Chapter 13

Name:Genius Wizard Takes Medicine Author:
"Companies like Charlotte have a high turnover rate for engineers, which means they cycle through them frequently to maintain tight security. But if someone with the right skills can hack into their system and get data without causing damage, they can get paid big bucks – like hundreds of millions!"

"I see," Lennok responded with a grave countenance, indicating his understanding of the situation. Jenny, assuming a composed demeanor, awaited his verdict with composure.

Lennok couldn't help but realize that the queries he was posing to Jenny were exceedingly rudimentary, bordering on common knowledge. Nonetheless, Jenny, with remarkable patience, elucidated the intricacies in explicit detail.

It was a misapprehension on Jenny's part that Lennok was a wizard who had just returned from arduous training in some distant land. It was not uncommon for practitioners of traditional magic, which had been handed down for generations, to pursue their education in secluded regions rather than seek aid from modern civilization.

For those who wielded elemental magic, it was not unusual for them to conceal their training origins until they attained a certain level of proficiency. As such, Jenny and Jordan's confusion was not altogether unexpected.

Following extensive contemplation, Lennok finally acquiesced with a deliberate nod of his head.

"Okay. It's possible to destroy the factory,"

While Lennok had been mistaken when he was apprehending the wanted criminals, he did not consider himself a paragon of justice tasked with punishing those who transgressed against humanity. Rather, he was simply a participant in the world of vendettas and profits that existed between corporations and criminals.

Whether he would be able to preserve his ethical standards and values during the course of his work remained solely at Lennok's discretion.

Upon Lennok's pronouncement, Jenny beamed and proclaimed, "Sweet. Now let me introduce you to your partner for the job."

"Partner? Who?"

"Come on in!"

As Jenny spoke, the rear door of the establishment creaked open, revealing a burly figure clad in a thick leather jacket. The individual wore a mask reminiscent of a professional wrestler, its true meaning inscrutable, and a plethora of metal accouterments adorned his back.

Maintaining a tranquil demeanor, Jenny introduced Lennok to the man standing before him.

"Meet Dylan O'Casey. He's a mercenary from the Antares office. He's cheap and works all over the place."

"Jenny, what would my new partner think if you blabbered like that to him the first time I met him?"

"Well, what would he think? A crazy man with a pro wrestler mask?"


Despite Jenny's aloof demeanor, Dylan burst into hearty laughter and extended his hand to Lennok for a shake.

"Dylan O'Casey. I'm a mercenary. I'm your new partner for this job. So, you're a wizard, right?"

Lennok responded nervously as they shook hands.

"Yeah, I'm a lightning wizard. But what does it mean to be partners?"

"Just what it sounds like. I figured this job was too much for one person, so I found us another," answered Jenny.

"That annoying woman said she could get one more person today, so I've been waiting here for ages."


At Dylan's unguarded comment, the atmosphere abruptly chilled, but Lennok remained composed.

"In the future, kindly inform me of the details regarding my partner."

"Got it."

Despite the unexpected addition of a partner, Lennok refrained from expressing dissatisfaction.

In a sense, his current occupation was akin to finding employment at a staffing agency, where daily work assignments and coworkers were subject to change.

Should he feel restrained in any way, he would sever ties cleanly. However, given the nature of their profession, Dylan's appearance was not altogether unexpected.

"Should we split the 50 million cell success fee evenly?" proposed Lennok.

As the duo neared the manufacturing plant, they methodically surveyed the surroundings by circumnavigating the building.

Although the number of security guards inside the factory was not excessive, they all bore the number "888" on their left chest.

"They hired the worst security company, Triple Eight. They're a bunch of thugs who only take jobs from those with a criminal record and will do anything for money. Even if they accidentally kill one or two people, they won't have any qualms about it," seethed Dylan.

"The security doesn't appear to be particularly tight, does it?" observed Lennok.

Although the guards were heavily armed with guns, body armor, and various auxiliary weapons, their security posture itself was not particularly stringent.

It was apparent that they were just biding their time while maintaining a reasonable distance from each other.

"Who in their right mind would mess with a company like Charlotte? Everyone's going to be extra cautious because the government is involved. If it wasn't for Baritz's involvement, I wouldn't even consider taking this job," grumbled Dylan.

"Does Baritz's involvement make a difference?" inquired Lennok.

"In these corporate battles, we're just messengers. If Charlotte realizes Baritz is involved, they won't care who we are," shrugged Dylan.

"Shall we get started then?" asked Lennok.

"Don't you need to cover your face? You shouldn't be so quick to reveal your identity."


Now that he thought about it, there wasn't a single spot on Dylan's attire where his flesh was exposed. Was he concealing his identity or something more?

Dylan's apprehension was valid, but Lennok was not overly concerned about revealing his identity.

His alias "Van" was artificially created for the sole purpose of working in this field.

Furthermore, since the market incident where an unknown woman read his magic pattern, Lennok had been gradually modifying his magic pattern every time he used magic to eliminate the possibility of being traced.

Even if his identity as "Van" were exposed, he could simply assume a new disguise with a new identity and resume his work.

"I don't care. Let's just get going," Lennok declared.

"No, it does matter. If someone traces us back to you because you're not covered up, it could be bad for both of us," replied Dylan.

"Okay, what do you suggest?"

"Try this," said Dylan, pulling out a mask similar to his own from a small bag at his side.

Although the color was unassuming, the diverse patterns on the mask gave it the appearance of something a pro wrestler would wear, making it seem inconspicuous.


"Quickly," urged Dylan.

With reluctance, Lennok flipped the mask over and donned it, grimacing at the unpleasant sensation of the tight-fitting material around his nose and mouth.

"Alright, let me go first and you follow me," directed Dylan, quickly dashing towards the factory's back gate.

Thump, thump, thump!!

Dylan's strides were unnaturally fast, as if he was not bound by the limits of human physiology, but rather propelled by some supernatural force. Lennok watched from a distance, lighting up a cigarette and using his magic to ignite flames between his fingers.

Inhaling the smoke deeply, Lennok felt his mind clear and his body energized, ready for the task ahead. He had paid a steep price of 70,000 cells for the one-time-use cigarette, but he knew it was worth it for the boost it provided.

Cautiously, Lennok started to run after Dylan, who had already taken out the two guards stationed at the back gate with lightning speed. Dylan's elbow had landed on one of the guards' throats, sending him crashing to the ground, while his spinning kick had connected with the other guard's jaw, knocking him out cold.


"Two down," Dylan announced triumphantly, charging ahead toward the factory's back gate.