Chapter 80 [Bonus ] 80 - All of Me

Name:Gamer Superstar Author:
Chapter 80 [Bonus ] 80 - All of Me

As soon as I sang the next part of the song, I could see smiles appearing on people's faces.


How many times do I have to tell you?

Even when you're crying, you're beautiful too...

The world is beating you down, I'm around through every mood...

You're my downfall, you're my muse...

My worst distraction, my rhythm and blues...

I can't stop singing, it's ringing in my head for you...


Since almost everyone was crying, hearing me sing about how beautiful she looked crying made people smile at the irony of the situation, as if I knew they would be crying right then!

Unlike the upbeat songs I used to sing, even though I was singing the third chorus of the song, the audience didn't sing along with me, and I didn't ask them to.

This kind of music had more effect on how much they would enjoy it if I just let them enjoy the music and the feeling that was rising in their chests, rather than if I was annoying enough to spoil the moment by wanting attention for myself.

As a singer, it was important to know how to distinguish between these moments.

At various times during the party, having the guests focus on me would liven the party up a lot more than just letting them chat at the tables, but at other times, like now, it was much better to just let them enjoy each other's company while they silently absorbed the music and let that feeling take over.

When I finally finished singing, I even played the piano for a few more seconds so that they would realize the song was over and the bride and groom would kiss beautifully.

As the bride and groom kissed, the emotional guests around them began to clap and celebrate.

After waving and thanking everyone, the bride and groom looked at me on stage with tears in their eyes and bowed to me, which surprised me very much.

I smiled at them and clapped my hands as I nodded.

"Would the bride and groom like to come up on stage and say a few words to the guests at this time?" I asked as I made room for them at the center of the stage and began to play only the instrumental of All Of Me on the piano as background music.

Hearing this, the bride's eyes lit up and she pulled the groom up on stage to make a speech.

With the melody of All Of Me playing in the background, the bride's speech became even more emotional as she spoke, and I took advantage of this time to rest as I still had another hour of show to do.

I said goodbye to Selena and Jason and went into the house after taking the instruments out of the car and slowly entering the house while loading them into the basement.

It was over 2 in the morning now, so I was very careful not to after taking the instruments out of the car and slowly entering the house while loading them into the basement.

wake anyone, but even my greatest care wasn't enough.

"Hey Noah, are you just getting home from the wedding?" Liv asked with a sleepy look on her face as she came downstairs to help me carry the instruments.

"Yeah... I was supposed to arrive later, but I was so tired that I couldn't play anymore..." I said.

Hearing this, Liv looked at me in surprise as she nodded and carried her things back downstairs.

You do so much for us, can I not feel guilty about this?" she thought a little frustrated after seeing how tired I was and how wet my clothes were after the gig I'd done.

I didn't know it at the time, but the return of that wedding was a turning point in Liv's mind, making what had once been just a fun desire to try to pursue a career with the violin, now a real burning desire to be able to do it.

The next day, Saturday, I woke up later than usual because my mind was exhausted.

My body was able to rest with just a few hours of sleep, to the point where I could sleep only five hours a night and wake up in perfect condition, but my mind didn't recover as quickly.

Because yesterday's concert was so exhausting, I couldn't recover mentally in such a short time, so when I woke up, it was already 11 o'clock in the morning.

To my surprise, when I went downstairs, I could hear the background noise of Olivia's violin coming from the basement of the house.

"Good morning Mom..." I greeted my mother, who smiled back at me.

"Good morning, Noah!" she replied.

"Has Liv been playing for long?" I asked curiously.

"When I woke up she was already practicing, I had to take her breakfast down to the basement for her to eat because she was so focused..." My mother replied a little worried.

Although she was very proud that all three of her children were pursuing careers in the arts and that they were all doing well, she was still concerned about the excessive practice and training that we showed from time to time.

Both me, when I started practicing something new, and Ethan, when he wanted to practice to perform for Isabella, since Liv was now practicing the violin non-stop in the basement.

"And where is Ethan?" I asked.

"He went to take a bath, his little friend Isabella is coming to play with him. As soon as he heard that, he ran into the bathroom to take a bath, hehe." My mother laughed with a knowing smile.

When I saw that laugh, I laughed too, because I understood exactly where it was coming from.

"Do I have to give him a hint to win her over?" I asked myself, laughing.