Season 2: Chapter 126: The Named (3)

Name:Genius Archer's Streaming Author:
Season 2: Chapter 126: The Named (3)

"Jancos is a named player? Wow, this is getting interesting!"

When Jancos first appeared, only AK47 was as excited as OrangeKing. This was almost the first time a player with the skills to rival Almond had emerged.

"The veteran knights requested can only be S rank or above! And we're lucky an S+ rank, the world's 18th ranked knight, has appeared!"

— Wow

— What is this?

— It's a lottery game, lol

"A lottery game?"

OrangeKing leaned into the camera, furrowing his brows and shouted, "Yes!!! It's a lottery game! Didn't you know that?"

— Lol

— Crazy

— It's madness

"Even BornToB didn’t do the lottery draw. He already has a 100% chance that Almond will appear! AK47 can draw someone on that level too, right?"

— Agree

— That's true

— BornToB was at fault

— He’s acting possessed again, lol

The propeller on OrangeKing’s head spun as he switched the topic.

"While I was speaking! The two of them have confronted each other! Wow! My heart is..."

The fight between Almond and Jancos happened so fast that it was hard to follow with the naked eye. Blocking arrows, dodging, and swinging...


"He blocked it!"


"Almond shoots again!"


"Jancos blocked again! And he swings!"


Despite having almost no speed correction compared to games like LIL, Jancos moved incredibly fast.

"That's amazing! Almond's attacks are not working at all! Jancos even blocked the curve shot!"

The longer the one-on-one fight went on, the redder OrangeKing's face became. His words also started to become hard to keep up with.

Then, Almond and Jancos finally exchanged damage for the first and last time.

"Wow! Finally, they exchanged damage! It's the first damage exchange we’ve seen! It's an unfair exchange though!"

— That's legendary

— Wow, this 1-on-1 is crazy

— They did it like that?

At the peak of the viewers' joy...


[The opponent's connection has been lost.]

— ??

— What's this?

— ???

— ?

— Excuse me?

The connection suddenly dropped. OrangeKing and Kimchi Warrior both stared blankly at the screen for a while. The propeller on OrangeKing's head also stopped.

Then, OrangeKing quickly regained his composure like a professional commentator.

"Oh, it seems like the connection was momentarily lost..."

[Attempting to restore the connection with the opponent...]


The game paused and around thirty seconds passed.

"It seems like AK47 has disconnected?"

OrangeKing tilted his head in confusion and Kimchi Warrior replied, "Rather than a disconnection, it's more like unplugging the LAN cable."


Such an incident hardly ever happened in LIL games, so OrangeKing was taken aback.

"Unplugging the LAN cable? You mean intentionally disconnecting the internet cable?"

Unplugging the LAN cable referred to intentionally disconnecting the internet connection to exit a game. If a player quit this way in some games, it didn’t count as a loss or a win and invalidated the game instead.

Although there were hardly any games like that nowadays, Civil Empire had one slightly annoying feature.

"Yes. If they quit this way, the person who's left behind ends up wasting about five to ten minutes."

"Ah... So time is wasted trying to re-establish the connection?"

"Yes. Since it's a global game, it's quite generous about disconnections. In the past, they even gave players up to thirty minutes to reconnect."

"But the opponent is also Korean, right?"



— National team of Civil Empire and it's full of Raina?"

└ Lol

└ True, lol

└ Now that you mention it, lol

└ Impressive, huh?

— You’ve gotta admit, it’s impressive though.

— Isn’t this just the Damien Association?

— It’s so funny to see something so meaningless blown out of proportion.

Although the content was slightly irrelevant, the likes kept coming.

1. They should just put Almond on the national team right now. If you agree, upvote this like crazy.

It became the top post on Embul. It wasn't a big deal to be the top on Embul, but...


Chi-Seung smiled brightly. All he wanted was recognition from Embul and the support of public opinion. Just that would be enough.

'I can comfortably continue the national team practice now.'

Almond had achieved his goal even before officially reaching S+ rank. More than half of the people recognized him as worthy of the national team.

"Kimchi Warrior, why are you smiling?"

"Oh... I just saw something funny. Haha."

"What do you think about the matchup we just got?"

"Ah. Well, the opponent might have a slight advantage in this position with their wood resources..."


Meanwhile, at Treevy’s branch office in Korea...

"Director, this is the last task for today."

"Ah, is it?" the middle-aged man with a pleasant demeanor answered his secretary with a smile.

He had just returned to the office after an external meeting.

"Ah, this. Yeah, the award ceremony is important."

It wasn't anything significant as it was the last task before leaving work. He just had to check an email that seemed like a simple survey.

"Alright then..."

The secretary took his coat, hung it on the hanger, and returned to her place.


Alone in the office, the middle-aged man stroked his chin.

"Nowadays, I hardly recognize any of these names."

There was a time when he knew the faces and names of active streamers on the platform, but that wasn't the case anymore. He only recognized a few nominees who had been active for a long time.

"Ah, the Rookie of the Year award..."

The list of nominees for Rookie of the Year felt suffocating.

1. ForeverAlone

2. Pepperoni

3. SweetPotato

4. Lemon

5. Almond

Preferring to tackle the unknown first, the executive started looking at the Rookie of the Year nominees. He clicked on the attached video for each nominee.

[Video - ForeverAlone]

The videos summarized who the streamers were, what characters they played, and how they grew. In short, it was a neatly edited chronicle of their journey as a rookie.

Regrettably, most executives tended to vote according to the given order, but his subordinates still prepared these materials diligently. Occasionally, executives like him earnestly watched the videos.

After the video ended...

[... This concludes the introduction.]

The executive moved on to the next video without any change in expression.

[Video - Pepperoni]

[Video - SweetPotato]

They all felt quite similar. Individuals nominated for the Rookie of the Year streamer award had somewhat similar life stories as well as growth graphs.

[Video - Almond]

As he played the last video, the executive thought he would probably just choose the first option. However...

'This person...'

He was the only one on the Rookie of the Year list whose face looked familiar.

'Wasn't he in the news?'

The executive couldn't recall Almond’s real name, but he remembered his face.

[... Forced to retire due to an injury, he garnered a lot of empathy and attention by pursuing his dream as a streamer...]

Watching the video confirmed it was indeed him.

'The young man who was an archer.'

He remembered this young man was an archer who used to work at Ah-Sung and started gaining popularity as a streamer around the end of this year.

'He got nominated for this year's Rookie of the Year. I thought it would be next year.'

After a moment of contemplation, the executive checked the last box on the list.