Chapter 183 - Music Videos?

Name:Gamer Superstar Author:
183 183 - Music Videos?


I take my whiskey neat...

My coffee black and my bed at three...

You're too sweet for me...

You're too sweet for me...


When I finished singing the song and looked at the audience's reaction, I realized that this was my song that they liked the most all night.

Out of 3,000 people, only a small group had been chatting in the background while I was singing, while the vast majority of people had been concentrating on me while I was singing.

Receiving a warning through my headset that Dark Pistol were ready to enter the stage, I nodded in understanding and began to say goodbye to the crowd.

"Thanks for your support guys, this was my last song of the night, if you liked it you can search for BlackVelvet on all the social networks and you'll find my profile there." I smiled as I bowed slightly to the crowd before leaving the stage.

When people heard I was leaving, they applauded in appreciation.

As I left the stage with Mark and Frank, the show's production team quickly went on stage to remove Mark and Frank's instruments, while other people quickly brought out Dark Pistol's instruments.

Unfortunately I didn't catch up with them as I left the stage, they might have been somewhere else making some final adjustments for the show.

So I just went back to my dressing room with Mark, Frank and Jason.

"Hey Jason, how was taping the show?" I asked.

"It was amazing! I was able to get a lot of cool footage because there was such a big crowd... even for the song Too Sweet, I think it's going to be one of the coolest concert videos because there's such a big and diverse crowd". He said excitedly, making me nod in satisfaction.

"Did you enjoy the show?" I looked at Mark and Frank who were tired.

"It was a very different feeling to play for such a big audience... I loved it!" Mark said excitedly, although he was quite sweaty.

Considering he was playing the drums, the instrument he had to move the most while playing each note, it was understandable how sweaty he was.

"I liked it too... it's a lot of fun to play when so many people are singing along... it must be even cooler when the audience is at the gig for you". Frank commented as well, which made me nod.

Even though it was great to play for the crowd today, not many people could sing my songs.

It must have been even more incredible to play in front of such a large audience that was there just to see me.

Can you imagine the feeling of 3,000 people singing your song? Just thinking about it gave me goose bumps.

When we got to the dressing room, Selena was waiting for us with a smile on her face as she looked at the TV.

This TV was broadcasting the image of two cameras, one showing the stage and the other showing the audience.

So, even though she was in the dressing room, Selena was able to see our entire show, as well as the audience's reaction to the entire show.

When they started singing, I noticed that they changed the tone of the song a bit to suit the vocal range of the band's lead singer, which I found very interesting.

But otherwise, their performance and the overall style of the song was identical to mine, which left me a little disappointed.

They even copied some of my mannerisms while I was singing this song, which made the situation a little awkward.

"Are they really copying you completely in the song?" Mark asked in shock.

"I guess so?" I replied confused.

But the strangest part came after they finished singing.

"That song was In The End, available right now on our social networks and in our store for you to buy for just $1. Thanks for your support guys!" The band's lead singer said with a smile before starting to sing another song.

But when I heard him reveal this, I froze and looked at Selena in confusion.

And the look I saw on Selena's face made me feel like a lion was on the loose.

She was angry...


Guys, for those of you who missed chapter 179, send me a message on discord so I can send you the corrected chapter, the platform isn't doing much to help me fix it... sry


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