Chapter 537: The Road to Transcendence (Finale)

Chapter 537 The Road to Transcendence (Finale)

When Princess Helena's body was returned to King's Landing, Queen Alilia cried until she fainted.

But King Octavian was terrifyingly calm.

He just issued an order in a calm tone, requiring Prince Aegon to bring Daeron, the murderer of Princess Helena, to King's Landing within ten days for trial.

When the news reached Storm's End, Prince Aegon claimed that it was Princess Helena who provoked the provocation first, and he believed that this was Daeron's revenge for Princess Helena's atrocities five years ago.

At this point, the confrontation between the king and the Prince of Storm's End officially became public.

Ten days passed quickly, and the king did not wait for the Prince of Storm's End who came to plead guilty, so he immediately declared Aegon Caesar treason and deprived him of all his titles.

This time, the long-awaited black dragon Drogon did not come to the throne again.

Queen Daenerys is staying at Dragonstone and seems to have no intention of taking part in the disputes between her children.

Queen Mother Margaret also left King’s Landing and returned to Highgarden with her sad and exhausted body.

The two queen mothers let go, and no one could stop the conflict between the king and the Prince of Storm's End.

The king immediately issued a conscription order to the whole country, asking all lords loyal to him to come to King's Landing with troops to assist him in the crusade against the rebellion.

Almost at the same time, Prince Aegon also declared that Octavian was not qualified to rule the Seven Kingdoms, and presented evidence that he was illegitimate, and asked the lords of the Seven Kingdoms to swear allegiance to the real legal owner of the Iron Throne—himself. .

The public declaration of the two men split the Seven Kingdoms into two. The lords, nobles, knights and common people all had to choose sides, and accordingly they fought with each other.

This scene is like a reappearance of the "Dance of the Blood Dragon" during the Targaryen dynasty.

Coincidentally, the two parties in the struggle have all kinds of fatalistic similarities with the enemies of the past.

Therefore, many people continue to use the terms "Green Party" and "Black Party" to distinguish the two forces currently vying for the Iron Throne.

The line of King Octavian comes from the Queen Mother Margaery Tyrell. This Queen Mother was born in the Tyrion family and liked to wear green palace dresses, so she was called the "Green Party".

Queen Daenerys Targaryen is accustomed to dressing herself up in the red and black colors of the Targaryen family, so her line of descendants is also called the "Black Party."

Since Octavian is sitting on the Iron Throne, the "Green Party" occupies the orthodox position, but in fact, in terms of strength, the "Black Party" actually has the advantage.

Because the "Green Party" has a small population, while the "Black Party" has a prosperous population.

This advantage is especially important for a family that can control giant dragons, because more people means more dragons.

Now the number of dragons owned by the Caesar family has exceeded thirty, but the number of dragon knights is not enough to control these dragons.

Among these dragons, the most powerful is undoubtedly the white dragon Cleopatra.

But as the mount of the late King Caesar, it did not accept other riders, so it is still an "ownerless" dragon.

Many people therefore believed that the late King Caesar was not dead, otherwise Cleopatra would not have refused to accept the new master.

After the white dragon, the most powerful dragon is the black dragon Drogon who belongs to Queen Mother Daenerys, followed by Rhaegal who belongs to Jon Snow, and Vesely who belongs to Tyrion Lannister hold head high.

After the Long Night War, Jon Snow became the Commander-in-Chief of the Night's Watch and is now stationed at the site of the Great Wall to guard against the wildlings from the north moving south.

As a night watchman, Jon had sworn not to participate in the battle of the Seven Kingdoms, so he didn't need to consider his dragon.

Tyrion Lannister is the Duke of Casterly Rock and his daughter is married to Prince Aemon, so he should be counted as a "black party".

  Queen Mother Daenerys’s two sons and one daughter, namely Prince Aegon Aemon and Princess Rhaenys, own the dragons Balerion, Meraxes and Vhagar respectively.

Three dragons named after the three dragons that were the ancestors of House Targaryen more than three hundred years ago.

Princess Rhaenys has four children, Prince Aegon has a son and a daughter, and Prince Aemon also has a son. This means seven dragons belonging to the "Black Party".

In total, the "Black Party" has twelve dragons.

On the other hand, the "Green Party" only has a dragon named "Yao Yang" that belongs to King Octavian.

Princess Helena originally had a dragon, but unfortunately it died at Storm's End.

Twelve to one, the "Black Party" has an absolute advantage in the number of dragons.

In terms of military power, although the "Green Party" occupies the orthodox position, in fact, the "Black Party" still dominates.

The local base of the "Green Party" is obviously the Reach, because this is the sphere of influence of King Octavian's mother clan.

After the conflict between the two sides intensified, the lords of the Reach were also the first to raise troops and declare their support for the king.

Of course, not all the river lords responded to the king's call. For example, the lord of Hornhill, Lord Randyll Tarly, the former hand of the king, chose to stand still and not help the two.

The one who also chose not to help each other was Dorne.

But after Queen Aliria wrote a tearful letter home to her mother, Lord Natalie Dayne summoned the Dornish lords and ordered them to lead an army north to support the king.

But other than that, the “Green Party” doesn’t have much help.

There is no doubt that most of the lords of the Stormlands chose to follow their lord, Prince Aegon.

In the Riverlands, since the Duke of Riverrun married Princess Rhaenys, he was naturally the backbone of the "Black Party" and immediately announced that he was on the side of Prince Aegon.

In the North, the Stark family originally did not intend to side with them, but when Prince Aegon rode Balerion to Winterfell and had a conversation with Duke Rickon, he finally convinced the North to side with them. aside.

In fact, this result is not unexpected.

Because Jon Snow, Duke Rickon's brother, is originally the nephew of Queen Mother Daenerys. With this relationship, the Stark family is originally a "black party" line.

As for the Valley, everyone originally thought that the Arryn family would support the king. After all, the son of Duke Harold Arryn married Princess Helena.

But no one expected that despite the hatred of killing his wife, the Arryn family actually chose to support Prince Aegon.

Although the three northern realms have always advanced and retreated together, this was due to the marriage of the three families of Stark, Tully and Arryn.

The current Duke Harold Arryn of the Eyrie is the adopted son of Countess Anya Waynwood, lord of Ironoak City. Later, after the death of Lord Robert Arryn, he changed his surname and inherited the Eyrie.

This person does not have a deep relationship with the Stark and Tully families, and logically speaking, he has no obligation to advance and retreat with each other.

But no matter what, the three northern territories eventually became the "Black Party" series.

As for the West, everyone originally thought that the Lannister family would undoubtedly be the "Black Party". After all, Duke Tyrion's daughter married Prince Aemon, and he himself obviously has the blood of the Targaryen family. A natural ally to Queen Mother Daenerys.

But unexpectedly, when Prince Aegon came to Casterly Rock to seek support, he was rejected by Duke Tyrion.

"You brothers can fight as much as you want, we in the West will not participate." Duke Tyrion said.

Some people believe that Duke Tyrion's move was to learn from his father, Duke Tywin's performance during the Reaver War. He stayed put and waited until the final situation became clear before attacking to seize the fruits of victory.

Duke Tyrion had no excuse for this, but strictly ordered the nobles of the Westerlands not to participate in the war.

But no matter what the Western Territory chooses, it is an undisputed fact that the "Black Party" has the upper hand at this time.

King Octavian saw that the situation was not good, so he wanted to get support from overseas.

One more thing to mention here is that after the Long Night War, the Seven Kingdoms began to expand externally after ten years of rest and recuperation.

The target of expansion is the free trade city-state on the other side of the Narrow Sea.The inception of this chapter's publication is linked to N0vel..Bjn.

Originally during Caesar's time, Braavos, the most powerful and wealthy among the Free Cities, had been conquered and became a province under the Iron Throne.

With this foundation, coupled with the technological advantages of new warships and artillery, the Westeros naval fleet soon dominated the main channels of the Narrow Sea and forced the Free Trade Cities to surrender one by one.

Today, the nine Free Trade Cities, as well as the three cities in Slaver's Bay, have all been brought under the rule of the Iron Throne.

However, due to the backwardness of communication technology, the Iron Throne has extremely limited control over overseas provinces that are far away from each other. It basically can only rely on the local governor's office for regional autonomy.

Octavian thought of these overseas provinces when he found that he could not gain an overwhelming advantage in Westeros.

So he also issued conscription orders to these overseas provinces, and at the same time married the daughter of Uthello Antalion, the governor of Braavos, as his queen.

This move is not only to win over overseas provinces, but also to continue his own bloodline.

After a hasty and simple wedding, the king began to devote himself wholeheartedly to preparing for war.

At this time, King Qin’s army from the Reach and Dorne had already assembled at Bitter Bridge, and faced off across the Mander River from the Stormlands army led by Prince Aegon himself.

And the armies from the three northern realms have also gone south along the King's Road, crossed the Neck, met on the banks of the Trident River, and advanced towards King's Landing, the capital of the Seven Kingdoms.

On the Narrow Sea, the royal naval fleet commanded by Prince Aemon met with the combined fleet formed by the overseas provinces in the waters of Cape Marseille.

The war is about to break out.

On this day, after having breakfast, King Octavian put on a special gold armor and a sky-blue cloak and came to the temple.

He first prayed to the seven gods, and then looked at the crystal coffin in the center of the church.

“Father, if you really love me, please bless me with victory.”

Octavian pressed a kiss on the coffin lid and was about to leave when he suddenly discovered that the man in the coffin had opened his eyes!

Those brown eyes, as vast as the sea, are staring at me quietly!

Octavian thought he was dazzled, so he couldn't help but raise his hand and rub his eyes. After confirming again and again, he realized that what he saw was not an illusion.

“Father, father...why are you awake...”

"If I don't wake up, you're going to tear down the whole house." Samwell sighed helplessly and sat up slowly.

Octavian looked at all this blankly, as if he had not yet fully accepted this fact.

Until he saw his father crawling out of the coffin and standing in front of him, all the suppressed emotions in Octavian's heart, fear, anger, unwillingness, grief... came out like a tide, making the king completely out of control.

I saw him suddenly kneeling down, hugging Samwell's thigh, and burst into tears.

The white knights guarding the door heard the king's cry and rushed in in fright. However, when they saw the scene in the temple clearly, they were all dumbfounded.

Samwell waved his hand, signaling the white knights to retreat.

Then he patted his son on the head and sighed:

“Do you know it’s hard to be a king?”

Octavian didn’t answer, he just kept crying like a child who was bullied outside.

When he finally calmed down, he suddenly felt at a loss.

Samwell said:

"Okay, just wait at home while I drag those guys back and spank them one by one."

Hearing this, Octavian felt a sense of shame in his heart. Recalling what had happened over the years, he suddenly felt as if he was in another world.

How could you mess things up so badly?

Samwell ignored his son's complicated mood and walked straight out of the temple.

At this time, the white dragon Cleopatra has arrived in the sky above the Red Castle. The huge body that blocks the sky and the sun shrouds the entire castle. Her excited roar is like thunder, venting her longing for her master to her heart's content.

Samwell jumped on the back of the dragon, rode the white dragon northward, and met the northern army heading south in front of Harrenhal.

When the iconic white dragon appeared in the sky, the young nobles and soldiers were still in a daze, but the veterans, especially those who had experienced the long night battle, were all excited with tears in their eyes.

“Your Majesty Caesar!”

“Long live Caesar!”

The cheers came one after another, spreading around like waves.

The white dragon flew over the army, and the soldiers below fell to their knees one after another like wheat fields blown by the wind.

Samwell did not land, but continued southward, reaching Bitterbridge.

The "Green Party" and "Black Party" armies that were confronting each other had the same reaction after seeing the white dragon.

Prince Aegon listened to the older nobles around him shouting the name of Caesar, and his heart was filled with disbelief.

The word father is so familiar yet unfamiliar to him.

He grew up listening to his father's legendary stories, but he never experienced his father's true embrace.

But he knew very well that everything he had came from the man on the back of the white dragon.

“Father!” he shouted.

but received no response.

The white dragon flew across the sky and continued to the east.

“Misha! Misha!”

“They are calling you mother.” Samwell whispered in his wife’s ear.

Daenerys smiled happily and reached out to wave to the crowd below.

After a long time, she retreated into her husband's arms and said tiredly:

“Sam, let’s go home.”


Samwell drove the black dragon all the way west and returned to Dragonstone Island again.

Back to the place where Daenerys was born.

Ninety years ago, a storm struck Dragonstone, destroying most of the warships in the royal fleet and destroying the last hope of House Targaryen.

But at the same time, a new life was born on Dragonstone with a special mission and hope.

Daenerys Targaryen "Stormborn".

Today, Dragonstone Island is calm, and she has completed her legendary life on the back of the dragon and in her husband's arms.

Samwell quietly felt his wife take her last breath. Suddenly, he raised his head with a feeling and looked at the sky in the distance.

Through the endless night sky and endless fog, he saw a panicked face.

"R'hllor." Samwell raised his lips, "No wonder you insist on killing Dany. It turns out that she is the reincarnation of the Lady of Light."

Samwell knew that Daenerys's death exposed the position of R'hllor, the Lord of Light, and there was an inexplicable connection between the two.

Through this connection, he can immediately return to the elemental sea, find R'hllor, kill him, and end everything.

However, Samwell did not do this. He just landed back to the ground with his wife in his arms.

Gathering everyone together, they used the traditional ceremony of the Targaryen family - cremation to send his wife off for the last time.

After doing all this, Samwell went to Highgarden again.

Because he could feel that Margaery didn't have much time left.

“Is Dany gone?”


“I’m leaving too...”

“I will accompany you.”

Margery laughed and complained deliberately:

“You don’t know how, you are almost becoming a god.”

Samwell shook his head:

"Becoming a **** is not easy. My body can only last a few hundred years before it will decay. After that, I'm afraid I will have to go to the elemental sea like the so-called 'gods' like the Seven Gods, the Old Gods, and the Red Gods. Become a miserable prisoner.”

Margery probably didn’t understand, and blinked in confusion.

Samwell did not explain too much, and instead said:

“Do you remember the first time we met?”

"Remember." Margaery couldn't help but smile, "You were fat back then."

"Yes. When I came to Highgarden, you personally made me a knight." Samwell said with a look of memory on his face, "I remember you were wearing a red silk waist dress, as beautiful as a midsummer rose. .”

The smile on Margery’s lips spread out, as beautiful as before:

“Sam, I want to canonize you again.”


As he spoke, Samwell knelt down beside the bed, pulled out the giant sword and handed it to his wife, and used his telekinesis to help her place the sword on his shoulder.

Margery looked at her husband kneeling in front of her, as if she had returned to that day many years ago. She spoke softly and said:

“I, Margaery Tyrell, daughter of Mace Tyrell, in the name of Governor of the Reach, Warden of the South, and Duke of Highgarden, canonize Samwell Caesar as a pioneer knight.

All the unclaimed lands in the river bend can be developed by you, and all the unclaimed people can be protected by you. May the Heavenly Father grant you integrity, may the Holy Mother grant you mercy, may the warrior grant you courage, may the old woman grant you wisdom, may the stranger grant you the strength to defeat all enemies! "

"I, Samwell Caesar, under the witness of the Seven Gods, swear by the heroic spirit of the holy ancestor 'Green Hand' Garth, to dedicate my loyalty to the great Duke of Metz! From now on, your will is mine Uphold the belief that the point of your sword is the direction I am heading forward!

I will protect this honor with my life! "

Samwell solemnly swore, but suddenly found that his attribute panel began to gradually become blurry.

His strength, agility and the highest spiritual attributes turned into little bits of starlight and merged into his body.

Such a change surprised Samwell, but he did not panic too much.

There are really not many things that can move him now.

Samwell remembered that it was after this canonization ceremony that he had the attribute panel and started the road to conquest.

Unexpectedly, now, he and Margaery were replaying the game, but it would cause the attribute panel to change again.

Although the attribute panel is gradually disappearing, Samwell does not feel the decline in strength.

It seems that this golden finger is integrating into my body in a new way.

On the contrary, it gave him better control over his abilities.

When he came back to his senses, Samwell realized that Margaery had closed her eyes.

He got up and stepped forward, pressed a kiss on his wife's forehead, and then went out to call his family members who were waiting outside.

The sound of crying followed.

After burying Margaery, Samwell wanted to take Natalie Dayne back to Starfall City, but she said she wanted to go to Eagle Beak Island.

Samwell naturally would not refuse.

 Today's Yingzui Island has changed a lot, and it is no longer the small castle it used to be.

Due to its good geographical location, near the mouth of the Turbulent River, and the production of brandy, a drink that sells well all over the world, and with the blessing of Caesar's reputation, this territory has developed extremely rapidly and now has more than 300,000 citizens. big territory.

The people of Yingzui Island were extremely excited about the king's return.

However, Samwell just wanted to seek peace and quiet, so he took Natalie to build a small wooden house on a remote beach. They fished and cooked every day, watched the sunset and sunrise, and lived the life of an ordinary fisherman.

Three years passed like this, and Natalie finally closed her eyes in Samwell's arms.

At that moment, the sun was rising in the east, and the bright morning light shone on the summer sea, like a golden road.

Samwell took Natalie's body back to Starfall City for burial, then rode on the white dragon and began to wander aimlessly on the continent of Westeros.

The sun rises and sets, and the years are ruthless.

He watched helplessly as his son Octavian died and his grandson also died. All the familiar faces disappeared one by one until the world became completely strange.

At this time, the Seven Kingdoms have become extremely powerful, spanning the two continents of Westeros and Essos. The strength of the Caesar family has also reached its peak, with more than 200 dragons, and its power is so great that it even It surpassed the Valyrian Empire back then.

As the founder and guardian of this powerful empire, Caesar was supported and worshiped by countless people.

 And because he woke up again after sleeping for thirty years, and he was immortal and immortal, more and more people worshiped Caesar as a god.

But Samwell only felt endless loneliness.

The vicissitudes of the world unfolded before him like a never-ending river, and he could see it at a glance.

At a certain moment, Samwell stood on the top of the Red Mountains, watching the dawn tear through the darkness, and suddenly realized something.

His ageless face was quickly covered with dense wrinkles, and his originally straight waist suddenly bent. In just a blink of an eye, Samwell changed from a strong young man to an old man. old man.

Even Samwell could feel that the fire of his life was gradually dimming, and it seemed that it would be extinguished at any time.

Is the body about to decay?

Samwell realized this.

He also knows that the only way at this moment is to let the soul get rid of the body and return to the elemental sea.

In this way, he can live forever.

The price is to become a poor creature called a god, but actually a prisoner.

Cleopatra seemed to feel the state of her master, turned her head, and neighed sadly.

Samwell patted the white dragon's head gently and said with a smile:

“Don’t worry, I won’t leave you.”

He suddenly straightened his back again, his eyes suddenly firm.

When you give up your body, you give up all hope.

Samwell suddenly had an enlightenment.

At this moment, all the previous memories were connected together like scattered beads, and suddenly poured into Samwell's heart.

"You are wrong. The elemental sea is a shelter and a prison. It can give you temporary comfort, but it also cuts off your path to transcendence."

"R'hllor, no matter how many nights you create, it will all be in vain."

“The true divinity is actually hidden in human nature.”

Suddenly, Samwell's life started burning again.

His old and wrinkled skin has regained its youthful vitality and elasticity at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Samwell closed his eyes, then opened them suddenly.

Then he found himself standing in the endless void.

A huge green planet was slowly rotating in front of him.

The outer periphery of the planet is surrounded by a colorful band of light.

“This is true detachment.”

Samwell said softly.

He easily found the traces of R'hllor in the belt of light.

As long as he wants to, he can now crush this "god" that he once regarded as invincible like a bug.

However, the moment he took action, Samwell suddenly changed his mind.

Born in sorrow, died in happiness.

Perhaps human beings need long nights and an ever-present fear.

Samwell decided to let R'hllor go and let him be the great villain of this world.

 No matter how hard R'hllor tried, he couldn't escape his grasp.

As soon as Samwell had an idea, he returned to the Crimson Mountains again.

Cleopatra flapped her wings excitedly and neighed.

Samwell's eyes slowly swept across the world, and suddenly stopped on the shore of the Summer Sea.

On the golden beach, three little girls were playing and playing.

They look to be about six or seven years old. The oldest girl has curly brown hair and eyes as innocent and gentle as a deer in the forest. Behind her is another girl with silver hair and purple eyes. She is as beautiful as an elf and is unreal. The youngest The silly and cute one followed behind the sisters.

The afterglow of the setting sun shone on them, warm and soft.

The silver bell-like laughter echoed on the beach and spread far and wide amidst the sound of the waves.

Samwell looked at this scene, and a smile appeared on his lips unconsciously.

Eternal life does not necessarily mean eternal loneliness.

(Complete book)

(End of this chapter)