Chapter 177 - Preparing for the Recording

Name:Gamer Superstar Author:
177 177 - Preparing for the Recording

"So... this is where you wanted to take me fishing? I thought it would be something wilder," I asked laughing as I got out of my car, which I had parked in the parking lot of the sport fishing club.

Phil, who was getting out of the driver's seat of his Mercedes, looked at me in surprise and laughed as he also got into character and answered jokingly. "Don't you think this place is wild enough?"

Laughing, I approached him and held out my hand, a gesture he returned as he shifted his gaze from me to my car.

"Nice machine you got there... I bought one of these when it first came out, I still have it today." He said after whistling. "But mine is red."

"Really?!" I asked, genuinely surprised. "Is yours in stock?"

Hearing my question, Phil looked at me out of the corner of his eye and then at my car. "My wife thinks it's stock..." I hadn't thought he'd give that answer, which made me laugh. "My mother thinks I'm leaving her stock too..."

Entering the Sport Fishing Club, we made our way over to where the program team was while we chatted, with Phil even interested in taking the two cars for a spin sometime. Updated chapters on novelbin(.)com

I told him it would make great content for my MeTube channel if he was interested, to which he was surprised and quickly agreed.

"You started as a MeTuber?!" He asked me incredulously when I told him I had over 400k followers.

"Yeah... since I didn't have a record label or a producer or anything, I just edited my own songs and put them on MeTube, I was just lucky to find a great producer who is still with me today. Since I started on MeTube, I just kept investing in my channel there," I explained. I explained.

Hearing this, Phil was really surprised. "I've already tried recording some videos for MeTube after my daughter kept asking me to do it, but I've never been very good at it, she makes fun of me saying I'm too 'square' for MeTube..." He sighed.

"Haha, I can imagine why... let's try to record something together, we'll record one video for my channel and one for yours. Maybe that way I can give you the vibe that the public usually expects on MeTube." I said, getting him excited and nodding his head.

While Phil was a B-rank artist in the entertainment industry, much more popular than me, he only had 12k followers on MeTube with the three videos he tried to record with his daughter.

Even though he posted the videos on Instagram, apparently the videos didn't do as well as his daughter thought they would, so she just gave up on him.

This was quite common in my former world, famous people from film and television trying to break into the YouTube market, but failing miserably because they didn't know how to entertain the MeTube audience with shorter, more informal videos.

"Hey, you're finally here, how's your script coming?" Angelina asked as soon as she saw us walk in.

"Fresh as ever." Phil replied naturally, obviously already used to it.

After his answer Angelina looked at me. "The script this time is much longer than the one for the other episode I recorded, but I think I've got my part down. But I'm sorry if I forgot anything." I said a little insecurely.

Since this was my second time recording, and now I had a script with a lot more lines than my previous performance, I was actually a little nervous.

But Angelina was pleased with my answer and nodded at me as she walked away to attend to other matters.

"Dark Pistol... that rock band?!" She asked in surprise.

"Yes! That's Dark Pistol." I said excitedly, making her as excited as I was.

Dark Pistol was a pure C-Rank Peak rock band, almost reaching B-Rank.

When Selena found out they were playing a show here in San Francisco, she used all her contacts to get me to open for them.

Luckily, it worked out.

Even though I didn't know them before, I thought it would be a great opportunity to get my name out there by singing the opening song at their show, because it would be a concert for over 3,000 people who like rock music, and considering those people would post about it on social media, I would be exposed to possibly tens of thousands of people in San Francisco who like my style of music.

Too bad I didn't know the mess that was about to happen...



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