Book 9: Chapter 2

The Ulbeth Alliance was a nation consisting of four city-states that had fought over the hegemony of the coast of the West prior to unification. The quartet constantly waffled between allies and enemies, and battle raged. However, as trade and communication extended beyond the Far West, leaders worried about growing foreign pressure.

Wont other nations overtake us if we keep fighting like this?

Still, itll be tough to join forces now.

Noit might be easier than we think.

Around the same time, solidarity among the cities people was curiously on the rise. Foreign culture was strange and incomprehensible, but the citizens of all four city-states shared regional commonalities. Because of this, they sympathized more with familiar rivals than unknown outsiders. Of course, some believed their shared history of bloodshed meant cooperation was out of the question. A neighboring conqueror was better than a foreign one, though.

As public sentiment and politics mixed, the four cities came together to form a kind of allied nation rarely seen on the continent.

A coalition of city-states is quite ambitious. Ninym skimmed over documents inside a carriage headed for the Ulbeth Alliance. Holy Elite Agata is their international spokesman, but the government is run by city representatives who share equal authority Its like having several kings in one country, yet they make it work. She glanced at the man in front of her. Wouldnt you agree, Wein?

Her master was presently staring out the window.

Yeah. A parliamentary system isnt uncommon, but not many city-states push the limits of an alliance and agree to equal representation. Judging by his tone, Wein was impressed with Ulbeth. Trailblazing means fewer examples to work from, so its a real challenge. Neighboring countries arent a great reference when your own method breaks the mold. Most are monarchies, so Natra stole a page right out of the handbook.

A government was a nations template, and it was easier to copycat when everyone around you had similar standards. A country could last one hundred years or more, far beyond the human lifetime. Therefore, creating laws and systems that were unconventional or only benefited you were impractical. It was best to be mindful of neighboring powers.

As Wein stated, the Ulbeth Alliances unique approach came with difficulties. The union was undoubtedly fumbling, but their tenacious politicians kept things moving.

You seem quite dazzled for someone who represents a monarchy.

No one political system is correct. What matters is how people benefit from it. Who cares if the government is on your side if everyone starves to death? Do whatever works.

Never repeat that in public. Itll be terrible PR.

Oh yeah? Wein replied casually.

Ninym sighed. She was the one who had raised the subject, but Weins unorthodox comments kept her on her toes.

Anyway, the Ulbeth Alliance seemingly has its own plans.

You mean the new unification Agata mentioned?

Wein was visiting Ulbeth to discuss a deal that Agata, an Alliance representative and Holy Elite, had proposed.

I plan to take advantage of the Alliances demise to unify the cities into one nation. Prince Wein, I am here to ask for your aid

The Gathering of the Chosen had been held the previous fall in the old capital of Lushan. Wein had just put an end to a tangled conspiracy and was about to head home when Agata approached him. Coincidentally, Natras trade had recently suffered a harsh blow. Wein agreed to Agatas deal under the condition that Natra and Ulbeth become business partners.

I wonder what Agata is planning.

Good question. Hes already a Holy Elite, and I didnt get a power-hungry vibe from him Well, well know soon enough. Look, there it is. Wein pointed to the window. Ninym looked out beside him, and her eyes widened.


I hear its their national symbol. The four cities built the wall when the Alliance first came together. Its called the Rampart of Unity.

A single, endless wall stretched across the plain. The structure surrounded all four city-states. It was a worthy symbol of the Alliance, but the amount of labor it must have demanded was unfathomable.

Even so

Parts of the edifice were cracked and crumbling. Perhaps long years of wind and rain had taken their toll.

Ninym felt like it reflected the present state of the Ulbeth Alliance.

The quartet of cities that made up the Ulbeth Alliance were divided into cardinal directions. Their shared closeness to the edge of the Western continent fostered a common culture between them, but even slight geographic differences gave each settlement a distinct character.

For example, the Great Blue Skies of Roynock, the westernmost of the four cities, enjoyed prosperous maritime trade because it was on the coast. The northern city, the Black Iron of Altie, was named for its many smiths. The southern settlement was blessed with abundant crops and thus was known as the Grand Red Harvest of Facrita.

Finally, the White Willow of Muldu to the east was notable for sitting directly across from western Roynock. In other words, Muldu was the continents inland entrance to the western shores. It was the first town beyond the Rampart of Unity, and frequent contact with foreign visitors and cultures made this citys representative an ideal candidate for speaking on the Ulbeth Alliances behalf.

And that person was Agata Willow.

Its almost time, Agata murmured as he gazed at the town outside his window.

Did you say something, Master Agata? his assistant asked. The mans head was cocked to one side.

Why, I was just thinking everything will soon be blanketed in white.

Indeed. Snow piles up quickly, thanks to the early sunset.

The winter air brings many aches to these old bones. I already long for spring.

Judging by the overcast clouds, the precipitation could begin at any moment. There was a world of difference between the room temperature and the chill beyond the walls.

Our upcoming events must proceed smoothly if we wish to welcome spring, correct?

Hmph, indeed. I trust preparations for the Signing Ceremony are going well?

The aide nodded. Everything is almost ready.

Good. The event cannot afford any missteps.

Ive also just received word that Prince Weins delegation has passed the Rampart of Unity.

Then they are in Muldu and should be arriving shortly. Kamil, prepare to greet them.

Yes, sir.

The aide bowed respectfully, and Agata gave him a sidelong glance before returning his attention to the window.

Yes, its almost time. Prince Weins arrival will signal the demise of the Ulbeth Alliance

With dark, secret resolve, Agata eagerly awaited his visitors.

Hey, those handicrafts are neat.

I agree. That stall over there is also lined with masks. Maybe theyre talismans of some kind?

Pretty creepy if you ask me Theres no guessing what culture invented those.

Shortly after passing the Rampart of Unity, Weins delegation arrived in the eastern city of Muldu. Both the prince and Ninym offered their opinions on the local decoration as they rode by in the carriage.

Regardless, the gateway to the Alliance is as lively as youd expect.

As Wein said, a bustling crowd was milling around Muldus entrance. Citizens, merchants, pilgrims, and more came together to paint a prosperous image.

Thats also why the carriage is now stuck in traffic.

We can get a good look at the town, so it all works out.

Fair enough. Ive noticed most of the clothes and buildings are white. Is it a symbolic color?

Wein nodded.

The White Willow of Muldu. True to its moniker, the city was enveloped in an alabaster shade. A heavy snowstorm would erase all other colors.

The Ulbeth Alliances unique cultures and customs are apparent from the second you set foot on its lands, Wein stated with evident interest. Still, it doesnt feel that bizarre.

I agree. Most of the architecture is typical of the West.

The Ulbeth Alliance had been born from fear of foreign pressure, and Sirgis said the nation was peculiar.

Thus, Wein and Ninym had mentally prepared for the view of a lifetime. Yet it seemed their anticipation was for naught.

Well, a boring trip is fine by me.

Wein, you spark trouble with the tiniest ember.

You seem confused, so let me clarify. I am a man of peace.

Such claims dont match your track record.

Thats because, while I love peace, it doesnt necessarily reciprocate.

Keep talking like that, and youll be trapped in a one-sided relationship.

Wein laughed. Youre probably right.

That is a fine sentiment. However, I doubt everyone will agree with your ideology.

Chasing approval will only lead to a dry fountain.

Yet, as one suffering from thirst, they have my sympathy.

In that case, as one who is well nourished, I choose to share my bounty.

Ninym sighed. This gentle-looking but ridiculously stubborn man wasnt going to back down. Kamils good intentions were problematic. She could have shaken him off had he been hostile. This was a more vexing predicament.

I shall address you as Sir Kamil.

Ninym extended a hand in resignation. The young man happily took it.

Just Kamil is fine.

I have no title, so please forgive me for adhering to formality.

In that case, I will call you Lady Ninym. As fellow aides, there is something I thought wed best discuss.

Very well.

Ninym had planned to stay inconspicuous, and this was an unexpected twist. Regardless, the situation was out of her hands now. Thinking the conversation might prove informative, Ninym elected to indulge Kamil until Weins return.

Do you know about Ulbeths upcoming Signing Ceremony?

Wein gave a small nod. I heard its a conference held once every ten years. The city representatives discuss different topics, including the pros and cons of the Alliance itself.

Correct. During the Signing Ceremony, each city can also choose to withdraw. Equality is a founding principle of our nation.

But no one actually goes through with it, right? Wein questioned.

From what I understand, the four cities industries and economies are tightly interwoven. If one secedes, itll either go bankrupt or be invaded by the other three.

Because of this, the Signing Ceremony had long since become an opportunity for each city to show off. Wein had been told that most citizens saw it as the party of the decade rather than a meaningful event that decided their futures.

Youre right, Agata agreed. However, times have changed recently.


The Holy Elite grew visibly uneasy, and Weins eyes sparkled with interest.

Prince, what do you think is needed to maintain a union?

Equality, Wein replied without a second thought. Alliances can form when both sides share a common enemy, but maintaining that bond is a different story. When theres a power gap, the strain grows over time.

Agata nodded gravely. That is the issue the Ulbeth Alliance currently faces.

What do you mean?

The eastern city of Muldu has ever been a gateway to the rest of the country. Whether incoming or outgoing, we handled almost everything. This gave Muldu value despite having no defined industry. However, in the past several decades, Roynock has increased their flow of goods and people thanks to improved shipbuilding techniques and established sea routes, Agata explained. The fertile lands of Facrita to the south are similar. Because of recent agricultural advancements, their harvests have grown tenfold. Moreover, they largely export through Roynock.

I see, Wein answered in understanding.

The south could harvest more. The west could export more. The two cities were undoubtedly growing close. Moreover, since time immemorial, the wealthiest regions have always made the best trade partners. And that growing profit was enough to shift the Alliances power dynamics.

Is it safe to say that Roynock and Facrita plan to unite as a separate entity, then?

Thats likely their end game, but it cant happen all at once. Roynock and Facrita will work in stages by, for example, driving me out and appointing their own yes-man as the East Representative.

So even one of your position isnt set for life?

Correct. Although representatives hold great power, we must have the support of various leaders. Losing that endorsement means forfeiting our position. Muldu representatives even inherit the title of Holy Elite.

Agata was a Holy Elite because he was the public face of the Ulbeth Alliance. Hed have to give up both roles to his successor if he ceased acting as East Representative.

If I were leading Muldu, Id try to win over Altie.

The eastern city desperately wanted to interrupt Facrita and Roynocks love affair. However, since that wasnt in the cards, they would have to devise a Plan B. This meant teaming up with the northern city to balance out the Alliance.

Agata quickly shot down Weins proposal, though.

Thats impossible. Altie has a poor relationship with Muldu No, with the entire Ulbeth Alliance.

Really? Why?

Twenty years ago, the North Representative colluded with another nation. He and his entire family were executed. The other three cities used this opportunity to make representative succession hereditary. This meant that Altie was unable to choose anyone new since their last representatives bloodline had run dry.

Wellthats certainly something.

A body of delegates ran the Ulbeth Alliance. It was also stipulated that no city could participate in the conference without one.

So basically, the other three cities oppressed the northern one for their benefit.

Altie citizens could only watch as disadvantages were heaped upon them because they lacked the necessary official. It was unsurprising that they grew resentful and yearned to secede.

The northern city will be thoroughly crushed if they withdraw, so theyve had no recourse but to bottle up their discontent. Ha-ha. They must really hate your guts. Still, youve only got yourself to blame, Wein observed casually.

If youll let me clarify

What? Are you going to say you didnt expect the south and the west to take the lead or something? Youre better than that, Agata.

Yes, I misspoke. Disregard my comment.

Wein gave a slight shrug. Anyway, he continued, I get whats happening now. The west and the south took control, Altie is furious, and youre being driven into a corner. Forget foreign threats. The internal pressure alone is lethal.

Thats why Ive invited you here, Prince Wein.

Agatas tone was noticeably mild. I will use this as a golden opportunity to unite Ulbeth under Muldu. The first step is to create a rift between the west and the south. To do that, Id like to borrow your rare intellect.

Agata bowed to the prince, who was less than half his age. Although there were no witnesses, national leaders seldom went to such lengths. Most recipients would feel more apologetic than awestruck.

Wein, of course, wasnt moved by this display.

Driving a wedge between the south and the west makes sense. Theyre problematic as a team, but Roynock and Facrita might turn on each other if both expect their own city to lead the new union. That discord could give you an opening. Still, Im an outsider. What can I do?

Wein was a foreign visitor in every aspect. Hed brought more than enough personnel, supplies, and money for one person, but he couldnt take on an entire country.

The West Representative will be hosting a banquet soon, and I expect the South Representative will attend as well. Ive added your name to the guest list, so meet them and get a sense of their characters.

And after that?

Ill share my plan once you return. I think youll appreciate it.

Wein fell silent for a moment and stared at Agata. His fiery gaze seemed to pierce the Holy Elite straight through. Agata felt as if his stomach were being wrenched open. The princes steadfast eyes were a veritable destructive force.

However, Agata was no pushover either. Refusing to be taken for a greenhorn, he calmly stared back.

Okay, Wein answered finally. If you promise to honor our trade deal, I guess I can cooperate.

Of course. I guarantee youll reap great rewards.

Its decided, then.

Wein and Agata shook hands, forming a secret pact between the two great rivals.


Yep, Im gonna backstab Agata.


Once the two were back in the carriage, Wein revealed his intentions to Ninym and her eyes went wide.

As several political schemes gripped the Ulbeth Alliance, an outsider arrived. Wein would rise to the stage, and the land would descend into chaos.