Chapter 92:

Author note: Avatar and DBZ novel already up in *******.

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Three weeks after my altercation with the Night King outside Winterfell I decided it was time to start moving with my plans, with the first thing on the list being most of my army in the north, Dorne's army would be waiting for me close to the Frey's.

The life of the old man Frey was in the big scheme of things inconsequential, if he didn't piss me off by trying to charge me to pass through his castle to the other side I would let him live, but I knew he would try and charge me, if wasn't a question of if, it was a question of how much.

'Well. I will deal with that when the time comes,' I thought, as I discussed with Ned, Jon and Oberyn about how we would proceed.

First I would have to deal with Stannis Baratheon, he was certainly a bump on my road that Tywin would use to weaken me down, so I had to play it smart, move with caution and strike without hesitation.

After eliminating Stannis erasing his sorry arse of the game once and for all, I would proceed with the next phase of my plan, economic destabilization There were three main cores that kept the Lannister's in power, for one. Until a few months ago they had the Iron Bank lending them money, but with the Iron Bank under my control they had lost that cow.

The next key core was their reputation. The Lannister's were feared and respected among the Houses of Westeros and the small people as the richest house in the seven Kingdom, and while that was true at one point it wasn't anymore. They were dirt poor now compared to other houses, their gold mines had run dry years ago, reason why Tywin had been relying some much on the Iron Bank, but with the bank out of his hands, he was in a difficult situation, fortunately for me, this was a core easy to destroy.

All I had to do was spread rumors of them being poor, and little by little Tywin would lose hold of his reputation, that alone was enough to make his hold crumble, but I wanted to add a cherry on the top, a rumor to destabilize Tywin and his children, I would let the world know that Cersei is fucking her Brother, I would spread the rumors far and wide, left and right, until every person in the kingdom knew of their relationship. While this fact was already known, making sure everybody knew it would shake their hold more, and would put in doubt the legitimacy of their rule even more.

And last but not least, the last core keeping them in power was, their allies. Well, one specifically. The Tyrells had recently joined the Lannister's, and I knew Tywin had them for more than their army or money, that man was smart, very smart. Because he had secured an alliance with the biggest food distributor in Westeros, food was essential in war times, a well fed kingdom doesn't rebel against their rulers, Tywin knew they needed the small people under control, should they rise because they were starving he would lose the war, the food was also essential to keep their army obeying them, a starving soldier will forget about their oaths and where their loyalties lie with, in short, Tywin needed the Tyrells more than he would care to admit.

Destroying the Tyrells, would destroy their house of cards, creating a domino effect of chaos and anarchy, no food, no money, and no legitimate rulers, if I played my cards right I would have Tywin in checkmate.

"That is a terrifyingly good plan," Oberyn muttered with a smile, clearly surprised with how far I was thinking. This chapter is updated by nov(e)(l)

"It's quite the plan," Ned nodded, but I knew he wasn't exactly happy with my tactic of spreading up rumors, thinking it wasn't honorable.

The city was ruled by the Wise Masters, unlike Astapor where they mainly sell soldiers, Yunkai's main export is bed slaves, also known as sex slaves, which left them to buy their defenses, that at the moment were around five thousand sellsword soldiers.

Compared to my forty thousand soldier army and two dragons they stood no chance, Qrow and Rhaegal were almost big enough to be mounted, nothing would stand in our way, Ronard would conquer the seven kingdoms, while I would finish what he started in Essos, because we would do anything to ensure our children had no enemies.

"Missandei, pass me the towel," I was taking a relaxing bath with my babies, but it was time to get out but something was wrong. Melisandre never takes this long to reply, "Missandei."

"I must apologize my Queen," Messandei came with the towel, "But yours bears have captured a man trying to sneak here,"

Who would be so stupid as to try and sneak into my bathroom, when I'm taking a bath with my babies, "Who?"

"His name is Daario Naharis," Missandei answered.

Taking a deep breath, I ordered two of my servants to dress the babies and take them to the nursery that was filled with bears and ravens, that would die to protect them, and in the meantime I would deal with this sad attempt of an assasination.

I stood in front of Daario, who had scratches on his abdomen and back, the bears really did a number on him, "What are you doing hereno let me rephrase that, did you really think you could kill me?"

"Oh dear lord no," Daario chuckled, "If you open my bag you'll see I came here in peace. then again I should've just sent a Raven. this happened to me because I wanted to surprise everyone"

His Bag, well, I suppose I could indulge that stupid request, "Someone open his bag,"

"I will my Queen," Jorah said taking the bag, and opening it, his surprised expression told me that what he saw wasn't something he expected.

"What is it?" I inquired.

"He brought the other captains with him, my Queen," Jorah answered.

"Their heads to be precise," Daario chuckled, "I'm not a stupid man, I know I can't beat you, and frankly your cause is not that bad, so I killed the other two that didn't want to support your cause,"

"I see, but you still tried to sneak into my chambers, where me and my children were taking a bath," I smiled coldly, "For today, sleep on a cell, perhaps tomorrow I will feel generous and let you bend the knee, or I might still be angry, and demand your head, who knows, so take this time and pray to your gods," with that I left the room, leaving a slightly shocked and amused Daario behind.