Chapter 4: 04 - I hit the trash

Name:Gamer Superstar Author:
Chapter 4: 04 - I hit the trash

By the end of the math class, my Intermediate Math skill had gone up two more levels, reaching Lv 21!

For the first time in my life, I was a little disappointed when I heard the sound of the bell indicating that the class was over and that I had to go to my classroom for the next class.

Luckily, when I arrived at the Biology classroom, the same Buff appeared, but this time with a focus on Biology.

As in the previous class, I also received a Biology Skill, but the Biology Skill was only Lv 16, since it was my worst subject.

By the end of the lesson, I'd managed to move up two levels in this skill as well, reaching level 18, giving me 18% more ease with Biology related subjects.

The next lesson was Physics, which was the same as the other two, then English, which was also the same.

When the break came, I was surprised to find myself disappointed that I couldn't stay in a classroom and study.

The system is really powerful, just seeing my knowledge increase like in a game, as well as time limited learning bonuses, made me want to study and learn...' I thought surprised. I thought, surprised.

When I arrived at the school cafeteria, not wanting to talk to anyone, I just took my lunch and sat alone at one of the tables while I read on my phone about singing training and how I could practice to improve the quality of my voice.

While I was trying out some singing exercises by humming with my mouth closed, the message I'd been waiting for finally appeared.

[Singing Lv 1

Effect: +1% efficiency when practicing singing, +1% chance that whoever hears your voice while singing will like what they hear].

Great, not only will it increase the efficiency of my practice, which will increase the speed at which I improve, but it will also increase the quality of my singing, so people will enjoy hearing my singing voice more! I thought excitedly as I continued to practice humming with my mouth closed using the technique I'd seen on my phone.

Once I had the skill, it would be a little easier to perform the correct technique, which would surely increase the speed at which I could improve my singing even more.

I wonder if there's a music room at the school,' I thought curiously, because if there was a music room, the chances of a buff being there while I was practicing were very high.

However, considering the way I was treated at this school, it would be better if I waited until I improved my body a bit more before going to such a place to avoid the humiliation that would probably come with it.

Although I wouldn't mind beating up anyone who came to talk shit to me, I knew that it wouldn't solve all my problems, so it would be best for me to just be patient while I improved myself, even learning some martial arts skills would be very useful.

In my previous life, I was very fond of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu because I watched MMA, but considering the practicality of street fighting, it's better to learn Krav Maga...

Putting it on my list of things to learn, I went back to practicing my singing until I suddenly felt something hit my back.

Looking at what it was, I saw that it was a paper ball.

If it was the old Noah, he would probably ignore it and nothing would happen, but I wouldn't put up with that shit.

In my previous life, I was the one who caused most of the problems in my school, now here, am I going to accept these little shits doing this to me? Hehe.

Getting up from my chair, I looked at the little shit who threw the paper ball at me and laughed.

"Sorry dude, I was trying to hit the trash can." He said as he laughed, making his friends laugh too.

Hearing that, I laughed too as I bent down and picked up the paper ball.

As I stood up with the paper ball in my hand and walked toward him with a smile, he laughed even more, thinking that I would be stupid enough to give it back to him after he threw it at me.

But to his and his friends' surprise, when I got close enough to him with my outstretched hand to give him the ball, I quickly put my other hand to his throat.

Shocked, he quickly tried to scream, but as soon as he opened his mouth, I took the ball and shoved it into his mouth.

"Sorry dude, I hit the trash can." I said as I continued to smile and squeeze his neck.

Even though I wasn't that physically fit for my weight, my strength was still decently high, so he tried to hit my arm to release it and I just ignored the pain as I kept my wrist wrapped around his neck.

When his friends realized what was going on, they also got up to try to separate me from their friend, but as soon as they got up, I threw the little shit in their direction and started walking away.

Instead of asking my mom if I could do it, I just asked her if she wanted to help, which already satisfied her helicopter mom mode.

This was going to be my first time cutting someone else's hair, which was easier than I'd imagined because I had a lot more control over my hand doing something I was looking at directly rather than a reflection in a mirror.

Within minutes, Ethan's hair looked exactly like mine.

He was like a mini me, only thinner and smaller.

"After you shower, do you want to do our homework together?" I said as I ruffled his hair.

Ethan's eyes lit up when he heard this, because he knew that it would be much easier to do his homework with someone else, the problem was that his mother didn't have the patience to teach him, and the only one who liked it was our father, who took a long time to get home.

"Yeaah!" Ethan shouted happily as he ran to the bathroom to shower and clean up the cut hair that was stuck to his head.

While Ethan was showering, I went into our bedroom and looked at my manga collection.

I think I can get about $80 if I sell all this... I thought as I decided to sell everything to buy a guitar.

I didn't like this stuff anymore and it would just gather dust in my room, since my parents probably don't have the money to give me to buy a guitar, I can get rid of it and get what I want.

The guitar is the only instrument I knew how to play in my previous life, so if I learned the guitar skill, it would probably be at a higher level, which would leave me more time to practice my singing.

So while Ethan showered, I grabbed a bag and put all my manga away.

Since I finished quickly, I used the rest of the time to speed up my homework, which was very easy once I'd learned most of the content.

I even got an extra level in math and physics.

When Ethan arrived, I had already finished my homework and helped him with his, explaining it much more clearly and patiently than the others had with him.

[Teaching Lv 1

Effect: When teaching other people, as long as you know what you're teaching, they have a 1% higher chance of understanding what you're explaining].


[Teach Lv 2]


[Teach Lv 3] ...


[Teach Lv 4]

By the time I'd finished helping Ethan with his homework, almost an hour had passed. Fortunately, the higher the level of the skill, the faster Ethan learned what I was explaining and the easier it was for him to do his homework.

Even though it was only a 4% buff, it was still a much bigger buff than 4% compared to the inefficient teaching method the others were using with him.

-------- Ethan's Comment --------

Sitting on the sofa with a big smile on his face, Ethan looked into the camera while happily holding his superhero notebook.

"Today my brother helped me with my was so easy!" He laughed happily as he opened the notebook and showed it to the camera. "It seems that the more he taught me, the smarter I got and the easier it was to understand what he was explaining!"

Ethan looked around carefully and spoke quietly. "Just don't tell my dad I said that, because learning from my dad is cool too, it's just not as easy as learning from Noah."

-------- Comment End --------

After Ethan left to play, I took the bag I'd put my manga in and went to sell it.