming from the front, like a cold wind.

Samwell thought it was his own white dragon, and was about to shout.

But when the words came to his lips, he sensed an inexplicable crisis.

After hesitating for a moment, he closed his mouth, quickly found a damaged building, and hid in it.


The voice is getting closer and clearer.

Samwell crouched behind the ruined wall, carefully looking towards the center of the street.

After about ten breaths, he saw a huge black figure hundreds of feet high, slowly cruising on the street.

Because of the black mist, Samwell couldn't see clearly, but he also knew that this could never be his own white dragon.

Judging from its size, it looks like a snake, an extremely huge snake.

The gravel paved on the street rubbed against its scales, making a strange hissing sound.

Samwell held his breath, for fear of attracting the monster's attention.

The sense of oppression given to him by the other party is much stronger than that of the harpies.

Could this be one of the real awakened Ghiscari gods?

Or hallucination?

After all, he had just experienced a hallucination just now. In Astapor, the green water also made Samwell fall into a hallucination.

But the real oppressive force in front of me is really not like an illusion.

If true, then this ruin is too dangerous.

Sam Well suddenly felt like quitting.

After a while, the monster finally went away.

Samwell got up slowly, and was about to continue looking for Cleopatra, but suddenly heard a man's voice:

"Don't go any further! That's the territory of snake lizards!"

Samwell noticed that there was another person hiding here.

As for the snake lizard in this population, could it be the monster that passed by just now?

But Samwell’s impression of the snake lizard is a reptile similar to a lizard. There is also a snake lizard island near the mainland of Sossos, which is full of such ugly and ferocious animals.

But it is impossible for the snake lizard to have such a huge size.

"What are you doing there? Hurry up!" Seeing Samwell not moving, the man turned around and waved again.

Samwell noticed that the other party was speaking a language he had never heard before.

But he can understand, and even say:

"where are we going?"

This place reveals a weirdness, and he is going to see if he can get something out of that mouth.

"Of course I'm going back to the shelter." The man gave Samwell a strange look, as if he thought his question was stupid, "It's getting dark, if you don't leave, you'll just wait to become a monster's feces."

it's getting dark? Samwell looked up at the dark sky in surprise, not knowing how this person made the judgment.

At least in his opinion, what is in front of him obviously cannot be called "daytime".

Or is it darker at night here?

After hesitating for a moment, Samwell still followed, but cautiously kept a safe distance.

The man didn't say any more, and led Samwell quickly through the ruins, and it didn't take long before he came to a high wall.

It is still the kind of city wall made of black bricks and stones, so black that it seems to be able to absorb all the light.

Samwell saw the man knock on the base of the black wall with ease.

A deep voice sounded from inside the wall, and the man responded.

Then I saw a door cracked at the base of the wall.

"Come in, Azor! What's the matter with you today?" Seeing that Samwell was still outside in a daze, the man urged him.


Samwell's face changed slightly when he heard the other party call his name.

Through a few thoughts in his mind, Samwell went up to the city gate.

There were four or five guards standing inside the door. They all seemed to know Samwell, and they were not surprised by his arrival at all.

Samwell resisted the doubts in his heart and walked into the city.

Here is also shrouded in thick fog, and in the dark, you can only see a few steps away.

Fortunately, there are dim lights every few steps on the side of the road, illuminating the street.

Pedestrians on the road hurried and looked depressed.

Perhaps living in such a dark place, anyone can become like this.

"Okay, I'm home." The man said goodbye to Samwell briefly, and left with a wave.

Leaving Samwell alone, dumbfounded—

He didn't know where he should go.

"Azor!" Just then, a crisp voice sounded in front.

Samwell followed the reputation, and then narrowed his eyes.

Because, he suddenly saw the silver-haired and purple-eyed Valyrian woman in the previous vision.

No, not the same person.

They just look alike.

She trotted a few steps to Samwell, looked at the silent man, and said in surprise:

"What? You don't even know your own wife?"

Samwell's heart moved, and he smiled:

"How could I forget you. My wife, my lover."

He took a step forward, reached out to lift the woman's hair, and caressed her neck.

It seems to be full of tenderness, but in fact, Samwell is ready to pinch her neck at any time.

"Then who am I?" The woman asked with a smile.

"You are—" Samwell laughed, "Nissa Nissa."