Chapter 70 [Bonus ] 70 - Opportunity!

Name:Gamer Superstar Author:
Chapter 70 [Bonus ] 70 - Opportunity!

"Oh, and the way for me to have respect for you would be to do what? By not being happy that you managed to do three good shows?" I asked dismissively.

"You've only had three great gigs, kid, I've had hundreds and I don't go around telling people I'm amazing." The man complained.

He was about 24 years old, with spiky blue hair and a lot of makeup on his face. From what I could see of him in the dim light, his charisma was low, probably around 7 or 8 points, I think that's why he covered his face with so much makeup.

From his reaction, I don't think he realized that Jason had pointed the camera at him.

"Really? What do you want for it, a cookie?" I asked dismissively. "You've done hundreds of great shows, good for you, but how many shows have you done in total?"

"I'm almost on my thousandth show!" He said with disdain, as if it were emotional pride.

"Woah, a thousand shows in Rank D?! Gee, that explains why you have hundreds of excellent shows... you've only done hundreds of excellent shows out of a thousand because that's your limit, I've only done three excellent shows because I've only done three shows in my career. Do you see the difference?" I asked, looking him up and down.

Was this my normal way of dealing with things? Definitely not, if it was normal I could have just punched him and got on with my life, or even just ignored this clown, but with Jason recording wouldn't it be better if I just tried to add to the bullshit by inflaming his anger?

Just as I imagined, he stood up angrily and faced me.

Although I was eight years older than him and the same height, we had a difference. My arms crossed in front of my chest were larger than his arms, and that seemed to intimidate him.

But he didn't lower his head. "I guess I'll have to teach you to respect your elders, boy..."

Hearing that, I laughed in his face. "Haha, I respect those who deserve respect, losers like you who can't succeed and take out your frustration on the happiness of newcomers deserve nothing more than the insignificance you will continue to have."

When I said those words, I could see his anger growing even more, to the point where I really thought he was going to attack me right then.

But just as he was about to attack me, Jason came closer and turned on the camera flash, almost blinding the man.

"What the fuck?" He asked startled.

"He's my cameraman, I think he's got some good content for my MeTube channel." I said with even more contempt, watching his face turn white.

"You're not going to post that, are you?" He asked with a dark face.

"Of course I am, this will make a great first video for my channel." I laughed as I approached Jason in case this man tried something.

"If you put my face on it, I'll put your family out on the street with all the debt you'll get." He said snorting as he turned to leave.

I didn't need his face, I could just erase it and it would be fine, but I wanted to cause more confusion.

"Selena, do you know who this man is?" I asked.

"Ryder Stone, a singer signed to Sunshine Entertainment 4 years ago, he had a promising career at first but because of drug scandals and drunk driving he was out of the media for a few months and when he came back his career never took off." She explained in a voice as she watched him leave.

My mood wasn't too affected, after arguing with him I just went on stage and did my show.

The next day, when I woke up, Jason had already sent me the file of the footage he had taken, which amounted to at least two hours of raw footage that I would have to watch and separate out the useful parts.

Although she kept up the facade of a serious and responsible girl, at times like this it was hard not to think of her as just an excited girl who wanted to be patted on the head.

[Well done, thank you Selena! How much is the payment?]

[Since this kind of event is already more expensive than normal bar gigs, and this was originally for a Rank D artist, the total amount will be $1,500, it's not that much compared to what the really big artists get, but for you who are just starting out, I think it's a good amount, what do you think?] She asked.

[This is great! Just by singing at this wedding, I'm already going to get paid more than I would if I performed at four different bars all weekend! Thank you, Selena!]

[Good that you're grateful.] She replied with a proud emoji. [But there's a catch.]

When I saw this, I was worried.

[Does this have anything to do with why the other artists were rejected?] I asked worriedly.

[Yes... the contractor said they want the artist to sing something original based on the story of the bride and groom, even if the song isn't that good, they just want to hear something personal]. Selena explained.

[Hm... that's not impossible, do you have a copy of their story to send me?] I asked.

[Yes, you have until Wednesday to make the song, if you don't get it by Wednesday, they said they'll look for a normal Rank D artist to sing it. But if you come up with a song they like, they'll hire you and pay you the same as a rank D artist].

When I saw that, I was excited, the money would be very welcome, and with the large repertoire of songs I had from my previous world, I knew I would have at least one song that would suit the bride and groom.

Soon after, Selena sent me someone's description of what the bride had said about her past.

[From the beginning, the groom was attracted to all the clever things his fiancée said, but although she showed interest with her actions, her words always pushed him away and he was confused as to whether she really liked him.

Once they went to the Caribbean and almost broke up because he joked that he was drowning, but at that moment he had a snorkel in his mouth to breathe, which drove her crazy.

The groom said that an important detail is that whenever they play video games, if the bride is first, she wins, but if he's first, she changes the rule so that whoever comes last is the best, which has become a joke between them.

The bride said that she hates it when her groom makes her cry, but that she's happy when he compliments her crying, saying that she's beautiful even when she's crying.

But they both agreed that even though they understand each other's imperfections, they manage to love everything, both the good things and the imperfections.

They were both sure that for the rest of their lives they would have no problem giving everything to each other while loving every detail about each other].

Reading your description of the bride and groom's story, I had a few possibilities of songs I could use for them, but out of all those possibilities, only one song came to mind that would fit this story like a glove.

In fact, I was surprised at how well it fit.

"I think this song is meant for her." I laughed as I took the pen out of my mouth and began to write the lyrics to one of the most classic songs played at weddings around the world in my previous world.

"This may be a song that won't go viral as quickly as others, but while other songs like "Boyfriend" may lose their audience or become outdated over time, this song will only get stronger and stronger, with the possibility of becoming a classic!" I said excitedly as I wrote the song faster and faster.

Since the wedding was on Friday, I had to practice my piano and get it up to speed as fast as possible.

As good as this song was on the guitar, it really came into its own on the piano!