Chapter 130

Name:Genius Wizard Takes Medicine Author:
“Wizard...? Oh, I understand now.”

Croken quickly grasped the identity of the individual the man referred to. However, this realization led him to tilt his head in confusion.

“There was a young brat I wanted to smash in the head. But you surely wouldn’t have cared about him at that level.”

Despite his disparaging tone, the giant had a rough estimation of the dark wizard’s formidable achievements.

An eminent dark wizard, surpassing the boundaries of forging his unique ‘domain,’ and delving into the manipulation of physical laws.

A grandmaster whose mastery over magical might achieved what Croken could attain through his physical form and martial prowess.

If measured in tiers, he stood at the cusp of level 8, his power nearly transcending the limits of level 7. A true anomaly.

In the eyes of this ancient prodigy, Lennok appeared as nothing more than a fledgling, frail wizard.

However, the man named Myung responded with a grin, shaking his head.

“I intend to propose that young one to Pandemonium. I suggest you do the same.”


“I gave him a challenge on a whim while accomplishing my own task. Yet, he not only accepted it but excelled beyond my expectations. He’s driven, intelligent, and possesses remarkable potential. His utility will manifest sooner than you think.”


Croken stroked his chin, absorbed in contemplation over this wholly unexpected suggestion.

“I’m not particularly fond of the idea, but...”

Who could have foreseen that the brash factory kid would mature intellectually to such an extent?

A pace of growth that even surpassed Croken’s, earned through battles of every grimy and coarse kind.

And Myung, a wizard like no other, was even more attuned to this transformation.

It was only rational to take notice.

After deep consideration, Croken’s grin emerged.

“It sounds fun. Agreed.”

“Then it’s decided.”

Only then did Myung stand from his seat, brushing off his thighs.

“In six months, there’s a summoning scheduled. I’ll wrap up the narrative by then.”

“Deal with it yourself. That’s none of my concern.”


Croken, slowly rising, cast his gaze downward at the man before him.

A gargantuan form that far exceeded human proportions.

Though both fell under the classification of ‘beings,’ no one would mistake Croken for a member of the same species as the fragile humans.

“To be honest, I came here today to engage in a bout with you.”

“That’s quite unexpected.”

Myung responded with a smile.

“Well, I can’t decline. I was just curious about the sound of a crocodile’s cry.”

“No, never mind. Witnessing you, an elderly fellow, showing interest in a youth like that drains away all my enthusiasm.”

Leaving Myung momentarily speechless, Croken smirked.

“It’s good to observe the young ones, but you should be careful. Don’t carelessly blabber the world’s secrets... you might attract the useless attention of the Ascendants.”

“Do you believe that transcendent entities, those enlightened about reality, would bother with such matters?”

Myung chuckled.

“Even the Great Seer, who held compassion for humans, only relinquished those mundane attachments on the brink of death. They are detached from the concerns of this world.”

“Heh, heh, heh... I’m not interested in the usual response. Only one thing truly matters.”

Croken scoffed, turning away.

High-minded ideals and rationale, the enigmas of the world—they held no sway over him.

To achieve that goal, he needed to rapidly regain his mobility and return to the scene.

Suppressing tears, Lennok procured another vial of headlock.

“If possible, I must find medicine that tastes good.”


“Reisen stood as one of the prominent figures with a profound interest in controlling awakened superhumans with magical abilities,” Evelyn expounded, lowering the teacup she cradled. An exquisite aroma wafted from the steaming beverage, teasing the senses.

It was likely tea brewed from leaves cultivated by her, a conclusion not surprising in the least.

“He scrutinized every operation our agents conducted, striving to trim the budget where he could. Yet, paradoxically, he sought to harness the very power we wield.”

“So you struck preemptively, before being struck yourself? A wise move,” Jenny interjected, her expression tinged with boredom.

Evelyn sighed at the overt gesture.

“I understand that this facet of the story doesn’t pique your interest. I entertained a guest with a pointless story.”

“If you understand that, give the catalog quickly. You must show what we can choose.”

Her eyes gleamed with an incisive intensity amidst her ebony locks.

“You didn’t summon us here just to secure pity, did you?”

Evelyn turned her gaze wordlessly toward the ashen-faced Lennok.

“Van, it’s perhaps belated to mention this, but your broker possesses an infuriatingly effective knack.”


“Could you inquire if she’s concealing illicit funds? If there’s something shady, I want to dig into it.”

“Ha, unlike Reisen, I’m not foolish enough to be apprehended for holding onto pocket change. Is that a jab at me?”

In the midst of the intense volley, Lennok massaged his temples.

The intellectual sparring was so acute that his head pulsed with pain.

Jenny knew too well that Evelyn could not boast carelessly, and the reverse held true—Evelyn wasn’t foolish enough to be ensnared by verbal maneuvers.

They understood the underlying reasons behind Jenny’s current assertiveness.

While the operation was in progress, she had refrained from expressing her thoughts, but now was the time to emphasize Lennok’s remarkable contributions to the endeavor.

Rather than relying on conjecture about how much Evelyn might value Lennok’s efforts, Jenny’s approach was to vigorously demand what he desired.

Finally, Evelyn let out a profound sigh and acquiesced.

“You’ve been unyielding right from the start. Very well, I’ll reveal our terms first.”

“You should have started with that.”

“Are you interested in assuming the role of our negotiator? You certainly seem capable of squeezing concessions even from a shred of tissue. It could help economize the agents’ budget.”

“Can you afford my fees?”

“Both of you, enough already. Let’s get to the point.”

Only after Lennok intervened did the intense mental sparring cease, and Evelyn commenced her explanation.

“We managed to bring down Reisen, but it’s important to recognize that the resources expended to secure the success of this operation were considerable.”

“What exactly do you mean?”

“I can compensate you, Van, as per the initial agreement. However, disbursing performance bonuses for this operation’s triumph in monetary form poses difficulties.”


In essence, the agency lacked the financial means to provide monetary incentives.

It wasn’t an unexpected revelation.

Had they failed to uncover intelligence about illicit funds in this operation, Reisen, having caught wind of Evelyn’s intentions, would have launched a counterattack against her.

From Evelyn’s standpoint, the success of this operation had been imperative, regardless of the financial outlay.

“So cash isn’t feasible. It seems you’re contemplating an alternative mode of compensation.”

Jenny remarked, crossing her legs.

“You aren’t considering stuffing us with surplus supplies to placate us, are you?”