Chapter 344 The suitors

Yunkai Dock has become a sea of ​​flames.

Screams and cries hovered in the thick smoke, but no one listened.

Long ships shuttled among the fireworks and broken wood, and the golden sea monsters on the flags slapped their teeth and claws in the wind, exuding the breath of death.

Victarion Greyjoy stood on the bow of the Invincible Ironborn, holding a huge horn in both hands, smoke swirled around him, twisted and converged, and the red and gold runes on the horn shimmered , as if breathing.

"The fire sacrifice has been completed." The red-robed monk Ma Qiluo said. The flame tattoo on his face also flickered slightly with the horn runes, and an empty sleeve fluttered in the wind.

"Now I'm the master of the Horn of the Dragon?" Victarion couldn't hide his excitement in his tone.

"Yes." Maqiro nodded firmly, "No matter who blows the horn, the dragon will obey your orders."

"Very good!" Victarion nodded in satisfaction.

He looked through the burning docks, saw the city of yellow bricks on the shore, and said with a little disappointment: "It's a pity that the Dragon Queen has left Yunkai for Meereen. Otherwise, I will have to talk to her tonight." Sharing a bed."

"You will be there soon." Maqiro said, "The Lord of Light showed me your glory in the flames."

"Lord of Light..." Victarion caressed the smooth surface of the Dragon's Horn, and said with respect in his tone, "We dedicate this beautiful sacrifice to two gods at the same time. Let them Reborn in the flames, wash away the filth of the mortal world, let them go to the water palace of the Drowned God, where they will feast and dance until the sea is dry."

He put away the horn and loudly ordered to his subordinates:

"Set sail, let's go to Meereen!"

The sails were gradually opened, and they were immediately filled with the vigorous sea breeze.

Victarion took one last look at Yunkai. The battle in the city was drawing to a close, but it had nothing to do with him, nor was he interested in the city of yellow bricks.

All he wants now is to find the Dragon Queen, marry her, and return to Westeros with her and the three dragons—

In the posture of a king.

"How did the Ironmen end up in Slaver's Bay?"

Quentin Martell stood on the shore, looking at the long ships flying away with golden sea monster emblem flags, frowning.

"Who knows." Sir Garris Dingwater shrugged, his long golden hair was blown by the oncoming hot wind, "It's not surprising that the ironmen plundered the world, and came to Slaver's Bay to grab a wave."

"But Slave Bay is too far away from the Iron Islands. Did they travel thousands of miles just to burn a pier?"

"Don't underestimate the wealth of Slave's Bay, Your Highness..." Garys realized that he had slipped his words as soon as he spoke, but fortunately, the people around him didn't notice him.

The current Quentin is not the prince of Dorne, but a mercenary of the Windblown Group.

The journey to find the Dragon Queen across half the world is destined to be full of hardships, pirates, storms, thieves, war... They have already lost three companions, and the money they brought is almost spent.

But still did not see the Dragon Queen.

They followed the news of the Dragon Queen all the way to Qarth, but learned that the other party had left.

Then they sailed to Astapor again, only to find that the Dragon Queen had led her army to Yunkai.

When they arrived at Yunkai, they were one step too late, the Dragon Queen had already left for Meereen.

Recalling the hardships and sufferings along the way, Quentin couldn't help feeling depressed—

Are the gods mocking themselves in this way?

But he knew that he must not give up now.

Because from the sailor, he had already learned of the death of his father, Prince Doran.

also knew that Dorne was in civil strife.

In grief, Quentin finally understood what his father wrote in the letter—

Dorne needs dragons.

He must marry that Targaryen princess and get her dragon!

Only in this way can he save Dorne.

"We must go to Meereen!" Quentin said firmly.

"Get out of the Windblown Group and go by yourself?" Sir Garys hesitated.

Slave Bay has fallen into chaos. It is too dangerous for such a small number of them to go on the road alone.

"We must leave the Windblown Group." Quentin said, "They have accepted the employment of the wise lords of Yunkai to fight against the Dragon Queen, and since I want to marry Daenerys, I cannot become her enemy .”

Although Daenerys killed all the lords in the city and freed all the slaves after capturing Yunkai, it was a pity that after she left, a new lord sprung up like mushrooms after the spring rain, and brought new life to the city. The slaves put on chains.

Of course, blood and fire are indispensable in this. Blood and corpses have covered the streets of the city of yellow bricks.

Quentin's Windblown Group was invited by the Wise Lords to "restore order in Yunkai".

It is foreseeable that the Windblown Group will also be hired by the Wise Lords to deal with the Dragon Queen.

"Then let's act at night and don't disturb anyone." Sir Garys suggested.

When they joined the Windblown Group, they signed a one-year contract. If they sneak away now, it would be an act of betrayal.

Quentin pursed his lips and nodded.

He also knew that his behavior was not honorable enough, but for Dorne, he had no choice.

At this moment, a mercenary ran over and said:

"Dorne, the leader summoned."

Quentin and Garys looked at each other in surprise.

Could it be that the head of the regiment had discovered that they were about to defect?

"Don't admit anything." Quentin whispered as he walked by.

However, when they came to the huge gray tent of the head of the group, they were relieved.

Because, dozens of people have gathered here, and all of them are Westeros, or at least some people of Westeros blood.

Realizing that he was not being targeted, Quentin was relieved.

"I just got the news that the Dragon Queen has captured Meereen." The head of the Windblown Troupe, the Ragged Prince, said, "The wise lords have made a decision to declare war on Meereen, expel the Dragon Queen, and restore the normal order in Slaver's Bay. .”

"Then let's fight." A mercenary said, "But why did you call us here? Do you want us Westeros to be the vanguard?"

"No." The Ragged Prince shook his head, "It's our business to fight the Dragon Queen. As for you, go to Meereen and join the Dragon Queen's camp."

There was a moment of silence in the tent, but then there were discussions one after another.

"Are you asking us to be spies?"

"The Dragon Queen is not a fool, why accept us?"

"Why don't you accept it?" The Ragged Prince asked back, "Daario of the Stormcrows killed his companions and surrendered to Daenerys. She accepts this kind of chameleon, why doesn't she accept you?

Besides, you are all from Westeros, speaking her native dialect and worshiping her gods, doesn't it make her feel more intimate.

So don’t worry, just follow my order and go to Meereen. As for what to do next, I will send someone to contact you. "

Quentin Martell and Ser Garris looked at each other, almost laughing.

They suddenly felt that they might have wrongly blamed the gods.

Out of the camp, Sir Garys finally couldn't help but whispered:

"Bless the gods!"

"Yes, the gods bless Dorne!" Quentin looked to the north with complacency, "Let's embark on a journey to find the dragon!"

Meereen, the top garden of the Great Pyramid.

Daenerys Targaryen looked at the lights in the city below her with complicated emotions.

She has conquered Meereen, the last city-state of Slaver's Bay.

Meanwhile, Yunkai was thrown into chaos again.

Just as she left, the control of the city of yellow bricks fell into the hands of the slave owner again.

That's right, she did kill all of Yunkai's "Lord Lords" before she left, but there are still new "Lord Lords" emerging.

Daenerys was angry and disappointed about this.

Anger is naturally aimed at those slave owners, and disappointment is directed at those slaves.

She had set them free, and now they were willing to submit to the one who put them back in chains.

Maybe it’s not all their fault.

Daenerys understands that slave owners have wealth and connections, and they can recruit mercenary groups to help suppress slaves.

But she can't lead the army back to Yunkai and free the slaves again, because once she leaves, Meereen, which has just been liberated, will fall into the abyss of the old order again—

Just like Yunkai before.

Daenerys finally understands why Caesar is firmly opposed to changing the status quo in Slave Bay.

But she is not reconciled, she still wants to try...

"Your Majesty, the Green Saintess Grazdan asks to see you." The maid Ji Qi whispered.

Daenerys suppressed her thoughts and said, "Bring her here."

Grazdan is a white-haired old woman, wearing a green robe, her eyes are full of compassion and wisdom.

"If I offend, Your Majesty, you look tired. Did you sleep well?"

Daenerys smiled wryly: "It's not very good. Three freedmen were killed last night, and the murderer drew a harpies with the blood of the victims at the scene."

Since she conquered Meereen, an organization called "Sons of the Harpy" has secretly opposed her. They threatened the people of Meereen not to assist the Dragon Queen, or they would be assassinated.

Ser Jorah has always believed that the organization of the Sons of the Harpy was created by the old nobles of Meereen, and suggested that Daenerys arrest all the old nobles immediately.

But Daenerys hesitated.

"They are all blasphemers." The green maiden quickly separated herself.

Daenerys took a deep look at Grazdan:

"Why are these Meereenese unwilling to accept me? This time I entered the city, I didn't even kill them. I only asked the nobles to hand over their hostages. They should be grateful."

"Of course we are grateful for your kindness." Grazdan said, "I also thank you for not hurting those innocent protons. The people of Meereen are willing to accept your rule, but I hope you can also accept our customs."

"I've already put on the toca robe." Daenerys fiddled with the slightly cumbersome clothes on her body, "What else should I do?"

"You should get married." The Green Maiden persuaded respectfully, "In the eyes of the people of Meereen, after all, you are a conqueror from the other side of the sea. Even wearing a tokar robe still can't change this. But a husband can. A husband of noble birth, of pure Guiscari blood, will help you rule this city."

Daenerys glanced at the old woman: "Who do you think is suitable to be my husband?"

"Noble Hizdahr zo Loraq." Grazdan said decisively.

Daenerys immediately realized that the Green Maiden came prepared.

"Thank you for your suggestion. I will consider it." She fiddled with the silver tassels on her clothes, but her eyes gradually became lax.