12-15 minutes 16.07.2023

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Song of the Wanderer Arc

Great Demon King 02

Xin Lan had Zero Nine explain the subsequent plot to her, and she understood the general situation.

Zero Nine: This time, we can’t steal his woman anymore.

Because such a woman doesn’t exist.

Xin Lan: Even better. Anyway, someone like him can’t be hurt emotionally.

If the scumbags from the previous two worlds still had some admiration for others, this time it’s a complete psychological distortion. He doesn’t love anyone, not even himself, only money.

Considering his experience, this person is a complete gambler.

His mental state is actually not normal, but he tries hard to pretend to be normal.

He has a special obsession with money, but he’s not a miser. Whenever he has money, he spends it, usually on gambling.

However, he is different from the typical gambler. He never owes money, and sometimes he can win a lot. After enjoying a life of luxury, he still has a certain amount of money left to continue.

Xin Lan thought that this person initially became interested in the original host because of her innocent and weak nature, but over time, he got tired of it.

After all, sometimes simplicity is just another kind of dullness, too transparent to enjoy, tasteless when consumed.

This time, the scumbag deliberately initiated a game, also for the sake of money.

But in this game, he is not the mastermind; he is only a participant.

One day, he received an electronic invitation letter inviting him to participate in a game named “Game of the Brave.” The winner of the game would receive a prize of one hundred million yuan.

Most people would consider it as junk mail and delete it, but the scumbag’s curiosity was piqued.

He didn’t know who initiated this game or what kind of dangers awaited him, but he was addicted to the thrill and excitement of taking a reckless gamble on an uncertain future. So, he promptly signed up.

The email stated that he needed to organize a group of seven people within a specified time. Only when the required number of people was reached and the information about the game location was sent would the game begin.

The scumbag had the right to inform the other participants about the rewards of the game, but how could he bear to let others know and share the spoils? So, he didn’t reach out to anyone familiar. Instead, he posted a message online about organizing a self-planned tour group.

Five people responded, and with the scumbag, there were only six people. The time was running out, so the scumbag shifted his attention to the original host and invited her to participate in a short-term breakup trip.

When the original host nodded in agreement, a message was sent to the scumbag’s phone. Thus, he became even more certain that this was an extraordinary game for the brave.

Summarizing the subsequent plot that Xin Lan saw is actually quite simple. Apart from the scumbag, the other six people all died, and he survived, taking away one billion.

Xin Lan lowered her head, twirling the silver ring on her hand, and the falling hair covered the smile at the corner of her mouth.

Quite interesting.

“How much longer until we arrive? It’s been almost a whole day. I’m exhausted.”

A coquettish voice came from the back seat, making Xin Lan’s skin crawl.

“We should be close.”

The driver spoke, focusing on the road ahead.

“This road is making my butt sore. Later, big brother, you better compensate me properly!”

“Sure, whatever compensation you want.”

“That sounds about right.”

Zero Nine: Ugh, such a nauseating conversation.

Indeed, it’s quite disgusting, especially the girl intentionally pretending to be coquettish with that sweet and dripping voice, it makes one feel physically uncomfortable.

Zero Nine scanned the information of everyone in the car and compiled it before handing it to Xin Lan.

As the organizer of this travel group, the driver is naturally the scumbag himself, named Qi Haolin.

In his online post, he claimed to have a small courtyard nestled by the mountains and water, and he planned to develop it for business in the future. However, he didn’t know how things would turn out, so he organized a small group to visit first. It would last for seven days, and the fees were very low, including transportation. That’s why people signed up.

Qi Haolin has a decent appearance, and one could even say he’s handsome, with thick eyebrows and big eyes. He doesn’t look like a bad person at first glance.

But the truth is, he is not only a bad person but also an unapologetic scumbag who mooches off others and a twisted murderer.

This goes to show that you can know someone’s face but not their heart.

The girl who spoke in a coquettish manner earlier is named Molly. Qi Haolin was the last one to pick her up, and as soon as she got in the van, it was filled with the scent of perfume. She has been the most talkative during the journey, but she mostly chats with Qi Haolin, giving various hints.

There are seven people in total, four men and three women. Apart from Xin Lan and Qi Haolin, there are three men and two women.

Apologies for the oversight. Here’s the corrected translation:

Molly is a little coquettish, but not in a cute way. She wears a white dress, has long black straight hair, and canvas shoes. From behind, she looks like an innocent college girl, but her demeanor resembles that of a transactional college girl. With just a little act of being spoiled, she gives the impression of a seasoned diver who has been in the industry for a long time, experienced and knowledgeable.

The other girl, on the other hand, falls into the cute category. Her name is also adorable, called Pi Tianzi. She wears a Lolita-style dress adorned with cherry blossoms, has chestnut-colored hair, and a butterfly bow hairband. She has makeup on her face, but she also appears quite young, around eighteen years old.

It is worth mentioning that Zero Nine’s scanning results showed that the girl’s bone age is twenty-eight years old.

Molly, who appears much more mature than this Lolita, is actually only twenty-six years old.

As for the remaining three men, their styles are also different.

Among the three, the one who looks the youngest is called Ren Difei. He looks like he can’t wake up, with heavy dark circles under his eyes. As soon as he got in the car, he started sleeping. The data shows that he is a gossip entertainment journalist.

Sitting next to him is a white-collar worker named Sheng Lifan, well-mannered, dressed in casual attire, but he doesn’t seem to be in high spirits.

Sitting in the back, next to Pi Tianzi, is a tall middle-aged man, over six feet tall, bald, with a fierce look. His name is Ke Xuguang, and the data shows that he is a divorced truck driver.

Zero Nine collected this basic information, and Xin Lan memorized each one.

The road below started to become smooth, and the car was no longer bumping.

Xin Lan glanced at the sky outside. The last rays of light seemed to be disappearing on the horizon. It wouldn’t be long before it was dark.

Soft music played in the car, with the low and subdued voice of a female singer. Her singing carried a sense of suppressed sadness.

“When the nights, nightmares will come. They whisper behind their backs and see the devil you want to avoid…”

Xin Lan found the melody quite pleasant and hummed along softly in her heart.

When the night arrives, nightmares will come. They gossip behind your back, encountering the devil you want to avoid…

Who would be the devil?

Of course, it would be her.

After about ten minutes, the sky indeed turned dark.

Qi Haolin turned on the car lights and patiently continued toward their destination.

“I mean, isn’t this place too far? We’ve been on the road for a whole day. We must have crossed provinces by now, right?”

Ke Xuguang spoke, estimating that they had already run quite far.

“Yeah, when will we arrive?”

Pi Tianzi tugged at the small bow on her clothes. If she were alone, she would probably feel like she had been kidnapped, but having this group of people in the car made her feel somewhat relieved.

“Hey handsome, we won’t have to spend the night in the car, right? That would be so uncomfortable. Let’s hurry up. The weather forecast said it will rain in the next couple of days, and it wouldn’t be good if it starts raining later.”

Molly expressed her concerns, and just as she finished speaking, a thunderous sound echoed from outside.

There was a moment of silence in the car as everyone’s gaze focused on Molly.

“The weather forecast seems quite accurate.”

Molly chuckled awkwardly.

The earlier thunder seemed to be just the beginning. A rumbling sound came from the sky, and lightning illuminated the darkened sky as if tearing the heavens and earth apart.

The rain soon started pouring, beating against the car windows.

The car continued driving forward, and Qi Haolin squinted his eyes, seeing the lights not far ahead.

This should be the place.

The heavy rain was the perfect excuse to stop, after all, the so-called courtyard nestled by the mountains and water was just a lie he made up.

“It seems we won’t be able to make it today. With such heavy rain, there seems to be a house with lights ahead. Let’s knock on the door and stay overnight. We can continue our journey tomorrow morning.”

Qi Haolin turned the steering wheel, speaking as if discussing with the people in the back, but his tone carried an air of non-negotiability.

“Sure, I don’t want to spend the night squeezed in the car either.”

Molly immediately agreed.

Xin Lan remained silent, sitting up straight, tying her long hair into a low ponytail with a hair tie, and holding her backpack in her hands.

“A travel group, a stormy night, and a house with lights on the roadside. It’s like a ghost story essential.”

Ren Difei, who knows when he woke up, lazily spoke up.

Upon hearing his words, everyone felt a bit strange.

“Why don’t you go down then?”

Qi Haolin drove the car closer, stepped on the brakes, and turned off the engine.

“Sure, why not? It would be more fun if it’s a ghost story.”

“Hey, are you crazy? Why curse yourself like that? It’s one thing if you curse yourself, but why drag us into it?”

Molly rolled her eyes and complained. Even when she complained, her voice was still coquettish, and one might even think she was flirting.

“Based on my experience, people like you usually die the fastest.”

Ren Difei looked at Molly and said with a serious expression.


“Alright, stop arguing. Open the door quickly.”

Pi Tianzi urged Molly, who was sitting by the car door, and Molly let out a soft hum and opened the door.

The rain was heavy. After retrieving their luggage from the trunk, everyone quickly ran under the eaves.

Qi Haolin knocked on the door several times, but there was no response.

“Could it be that no one’s here?”

“If no one’s here, wouldn’t the lights be off?”

“Should we try pushing it open?”

Qi Haolin pushed the door, and since it wasn’t locked, it opened right away.

The interior was well-lit, giving off a warm and bright ambiance. The first thing they saw was the living room, which was quite spacious. There were paintings hanging on the walls, and the European-style decor gave it a charming atmosphere.

Qi Haolin took the lead and walked in, followed by Xin Lan, then Mo Li. Sheng Lifan was the last one and closed the door.

“Excuse me, is anyone here?”

Molly asked loudly, but the air remained silent with no response.

“Is the owner home?”

Molly asked again.

“Stop calling. There’s probably no one here.”

Ren Difei stood in front of one of the paintings hanging on the wall, examined them, and spoke to Molly.

“How do you know? What if the owner is just upstairs?”

Ren Difei shrugged and went to the entrance.

He tried pulling the door, but no matter how hard he tried, it wouldn’t budge.

“Unfortunately, it seems like the door won’t open.”

He slapped his palms together and turned to his companions.

“Don’t tease us, okay?”

“Don’t believe me? Try it yourselves.”

Molly ran forward and forcefully pulled the door. Despite it not being locked, just as Ren Difei had said, it didn’t budge an inch.