Chapter 15: 15 - Now that’s enough!

Name:Gamer Superstar Author:
Chapter 15: 15 - Now that's enough!

After thinking for a while, I realized that I was still putting too much pressure on myself. It's not like if I posted two songs in the same style that people would think I'm a person who only knows how to do one thing. If I did this for several months, or even years, then they would probably think that's true, but for an artist with only two songs I still had time and the right to decide what to do.

So I decided to take advantage of the hype that Numb was generating and make another song by the same band that made Numb in my previous world. The song I wanted to do now was "In The End". It was a song with sad lyrics, which would match the first song, pleasing the public who liked it, in addition to being a song with very good sound. Of course, it helped that it was also extremely popular. Nêw chapters will be fully updated at

The lyrics, also, like with Numb, could be interpreted in different ways. The most common interpretation, which was how I understood the lyrics, was a song telling about a person who had tried everything to maintain their relationship, but in the end it didn't do anything for them. Also, another way to look at it that fit more with the audience that liked Numb was that it described someone who did everything to try to be accepted in society, but in the end, no matter how hard the person tried, nothing worked and he remained excluded, lost, without fitting in anywhere.

Having decided on the song, I decided to start training for it. Despite being a song by the same band, In The End was a little more demanding on the vocals, as the song had a part sung with the voice being pushed to the limit, while another part was done in RAP, which took extreme precision in terms of diction. This was not to mention that even the part for the guitar would also be more difficult, since I would have to replace the sections that were played on the piano for something done on a guitar, so the training would be intense.

All this aside, I was excited.

Fortunately, my [Tune Ear] title was taking effect even on the songs I remembered from my past life, so even without being able to listen to the songs here again, it was easier to figure out which notes were used to play the song.

Without me realizing it, time passed and I had trained for 4 hours straight.

[Guitar Lv 24 -> 26]

[Sing Lv 20 -> 22]

Going up 2 levels in each Skill was great news, as it decreased the time I needed to learn how to play the song. At this point I already had the sheet music for the song almost ready, but I still needed more training to play the song proficiently. I also need to improve my intonation when singing the song as well.

Looking at my fingers, despite seeing that calluses were forming in the right places, it was possible to see that I was almost at the point where blood was coming out, so I stopped training and went to rest for a bit.

Picking up my phone to check how the song Numb was going, I was shocked by what I was seeing.


Holy shit!

Looking at the analytics, it was even more surprising that of 21k views, 15,000 had come from promoting MeTube, and given the click rate that was increasing, this only meant that MeTube had found the right audience to promote to and that the song would possibly go viral even more. Excellent!

In a very good mood, my day went by faster than I imagined. As my father was at home, when I had nothing to do I would go downstairs and watch some television with him and talk a little. Seeing how much he liked football, I even asked him to play a little catch with Ethan, which my little brother loved.

This also earned me a Skill.

[Football Mastery Lv3:

As soon as those words left my mouth, I saw him turning pale and nodding his head like he was a chicken.

"Alright, alright Black, I'll, I'll talk!" the boy pleaded as he nervously took out his cell phone and showed me what they were all looking at.

When I saw the cell phone screen, I felt my blood boil and for the first time in this world I felt like killing someone. On the cell phone screen was an image of two whales, one with a photo of my face plastered over it, and a smaller one with Ethan's face on a low-resolution photo, probably taken from a long distance. The caption read: The family of Black Whales.

Seeing the nickname I didn't even need to ask who had made the image. Letting go of the stranglehold I had of the idiot I was holding the cell phone of the other idiot I had been threatening, I left them behind and walked huffing to the school board room. I would give this shitty school one last chance to do something right for a change.

When I talked to Director Adams and showed him the photo on my cell phone, the director just said that this kind of thing was simply child's play, but that I shouldn't worry, that he would find the culprit. I knew he wouldn't even try to find out who did this, because as soon as I saw the name on his desk I remembered something very important: The name of the jerk that kept annoying me that I couldn't remember finally came to mind - Jackson Adams, coincidentally the same surname as the director.

Knowing that I wouldn't have the patience to stay at school today, I discarded the other guy's cell phone somewhere in the school after transferring the photo to my cell phone and then I left.

Walking through the city streets, I managed to calm down a little while planning what I was going to do with that bastard. Fortunately, this time I had my backpack, and in my backpack, just like last week, I had an iron bar.

'I already wanted to ditch this shitty school once and for all. Now I've found a reason to leave,' I thought angrily as I walked into a CyberCafe.

Jackson Adams wouldn't be the only one I would fuck, no. By the look on the director's face, I knew he must have some shit going down, so nothing better than a little programming skills and a little phishing to get the information I needed.


Weekly Power Stones Goal!

500 Power Stones = 1 Extra Chapter

1.000 PS = 2 Extra Chapters

2.000 PS = 3 Extra Chapters


6.000 PS = 7 Extra Chapters!

I really need your support for this competition!!