Chapter 417: situation

Chapter 417 Situation

Bronze Gate City.

Samwell rode a white dragon and landed on the square in front of the castle. The people and guards retreated to the corner one after another, watching the young Storm King and his white dragon in awe.

Since there was no advance notice, no one was arranged to meet him.

A few minutes later, Earl Ralph Buckler, who got the news, hurried over and greeted:

"Your Majesty, welcome to Tongmen City!"

Samwell told him to send someone to look after the white dragon before entering the castle.

At this time, the nobles of the Stormlands and the Reach came to salute and greet one after another. Queen Margaery Tyrell also came out with Octavian in her arms to welcome her husband who had returned from afar.

I haven't seen her for a month, and her demeanor has become more dignified and elegant, graceful and luxurious, and her beautiful brown eyes are full of tenderness.

Samwell felt warm in his heart, stepped forward to kiss his wife, and then kissed his son's chubby cheek. Looking at the red dragon egg in Octavian's arms, he couldn't help laughing and said:

"The little guy hasn't hatched yet."

Margaret sent her son to her husband's arms, and said softly:

"You don't help him either."

How can this help? Samwell was also scratching his head a little, is it necessary to kill another king as a sacrifice?

"Okay, okay, I will find a way." Samwell hugged his son and shook him gently.

The little guy giggled and peed on his pants.

"Is this how you welcome Dad?" Samwell shook his head and laughed.

Margaery couldn't help laughing, she took her son away and handed it to the maid to change the diapers.

Pulling her husband into the castle, she said, "Let's go, I've got hot water ready for you to wash and change your clothes."

"Where's Dani?" Samwell led Margaery up the spiral staircase and asked.

"She rode Drogon to patrol the front."

"They are all pregnant and still so dishonest."

"I tried to persuade her a few times, but she couldn't stay idle."

"I'll tell her when she comes back."

The two entered the bathroom, and Margaery waved the maid away and helped the man undress himself.

Samwell also helped her take off her clothes, stripped them clean, and took a very fragrant bath together.

It wasn't until the sunset that Samwell changed into clean clothes and went out refreshed.

"Is Lord Randyll in the castle?"

"Your Majesty, Lord Randyll has just returned from a tour of the camp and is currently in the study on the second floor."


Samwell went down the stairs and came to the study. When he entered the door, he saw his father talking with Lord Leighton Hightower.

"Your Majesty." The two immediately stood up and saluted after seeing Samwell.

"Sit down." Samwell waved his hand, sat down on the sofa, and asked directly, "How is the army gathering now?"

"The armies of all the families in the Reach and Stormlands have arrived." Earl Randall said, "Except for the Redwyne family on Arbor Island."

"Redwyne." Samwell took a sip of the coffee on the table, letting the bitter taste fill his mouth, "You all know what happened in the Iron Islands, right?"

The two nodded.

"Euron Greyjoy is an unruly madman."

"A dangerous madman, too."

Earl Layton looked worried: "Your Majesty, the Ironborn have occupied the Arbor Island, and the next step may threaten the Reach. Many nobles in the Reach want to withdraw their troops and return to defense..."

"We must not let them go back." Earl Randall immediately said, "If this opening is made, Lannister only needs to send a small group of troops to harass our rear, and everyone will have a reason to withdraw. At that time, the army will fall apart and attack King's Landing is a joke."

Samwell also understands that at this time, he must not agree to the request of the nobles of the River Bend to withdraw their troops. It took him so much effort to organize this war, and it took so much manpower and material resources, how could he give up halfway.

"Whoever wants to withdraw, let him come to me in person." Samwell glanced at Earl Layton, and added, "Lord Layton, I also know that you are worried about the safety of the old town, but please believe me, the Ironborn will not They are good at attacking cities. Without the help of the rebels from the Deer Party this time, they will never try to capture any castle in the Reach."

"I'm not worried about Old Town." Earl Layton said, "It's true that the ironmen won't be able to capture the castle, but they will plunder the countryside."

"I will send the Stormland Fleet to the Mande River." Sam Will said.

This time Earl Layton finally felt relieved, with a smile on his face again:

"This should be no problem. Your fleet can defeat the Qingting Island fleet, and I believe it is no problem to deal with the Iron Fleet."

Earl Randall seemed to want to say something, but in the end he closed his mouth.

Samwell could actually guess his father's worries.

The Stormland Fleet is sent to the Mande River, so when the army of Tongmen City wants to cross the Blackwater River, it will lack water protection.

However, at this time, Samwell knew that he had to do something, otherwise it would be difficult for the nobles of the Riverbend to settle down and fight for him.

As for the army crossing the river, he was not too worried.

After all, the Qingting Island Fleet is finished, and the Iron Fleet obviously has other plans. I am afraid that they will not come to the Blackwater River to help Lannister stop his army.

In this case, Lannister will not have much water power and can threaten his army to cross the river.

"How's the situation on the front line?" Samwell asked again.

Earl Randall replied:

"Since the capture of our outpost camp, the Lannister family's army has not moved further. It is estimated that seeing that the Tongmen City is strong and there is a large army stationed there, they dare not move forward."

"It's also because your Majesty calmed Dorne." Earl Layton added, "Tywin knows that he can't restrain you anymore, so he won't make any unnecessary moves."

"Tywin's troops are not as strong as ours." Earl Randall said, "Bronze Gate City has assembled a total of 120,000 troops from the Stormlands and the Reach, and King's Landing, according to our estimates, has at most 80,000 troops."

"That's right." Earl Layton said with a smile, "If they defend the city, they still have a little chance of winning. If they dare to fight out..."

"Tywin would never dare to defend the city." Earl Randall said firmly, "The Blackwater River is the life and death line of Lannister. If this line is lost, they will be finished."

Samwell nodded in agreement:

"Yes. The population of King's Landing is too large, and the food burden is too great. If we surround the city and cut off the supply lines of the Golden Road and the King's Road, King's Landing will inevitably face famine and riots. So Tywin will definitely stick to the Blackwater River."

Earl Layton also wanted to understand this, and his expression immediately became much easier:

"It seems that we have the absolute initiative."

"Yes." Samwell also laughed, "The Lannister family won't last long, and I want to end this war as soon as possible. After all, winter is coming."